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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
(10-31-2017, 09:24 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: ((*sigh* nevermind, I guess the speaking part was already taken.))

[OoC lol go ahead and speak.. Betimi still considers Selina to be in charge.. just she is a little "under tyhe influence' of someone that likes to talk]
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Quote:[OoC symbiont traits: Darkvision 60', Telepathy,  Int:5, Wis: 12]
It seems we have been endangered by our newest companion. I know.. i know..  new companions are continually bringing more danger.. but we cannot survive what is coming alone.. we must have allies...  I cannot see.. tell me where we are? are we up high? On one of their floating boats? or on top of their unnatural mountains?

[OoC: Keeping in mind that the symbiont is less intelligent than an ogre...]

"We are up high. Leaving flying boat. [Blowing wind] Walking along bridge.  Now going inside tall building! [Door slams] Walking down hallway.  Everyone stopping in small room.  What's happening?  [this is when you feel yourself being lifted] Now in big room with lots of people poking strange boxs on many desks. [You hear lots of tapping noises]  In new room now.  Nice room! [Hood torn off]"
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The Magistrate pauses for anyone else to speak up and when the room remains silent he replies, "If this small man is not an associate then why does he allow you to speak for him?  But if you do speak the truth then the rest of you are only in slightly less trouble.  Generally speaking, New Crobuzon has a zero tolerance policy against outworlders."  

"In the distant past a group of outworlders came to our world.  They promised technological and Thaumatugical advancement beyond any world's wildest dreams.  We accepted their offer gratefully.  Stupidly.  But we were young and trusting of our outworlder friends.  They did give us what was promised but they also enslaved the population.  Eventually we rose up and drove the Outworlders from our dimension and since have been always watchful of other Outworlders who might attempt to brutally enslave us again."

"You state you have done nothing wrong but by simply sailing over the threshold of that portal in the sewer you broke one of our most important laws.  As for your short friend, he did far worse.  The Thaumaturgy he used disrupted space and time.  It tore a hole in the barrier between worlds and ripped apart everything it came in contact with which included about a dozen of our militia who happened to be engaged in operation against a rebel faction.  The faction then escaped with your small friend and since then we have been scrying the city for him.  We only located him just today and where do we find him, with others who also took advantage of the weakening he caused to the dimensional barrier.  Coincidence?  Some people might say it was the luck of Saint Jabber that brought you together.  I for one do not believe in luck."

"So before I decide to go ahead and attach the dozen sewn back together heads of the fallen militia who will forever whisper to him of all the pain he has brought to them and their families to your small friends shoulders and back and of course your own individual but creative ReMakings, what further defense do you have to offer?"

[OoC: Betimi knows the following about, St. Jabber

Jabber is by far the most widely known and worshiped deity of New Crobuzon. His name is very frequently invoked as a curse or general exclamation, and the title of "Saint" is usually omitted.]
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"If being Outworlders is our crime we have very little defense, as that is simple fact. We are indeed Outworlders. But perhaps we might be able to convince you that we have no intention of causing distruption. We merely seek to get back to our own world, as we arrived here quite unintentionally. "

She looks back at Selina for approval before she continues.
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"The degree of threat which you pose would be an important mitigating factor.  It could mean the difference between a minor ReMaking and Execution."  The Magistrate pauses a moment and then adds, "And I would like to hear more about this world from which you hail."
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Selina had been about to say something, when Betimi jumps right in and speaks for her.  Her mouth stays open and she takes on a steadily more and more horrified look as communication breaks down so completely.  What in the Goddess's name...  "That is ENOUGH!  I am fully capable of speaking for myself and we do not need you to determine what it is any of us have to say."  She then turns to the Magistrate.   "As she has stated, we arrived here entirely by accident and only seek a way home.  If it was my choice, I would never have come here at all.  We have no desire to have anything to do with this location and have no desires of returning.  I assure you, we pose no threat to anyone in this world.  You may not wish to take my word for it, but I will swear by the Goddess that it is the truth."
[Diplomacy +5]

[[And yes, I'm still kinda upset about how things went OOC, so apologies if her response is tilted that way.  Selina is also not very happy with Betimi right now.]]
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[OoC remember Betimi is at least not inept alsoDiplomacy +5 and has the ability to do rapid diplomacy at no penalty.. that may help smooththings ]
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Nacesh does not comment verbally but tries to make an appreciating and respectful expression as the magistrate speaks.
When Selina speaks up, the spearman looks as innocent as he can, insinuating with his nonverbal communication that whatever the priestess said was the truth (as it really is...)

OOC - Nacesh is not a spokesperson, he's better at listening to someone. I thought it might be a nice idea to aid Selina or whoever in this nonverbal way. Not that it worked Wink
Diplomacy - aid another [1d20+6] = 3+6 = 9
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"I shall let the others in my group describe our world to you, as I know little of it, my people live deep underground, far from the above worlders, and I had only recently arrived as a refugee to the wlands under the open sky. I know very little of their ways."

She looks over her shoulder at their leader, hoping Selina will continue.

[Diplomacy Aid another [1d20+5] = 8+5 = 13]
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Kee nods and answers: Yes. I'm also a outworlder so guilty; but I didn't want to come to this world and most of all not this way. I really sorry that some of you are injured and/or died but this was an accident: our evil enemy used they wild magic and corrupted our ritual and ripped a hole in the weave. I also lost lot of my comrade there.
He points to the others and continues.
They have right we never met before. If you want then I can swear for my Lord. Also you could use your magic and checks my words in a Zone of Truth.
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