[OoC: oops! I misunderstood meaning of the Forcecage. I thought it was some kind of defensive spell he had cast.
Toot will rub the few wiry hairs on his chin then asks from within the mushroom patch, "Since dorf was able to pass wand to him it mean cage not solid wall. More like bars of jail cell. So don't need to destroy bars, just find way to move through spaces between bars. Like a really powerful reduce or polymorph him into tiny snake or mouse or misty form spell."
Toot will then tippy toe to a new spot.]

Toot will rub the few wiry hairs on his chin then asks from within the mushroom patch, "Since dorf was able to pass wand to him it mean cage not solid wall. More like bars of jail cell. So don't need to destroy bars, just find way to move through spaces between bars. Like a really powerful reduce or polymorph him into tiny snake or mouse or misty form spell."
Toot will then tippy toe to a new spot.]