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Currently having a pity party. Burned the shit out of my fingertips. On my good hand. Have to type with one hand with a shitty wrist and one finger. I told my wife I should go to Vegas because my luck should be rebounding pretty spectacularly soon.
Oh no! Dude, you gotta wear gloves or pick a better fallguy next time! No need to burn off your fingerprints. Too dangerous AND too suspicious!

Kidding aside, that sucks. Hope it's not as serious as it sounds, and that you make a speedy recovery.

And since Jendu and I were kissing up to the GM earlier, you gotta cut us in on 'dem Vegas winnings! :-D
It just compounds the amount of frustration going on right now.
And now I'm sick. It's taking a lot out of me.
Tel me abort it first the little one and Then the rest of the familj. Get well soon

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
MiB, Rahullu, and Garlen, I believe you ALL are ailing in some form or another. 
I hope you 3 feel better soon. Best wishes to you and your respective families! 
See you here upon your respective recoveries! Where are Jendu, Korstyn, and 
I going after all — we're in prison!
(12-11-2017, 02:08 PM)Nova Wrote: MiB, Rahullu, and Garlen, I believe you ALL are ailing in some form or another. 
I hope you 3 feel better soon. Best wishes to you and your respective families! 
See you here upon your respective recoveries! Where are Jendu, Korstyn, and 
I going after all — we're in prison!
Add Jendu to that list, he's got a broken foot on top of it. LOL

I've just been overworked and under the weather.
I'm a little short on time today, but I'll make sure to put a solid post in tonight.
And I cleared up my entire week next week, so whatever happens, I should be ready.
(12-29-2017, 12:27 PM)Man in Black Wrote: (Roll your con.  Boring conversation anyway? )

OMG, haha, thanks for the kick in the pants, GM! Yikes. 

And yes. Um, had a slight weapons malfunction. But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?

I have to be more careful with the names. Totally rolling with it and rolling CON now!

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