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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
While Shunna's eyes scan the arena attempting to spot any other hidden adversaries or escape routes she stalls for time by saying, "Do I have your word that no harm will come to me or my companions."  Shunna slowly steps 5' toward him [K17] hoping that if he attacks he will focus on her and not her companions.

[OoC: Swift Action: Using the Force (+15) to Sense Surroundings (DC 15) to ignore Cover and Concealment when making Perception Checks (See Upload #3); Result 19 (Success);  I accidentally wrote I was Searching my feelings in The Unseen Servant but it was Sensing my Surroundings I meant to do.  I cropped and uploaded the info from the Rule book so you didn't have to go looking for it.  

Fighting Defensively (See Upload #2): Standard Action; I don't plan to attack so I get +5 on my Reflex Defense] 

Perception Check (+10); Result 22

Sense Force (See Upload #1): Sensing disturbances in the force is automatic.]

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(11-10-2017, 06:20 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote: While Shunna's eyes scan the arena attempting to spot any other hidden adversaries or escape routes she stalls for time by saying, "Do I have your word that no harm will come to me or my companions."  Shunna slowly steps 5' toward him [K17] hoping that if he attacks he will focus on her and not her companions.

[OoC: Swift Action: Using the Force (+15) to Sense Surroundings (DC 15) to ignore Cover and Concealment when making Perception Checks (See Upload #3); Result 19 (Success);  I accidentally wrote I was Searching my feelings in The Unseen Servant but it was Sensing my Surroundings I meant to do.  I cropped and uploaded the info from the Rule book so you didn't have to go looking for it.  

Fighting Defensively (See Upload #2): Standard Action; I don't plan to attack so I get +5 on my Reflex Defense] 

Perception Check (+10); Result 22

Sense Force (See Upload #1): Sensing disturbances in the force is automatic.]

Yes Sense Force is automatic, but sensing another Force user is not, that is a full round action that has an opposed check. That is unless that other Force wielder were doing something to create a disturbance in the Force worthy of notice, then i would rule that to be automatic. In the current setting Force wielders that do not hide do not survive the Empire long.

Quote:Page 77 of the SW Saga Core book:
Sense Force (Trained Only): You automatically sense disturbances in The Force. A location that is strong in The Dark Side of The Force can be sensed out to a range of 1 kilometer. A relative, companion, or close friend in mortal danger or great pain can be sensed out to a range of 10,000 light years. A great disturbance, such as the destruction of an entire populated planet or the distress of a whole order of allies, can be sensed anywhere in the same galaxy. As a Full-Round Action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to determine the distance and general direction to the location of the disturbance.
As a Full-Round Action, you can use this ability to actively sense other Force-users out to a range of 100 kilometers. If you succeed on a DC 15 Use the Force check, you know how many Force-users are within range, their approximate distance and direction from you, and whether you've met them before or not. Another Force-use within range can try to conceal his or her presence from you be making an opposed Use the Force check. If she equals or exceeds your Use the Force check, you don't sense his or her presence at all. You can also specify that you are attempting to sense only Force-users with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher; success reveals only those Force-users with dark side scores, and not any other Force-users

Shunna does not sense any concealed foes (aside from Fog now having partial concealment, but then he's not hiding, just trying to keep from being shot.

"Who are you that you speak for those here? Of course harm will come to the rebellious traitor Ubi Sunt. But on my honour I will mot kill him. You will return to the mines where you will be allowed to live. The alternative, you die."

[OoC will update map and post Ubi's turn tomorrow]
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"I have no idea what you are talking about. i do not know anything about any rebellion, I am just a freighter captain..." Seeing the look on teh face of teh Imerial officer wielding the lightsaber Ubi changes his mind about what he was saying.

"Oh forget it, I have no intention of surrendering to the Empire!"

"Don't let the Empire take you as slaves again!"

He draws two blasters and rapidly fires one at Kratos, missing wildly.


[Swift action - Born Leader]
[Move action: draws two blasters keeping two arms free]
[Standard action attack - miss]

Born Leader
Once per encounter, as a Swift Action, you grant all allies within your line of sight a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls. This effect lasts for as long as they remain within line of sight of you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if line of sight is broken or you are unconscious or dead.

Updated Map :
[Image: arena-battle-rnd1_2.jpg]

Friendlies next then Stormtroopers
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Moving forward and up into the stands the Talz positions himself above the nearest trooper and fires his blaster pistol down at that trooper, also missing wildly. 

The Zabrak moves up beside Shunna and takes aim at Kratos with his blaster, his shot also
goes wide.

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The stormtroopers move to create an erratic wall of white armour across the sand, firing at the group as they move. Shunna and the zabrak are hit with two seperate bursts of autofire, which Shunna narrowly evades with an acrobatic roll, but the zabrak is unable to completely dodge [OoC Zabrak take 1/2 damage from the autifire 7 for the first, and 10 for the second (was 14 and 21 before half). ]

Captain Sunt is hit with one blaster attack, scorching his shoulder badly. [15 damage]

Njon, the Talz, takes a scorching hit to the thigh. [15 damage]

The zabrak takes another hit grazing his forehead and drops to the ground unconscious. [7 damage,   0 hit Points, -5 on condition track]

[Pause before beginning next round waiting for Callie to roll initiative.]

Trooper 1 moves to block anyone from getting to Kratos [I11] and fires at Captain Sunt. [Miss]
Trroper 2 moves down onto the sand and trots forward across the arena while firing at Captain Sunt. [Miss]
Trooper 3 moves down onto the sand as well and forward to shoot up into the stands at Njon the Talz. [HitDamage 15]
Trooper 4 turns and aims up at the Talz, firing his blaster rifle at him. [Miss]
Trooper 5 takes aim at Shunna and the Zabrak standing on the sand, and opens up on them with a burst of automatic fire from his blaster rifle [Autofire 10Damage 14 /2 = 7 damage to both Shunna and the Zabrak]
Trooper 6 moves across the sand to protect Kratos other flank.
Trooper 7 moves across the sand to take up position next to his comrades.
Trooper 8 moves acrioss the sand and aims his blaster rifle at the Zabrak. [HitDamage 8]
Trooper 9 raises his rifle and blasts Shunna and Zabrak with a burst of autofire as well. [Autofire 17Damage 21/2 = 10 Damage to both Shunna and the Zabrak] 
Trooper 10 takes aim at at Captain Sunt [Miss]
Trooper 11 advances on Captain Sunt, firing. [HitDamage 15]
Trooper 12 moves for a clear shot at Captain Sunt and shoots. [Miss]

Map updated:
[Image: arena-battle-rnd1_4.jpg]
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And Callie comes flying in like a little whirling ball of fists and feet!

initiative [1d20+9] = 19+9 = 28
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Round 2


Callie 28
Kratos - 26
F0G - 25
Shunna - 19
Ubi Sunt - 16
Friendlies - 10
Storm Troopers - 7

Callie is exploring the dark tunnels when suddenly the sound of blaster fire erupts just ahead and to the right. The corridor lit by a red glow of light from around the corner.

When/if Callie reaches the corner she will see a line of stormtroopers with their backs to her all concentrating fire on a mismatched group of people on the far side of what appears to be a fighting pit. in the center of the line of stormtroopers there is a older man with thinning grey hair wearing black battle armor and a grey cloak, he holds an ignited lightsaber out from his side and a heavy blaster in his other hand as he faces down the stormtroopers' targets.

Callie's turn.

Map updated:
[Image: arena-battle-rnd1_4.jpg]
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Callie peers around the corner, shocked at what she saw. Stormtroopers and a Jedi? That's just not right. She focused in on the Jedi's lightsaber and attempted to yank it out of his hand.

Use the Force [1d20+10] = 3+10 = 13
(So much for making a grand entrance.)

(Is that stormtrooper attacking a pug?)
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Kratos' turn

Kratos feels something yank at the lightsaber, but it did not seem to come from any of his current foes. He spins, scanning the room behind him.

[Kratos: Perception vs Callie (Size Medium = DC 5, 10 squares distance = 15 meters: 0 modifier; Lighting and the  corner grant Total Concealment: +10 modifier = DC 15)]

His eyes narrow when he just makes out Callie's head peeking around the corner.

"There's another!" and he points.

[FOGS turn]

"A new contender folks, odds shift away from Kratos!"    "Silence FOG or you're scrap!"

[Shunna's turn - note that you would have seen/sensed Callie's use of the force. You were looking right at Kratos]

[Image: a0d7e619971797ec8d351f4eabb157dc--jedi-c...ostume.jpg]
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Shunna Maza Wrote:While Shunna's eyes scan the arena attempting to spot any other hidden adversaries or escape routes she stalls for time by saying, "Do I have your word that no harm will come to me or my companions."  

(11-10-2017, 06:37 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: "Oh forget it, I have no intention of surrendering to the Empire!"

"Don't let the Empire take you as slaves again!"

He draws two blasters and rapidly fires one at Kratos, missing wildly.

Shunna rolls her eyes in frustration when Sunt completely ruins her attempt to stall.  She thought for a captain he would be a bit more clever in his dealings with an apparent Dark Side wielder or worse, a possible Sith.  Shunna had never faced another person skilled with the force and her instincts told her to attack Kratos.  But her training focused more upon her strengths which were not light saber combat.  
Suddenly her train of thought is interrupted by a couple of bursts of Auto-fire at her and the Zabrak.  Her lithe frame reacts instantly to twist and dance through the random splash of blaster fire that flashes around her.  

"Split up," Shunna yells.  

Shunna then notices someone else use the force to tug at the light saber in Krato's hand.  She glances around to see if she can spot where it came from...  [Perception Check +10; Result 26; I figure it shouldn't be too hard since Kratos looks in her direction and points.  Tongue

~Great, now who's this...~ Shunna thinks to herself.  She has spent many months looking for other force wielders with no luck.  Now suddenly you couldn't swing a cat without hitting one.  Shunna hoped this new force wielder who seemed to be trying to disarm Kratos was on her side.  If not, Shunna would have to deal with her after this mess of Stormtroopers and Kratos was dealt with...

[Swift Action: Activate an item (Light Saber); Page 153 (Bottom Right)]  The yellow blade of her Light Saber flashes into existence with a low hum noise.

Shunna darts toward the Troopers [5' step to K16] and then thrusts her hand toward them with all the strength she can muster (hopefully)...

[Standard Action: Force Slam; Result: 24; PAGE 97; Area: 6 square cone from East to West in Diamond pattern; Attempting to hit 7 Targets (8, 12, 11, 1, 6, 7, & Kratos);  Damage: 4d6=14 PLUS using force point to do an additional 2d6=6; TOTAL: 20 damage]

[I hope this makes sense...]

J15; K15
I14; J14; K14; L14
H13(hit:8); I13; J13; K13; L13; M13
G12; H12(Hit:12); I12; J12; K12; L12; M12; N12(Hit:11)
H11; I11(hit:1); J11; K11(hit:6); L11(hit:7); M11
J10(Kratos); K10
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