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(02-02-2018, 01:38 AM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: Really?  I would have thought Professional level would be higher than “Above Average”...

Agreed! The description for 5D is poorly worded -- though that's from the 2E Rulebook.

I think just "expertise" or "expert" would fit far better. Especially since 5D
is the level you need to have in order to start learning Advanced skills. 

So 4D Professional level, 5D Expert, 6D Best in the city / 1 in 100,000, etc.
*rolls his dice*  He seems to know what he's doing, more so than when you fought him.  You still think you can beat him, unless he is really holding back.  

I don't really remember any definitions for skill levels.  It's not the kind of thing I really pay attention to.  If 6d is just the bestest, then what's 7 and up?  When you think about it, what is 'trained' depends on the skill.  A trained astrogator is going to have more dice than a trained shooter.  Given the base difficulty for astrogation is 15, even a professional at 4d is going to miss the target more often than not.
7D is maybe best on planet? At that point, it’s really really rare to find something better. I mean, how many beings can claim to be 8D in anything??
If you play as much as we did in high school, you'll get there and more. Our top games were Star Wars, Top Secret SI, and Cyberpunk. They are the reasons my homework rarely got done.
Explains my ignorance. I played this game awhile, but obviously not as often as you guys have.
He is gonna take more time and take it slow +1 for each extra day

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
My RPG friends and I used to play SWD6 weekly throughout middle school and regularly into high-school.
I think my first character was able to become quite the gunslinger and pilot. Not quite to Han Solo levels
(as Han had 10D starship piloting and 9D+1 blaster as of A New Hope, and was amongst the best in the galaxy),
but still quite badass.
Can i roll Con to se If anyone is Hoilding back?

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
I'm using your tactics roll to cover all that. You're already getting the idea that the big one was holding back on you.
Ok 4hx for the clarification

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk

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