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[IC] A Stolen Land
[OoC: Healing skill might assist in identifying the effects of Poison or Disease. ]
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Eran casts message spells and whispers to the kobolds (one by one) in draconic: - Cheese cake, fried rat, fried baby, ...

He stops it immediately if one of them moves or replies.
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Vidal throws the coiled rope over his shoulder and draws his axe. "Happs Tushou and I can flank left through the woods. We capture and secure the kobolds. Aye?"
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(04-10-2018, 09:03 PM)Vidar the Red Wrote: Vidal throws the coiled rope over his shoulder and draws his axe. "Happs Tushou and I can flank left through the woods. We capture and secure the kobolds. Aye?"

Tushou nods.

OOC - We have to ask them about their lair. http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread.php?tid=408
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"Good idea brother."

"If your methods do not work I will try something more forceful, though not lethal. Vidar, whistle when you are in position on the far side."

Valdi waits to see if Nexendia or Eran's 'gentle' methods of waking the kobolds have any effect.

When he hears Vidar's signalling whistle, and if the kobolds are not already, he will ready a throwing axe in his left hand and pick up a fallen branch in his right. Once he makes sure the branch has decent balance and enough heft, he will back up, take a few running steps and heave the branch in a high underhand throw to land on one of the sleeping kobolds. [Underhand throw as the intent is not to damage but to startle.]
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Vidar does his best to move swiftly but quietly through the woods to reach the other side of the clearing... If he makes it there safely with the others he whistles.

[url=stealth [1d20-6] = 13-6 = 7]Stealth[/url]
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(04-11-2018, 04:17 PM)Vidar the Red Wrote: Vidar does his best to move swiftly but quietly through the woods to reach the other side of the clearing... If he makes it there safely with the others he whistles.

[url=stealth [1d20-6] = 13-6 = 7]Stealth[/url]

OoC - on the bright side, the goal of waking the kobolds is achieved
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[[Kobolds woke up when Nex approached. I'm studying for an exam at the moment and it's kicking my rear end in. Will post something as soon as I'm able.]]
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Roll for initiative? Smile
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(04-10-2018, 04:19 PM)Nexendia Wrote: [OoC: Detect magics range is a 60' cone.  Do we detect anything while we scan back and forth? ]

Nexendia stays out of the clearing and tells the group to ready weapons in case this goes ugly.  She tells everyone she's going to talk to them in Draconic.  If no one objects, she says in dragonic, "What happened to you?  Do you need help?"
[[There is nothing magical anywhere nearby.]]

The kobolds, regardless of what they are experiencing, scramble to their feet and start brandishing their little spears.

"Yark!  Yark-ark!  Yip-yark!  Yaaaark!"

For those who speak Draconic:
"Hey!  What're you doin' here?  Where you come from?  'Dis be our radish patch!  You don't get any!"

One of them seems to pause as Eran's Message goes through.  He wrinkles his nose disgustedly and looks around, wondering which of you has the taste for human flesh so much that they have to foul up the thoughts of a poor, honorable kobold with it.  Happs nods at Vidar's suggestion and begins to slide around the clearing, essentially disappearing.  Andra blinks as the big, burly warriors start moving to flank and takes a step back herself, giving herself some room and a better field of view.
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