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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[OoC:  Unfortunately there aren't any books of laws.  It can be assumed that most laws there are in most fantasy worlds are also here in New Crobuzon.  Except most punishments except for the most minor crimes are ReMaking.  

Quote:Remades are a horribly exploited underclass of New Crobuzon. Their condition and place in society is a form of indentured service or slavery (in the city itself as well as in its colonies and armies). The Remade are usually (but not always) humans who are caught up in the criminal justice system and then forced to undergo a capricious and cruel alteration at the hands of New Crobuzon's biothaumaturges. In the punishment factories, the prisoners' bodies are horrifically altered, limbs and other body parts replaced with steam-powered machinery, heavy mechanical metal parts, or grafted together with human or animal components. Live foxes sewn into chests, torsos attached backwards to a horse, tentacles and pistons and caterpillar treads and eyes and lizard claws fitted wantonly wherever they will go; the sadism of Remaking knows no limits. Karl Marx speaks metaphorically of this condition when he famously described exploited workers as, "an appendage of flesh on a machine of iron."

In Armada*, biothaumaturgical practicioners are willing to undo or mitigate the effects of New Crobuzon's Remaking for a reasonable sum, or even to perform the rare Remaking on request. Elsewhere in the world, Remaking is almost unheard-of.

(Horses and other service animals are sometimes Remade with mechanical parts for greater speed or power, but of course these are not sapient.  This is a possible way to enhance mounts and animal companions.)

*Armada is the name of a floating city made up of hundreds of ships, airships and other sea vessels all interconnected, existing as a movable pirate state on the ocean. The ships, the oldest having been part of Armada for more than a thousand years, are mostly built-upon, factories and residences built up on their decks (and in some cases, within their gutted hulls). The city's population is at least a hundred thousand, and is made up of humans, cactacae, khepri, ab-dead, Remade, scabmettlers and many other races. People considered criminals (or otherwise being of lower classes) in their former home states are recast as equals upon joining Armada, and often go on to hold positions of power.

Armada thrives on piracy, and through this method adds wealth to itself. Piracy of the seas also leads to acquisitions of knowledge in countless languages (all books are stolen for the Grand Gears Library), and the growth of Armada's population, for any ship intercepted by Armada's forces is assimilated into the city and its crew and passengers are press-ganged into citizenship for life. The language of Armada is called Salt, a constructed language deliberately made easy to learn, and consisting of vocabulary from the languages of the many races who inhabit the city.  [Salt only requires 1 skill point to learn]
As in the real world, New Crobuzon's judiciary concerns itself primarily with hearing disputes and passing sentence upon transgressors. The judges of New Crobuzon are referred to as "Magisters" or "Magistrates", and all operate under false names to protect themselves from possible retribution. It is implied that they wear masks while holding court.

Punishment at the hands of the New Crobuzon justice system is a harsh and terrifying affair. Crimes ranging from petty theft to murder are almost invariably punished with lengthy prison sentences and Remaking—a grotesque, painful process whereby a person's body is intentionally mutilated.  While New Crobuzon has no designated prison facilities they do have dungeons and holding areas for those Xenian's who can't be ReMade or for individuals that must be kept away from the public.
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(12-20-2017, 11:34 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: What exactly are you using Diplomacy for?  Is Betimi going to attempt to Sense Motive?]

[OoC Umm I was the very first to reply with a Sense Motive check.. you may have missed it.. I failed- http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....9#pid29369]

[OoC2 Betimi is using her diplomacy to Aid Another on Selina's Diplomacy roll she just made I think in teh effeort to perhaps get leniency or mercy of any sort for Agloval]

(12-20-2017, 11:34 PM)GM Marvel Wrote:
Quote:"He's being tortured merely for dealing with us? yet we are pardoned?  Your laws have some obvious flaws. no wonder you have a problem with rebels. If the laws made sense to them maybe they'd have nothing to rebel against?"

"No, he is being interrogated because he is a rebel collaborator.  Does your world allow those who collaborate with rebel terrorist to go about their business?  So they can assist them in murdering citizens of your cities?  If it does then it is your laws that don't make sense."

Quote:"All the Vadyanoi in question did was try to help us NOT break any Laws. That seems like the act of a citizen concerned for the well being of his city, not the act of a Rebel."

"A member of the public turned the Vadyanoi in to the authorities for assisting an otherworldly threat.  In order to find that threat he was questioned.  He refused to provide information so more extreme measures were used to get him talk.  For someone who only just met you, he endured quite a bit of interrogation to protect your whereabouts."

"We cannot undo his questioning, but perhaps we can beg you to show mercy with his life, or with not ReMaking him?"
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"Has this experience not proven that it's not easy to pardon someone of crimes," the Magistrate replies while beginning to lead you all back to his office.  "The political system in New Crobuzon is very bias against non-humans.  Asking someone of sufficient influence to stick their neck out for a Xenian is nearly pointless.  The only reason your group, especially with its assortment of Xenians, were pardoned was because the ambassador found your situation interesting.  It also helped that he owed me a favor or two."

When Forge asks about laws the Magistrate replies, "I imagine they are similar to your world.  Stealing, assault and murder is all against the law.  If you keep your nose out of trouble then you should be fine.  From the sounds of it, our punishments is where our worlds truly differ.  While minor crimes including minor theft and assault might be punished with a fine and time shackled in a dungeon, the punishment for every other crime is usually being ReMade.  The Magisters are encouraged to be creative in their application of justice.  For example, if you are convicted of murdering someone then you can likely expect to have a part of that person attached to your body.  For example, I have heard of a woman who accidentally killed her baby by picking it up by the arms and shaking it to force it to stop crying.  The Magistrate ordered to have the baby's arms sewn onto her face at the temples.  The baby arms are capable of movement and are a constant reminder to her of what she has done.  They are also an obvious sign to the public that she's a criminal who will be forever shunned by the public."
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(12-20-2017, 07:11 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: "I can transport you to the shop but unfortunately the merchant will not be available to serve you.  He's a rebel collaborator.  It's how your strange friend with the Cheetah found himself at the shop.  The Rebels directed him (Kee) to the Armorer because they knew he is sympathetic to their cause.  Justice must be served but Xenian's* are rarely ReMade.  I hear his son is currently watching the place."
OOC - Sense Motive [1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21

Kee collects his weapons and asks the Magistrate when he mentions his mount: And what is with Chris ... my Cheetah? Where is he?
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"It's my understanding that a lizard creature used a melody to calm the cheetah and take it with them back to the Scientist's loft.  I imagine the shopkeeper's son told them what happened.  Rather kind of them to do something like that for a complete stranger.  If it were anyone else from New Crobuzon the Cheetah would have been either sold to the circus or be served up on a platter."  Kee doesn't sense any deception but he does happen to notice that when the Magistrate speaks to Selina the tone in his voice seems a little softer and his eyes tend to linger on her when she's not looking.  His gaze does not seem at all lascivious or threatening in any way. 

You all soon arrive at the Magister's office where he offers you some wine and a bite to eat.
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Betimi sniffs at the wine cautiously, looks at the food and  decides that despite the food not being recognizable it is likely safe, and rakes a nibble. [OoC no recognizable body parts.. how do you know what you are eating?]
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Forge felt overwhelmed by the changing events, the magistrate, and the encounter with an ambassador from Hell. The food had no appeal for him so he simply stood watch over his new comrades. The Magistrate, Forge couldn't remember his name or if he ever gave one, seemed kind enough but Forge was never good at judging character. Too often he had been misled by humans. He just wanted a sword in his hand to give him comfort, even better would be a smith's hammer and hot metal to be reshaped and forged.
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Ningalu pipes up his concern in broken common. 

"Powwaw ... pardoned .. too?"
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(12-31-2017, 08:01 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: Ningalu pipes up his concern in broken common. 

"Powwaw ... pardoned .. too?"

The Magistrate nods.  "Yes.  Everyone, including your companions at your friend's lab are pardoned."

While you refresh yourselves or just relax he continues,  "There is another matter I need to discuss with you all.  The breaches between worlds is intensely worrisome.  There are even some in parliament who feel any knowledge of this development should be secured and eliminated.  That is precisely the reason why I took you to see the ambassador.  Due to his nature, he is more nuanced on the subject of the planes and other worlds.  He would be less inclined to jump conclusions and make rash decisions based on ignorance regarding the fate of your party.  But even though you have your pardons those in powerful positions still want this knowledge suppressed so there won't be a panic among the masses.  Mayor Rudgutter, of the Fat Sun party, who has been the mayor of New Crobuzon for what seems like forever, is someone who frankly has little personality or motivation beyond his desire to maintain the status quo.  You can imagine that the chaos brought by the breaking down of worldly barriers would disrupt this status quo rather severely which causes him serious distress.  The Mayor is a powerful enemy to have and while I do still have some political favors I can call in to keep you all somewhat safe, if you don't get out of New Crobuzon soon one of these power players might decide they must act against you.  Your group may have a few weeks or possibly even less before the favors owed to me will not be enough to protect you.  So I ask that you finish whatever business you have here, learn of a way to get yourselves back home and then leave New Crobuzon as quickly as possible.  I will try to offer whatever other assistance that I can."
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Forge took note of the Magistrate's words.  We should keep our off-world nature as secret as possible.  Why does the Magistrate wish to help us? He notes and ponders privately.
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