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[OOC] Return to the Rusty Rat
Ok, so do I still roll for Spell Resistance or are we going back to the original ruling?   Perhaps Toot can try again the next day.
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(07-21-2017, 08:29 AM)Toot Wrote: Ok, so do I still roll for Spell Resistance or are we going back to the original ruling?   Perhaps Toot can try again the next day.
Yes you can roll as if I hadn't rolled.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
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Why do you do this to me?  Any time I HAVE to roll well there is a 99% chance I'm going to fail.

SR Roll: [1d20+8]=18

Told you.  Dodgy  That doesn't even beat the SR Green Dragons at their earliest age.
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Well that was my original roll as well if it's any condolence. But if you feel that your next roll wouldn't work you can always ask me to roll for you.
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Quote:"Not sure if you have the time for extended camping," a familiar voice calls out from one of the paths that enter the clearing the party is located.

There really wouldn't be any extended camping.  Toot already had Scry memorized so he would have cast it after they got back to the camp to tell the Fey what we found out.  Then we were going to camp for the night to rest and re-memorize.  In the morning he could cast the Scry spell again.


The 3.5 rules seem very vague on the resting rules.  Arcane casters need at least 8 hours of sleep plus 1 additional hour for each interruption but it doesn't seem to say anything about what happens if you don't sleep or if you only got (for example) 6 hours of sleep.  Do you automatically become fatigued?  Or you get a Fort save?  In my own games, everyone except arcane casters require at least 6 hours of sleep.  And thus far everyone has been able to get a full nights rest so I've never needed to make any rulings or saves.

I was looking at the Pathfinder's rules who admit that the core rules are vague on the requirements for resting and sleeping.  But they seem to have come up with two options.

Personally, for my game I will likely adopt both options.  Basically have everyone require only 6 hours of sleep and Arcane casters only need 8hours if they are memorizing. I will likely also adopt the benefits for the different amounts of sleep except only require 6 hours of sleep to get hit points back instead of the 8 hours mentioned in Option 2.

Quote:Option 1: 
Characters who do not get a full night’s sleep may suffer the effects of fatigue. If a PC does not get at least 6 hours of sleep, she must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be fatigued and take a –1 penalty on all other checks and saving throws against sleep effects. A second night without sleep requires another DC 15 Fortitude save. A failed save results in the character becoming exhausted and the penalties increasing to –2. A third failed save on the next night increases the penalties to –3.

Quote:Option 2: 
We think it is reasonable that most creatures must rest for approximately 1/3 of every day, which in most worlds translates to roughly 8 hours per day.
For most creatures resting means sleeping. In some worlds some races can gain the benefits of rest simply by sitting quietly maintaining an awareness of their surroundings, while in other worlds those races must sleep, which leaves them vulnerable to attack.
In any case, these are the actual benefits of rest, per the core rules.
Armor Note: A creature that rests or sleeps in medium or heavier armor gains the fatigued condition if they do not possess either the Endurance feat or some other class or race ability which allows them to sleep in such uncomfortable gear.
  • 1 hour rest: No hit point recovery / No ability dam recovery / Exhaustion reduces to Fatigue
  • 8 hour rest: 1hp x Character Level / 1pt for each affected ability / Fatigue reduced to nothing
  • 24 hrs rest: 2hp x Character Level / 2pts for each affected ability 
HP Recovery: Eight hours of normal rest allows a character to recover 1 hp per character level. A disabled character that is not aided by another can attempt a DC 10 Constitution check after resting for 8 hours, to begin recovering hit points naturally (see the disabled condition for additional rules.)
Twenty-four (24) hours of complete rest allows a character to recover 2 hp per character level.
Long-term care: A character recovers hit points at twice the normal rate if attended to by a character who successfully uses the Heal skill to provide “long term care.”

How do you handle rest?
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Here are some of the Herbs I have come up with that were located in the PDF I found.
  • Basil (Common): Located in any Temperate; Cost: 5cp/oz of leaves; Benefits: Immediate Fort Save vs Poison

  • Blackthorn (Uncommon): Located in Any Forest; Cost: 5sp/oz; Benefits: Demonbane (Like Garlic to Vampires)

  • Buthu (Rare): Located in Any Temperate; Cost: 5gp/oz; Benefits: Maximizes Potential Divinations (whatever that means)

  • Caranator (Rare): Located in Any Mountain Forest; Cost: 12gp/oz; Benefits: Immediate Will Save vs Charms

  • Cloth of Gold (Rare): Located in Temperate to Warm Hills; Cost: 5gp/oz; Benefits: 1 round speak with animals

  • Cowslip (Common): Located in Any Temperate; Cost: 5cp/pound; Benefits: Increases chance of summoning Fey Creatures

  • Dryad's Tears (Uncommon): Located in Any Temperate; Cost: 5sp/pound; Benefits: Lycanthrope bane (Like Garlic to Vampires)

  • Fool's Weed (Uncommon): Located in any Marshland or Riverbanks; Cost: 5cp/oz; Benefits: Save vs Fear or Rage

  • Hawthorns (Common): Located in any Temperate; Cost: 5cp/oz; Benefits: See Fey Creatures despite any Invisibility for 1 hour 

  • Tamarisk (Rare): Located in Warm Hills; Cost: 5gp/pound; Benefits: DragonBane (Like Garlic vs Vampires)

  • Vervaine (Uncommon): Located in Any Temperate Hills; Cost: 5sp/oz; Benefits: +1 Level for Turning Undead
There are a few others that were located in the link provided by Silent Giant but they don't have any info about rarity, cost or Location.  Garlic has more than one entry so I included both.  You will need to decide what you want to do with these...

Option one: Vs Vampires.
Option two: Strong antiseptic, good for repelling insects (and vampires). Prevents infections when applied to wounds; wounded recover 2 hit points per day for the first three days of rest. Has a 50% chance of repelling attacking insects, giant or otherwise. Juice can restore one hit point per injury that was lost due to poisonous sting or bite.

This plant grows in alpine environments. It shows only a small stalk above-ground, but its roots go down 2-3 feet into the soil. An infusion of Tugwort causes the skin to toughen and mend with unusual speed, granting 3 points of resistance against slashing damage for 8 hours. Fresh Tugwort can keep for up to a week before losing its potency; when dried, it keeps for about a month.

Nura Stalk: 
This plant is common in temperate forests. It has a thick stalk, nearly an inch in diameter. When this stalk is broken, the broken ends exude a white sap. This sap has the property that it stops bleeding when applied to open wounds. A little-known effect is that if used within a round of an attack that damages/drains Constitution via blood loss (dire weasels, vampires, etc), it can actually prevent one full point of Con loss from the attack. In other circumstances, it simply heals 1d4 points of damage (so long as that damage was caused by a wound and not e.g. negative energy, cold, etc). Nura sap loses its potency within a matter of hours once exposed to air, but the stalks can be kept for about a week if the bases are kept covered with wet cloth. The sap can be preserved by combining it with soft wax without allowing its temperature to exceed 110F at any point in the process.

Chasmyre Leaf: 
Chasmyre leaf is a sickly-looking brown-black leaf that grows on short shrubs in swampy environments. If crushed and applied to the eyelids, however, it grants the user Low Light Vision for an hour. Chasmyre leaf keeps for a few weeks.

Hrondis' Tears: 
These small blue bell-shaped flowers grow in open fields with plenty of sun. Their properties are known only to a few, due to the specificity of their use. If a strand of Hrondis' Tears are wrapped around the hilt of a weapon, that weapon can be used to strike incorporeal undead as if it were a magic weapon. Hrondis' Tears can last for up to a week and still confer this property.

St. John's-Wort: 
Boil a dozen in wine to make a tincture for wound treatment; it helps close wounds and heal bruises. If immediately applied to a wound, return 1-4 points as having "never been lost". Powdered seeds drunk in a broth will add +1 to save vs. poison if taken within two rounds of poisoning.

Dried, treated and powdered, then made into a brew, its use immediately grants creatures under the effects of Enchantment effects another saving throw (unless the effect did not grant an initial save). DC: 15.

Oily yellow moss that gives a euphoria that strengthens resolve, often used by natives before combat. When chewed for one minute it gives a +2 alchemical bonus on saves vs. fear and compulsion effects for 30 minutes. When in combat, the user must make a DC 10 Will save or suffer the confusion effect as the spell for the duration. DC: 25.
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Never really thought about what-ifs but there should be a cumulative penalty on those fatigue saves like +1DC for every missing hour and every passing day, e.g. 4 days with 4 hours of sleep each would be DC17 for first day, DC20 the second, DC23 for third and DC26 for fourth. Next if you sleep 12 hours (6+6) your DC it's decreased by six but still counting days it's DC21. Next day 12h again and you are down to DC15 where you're considered rested and counting of days stops.

Now for scrying, I thought the first scry attempt was after the rest. Will amend text accordingly.
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I'm memorizing my spells and I can't remember if we were given or had something that helped us breath underwater.  Does anyone remember?  If not then perhaps I should pick up Water Breathing.
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(07-28-2017, 12:47 AM)Toot Wrote: I'm memorizing my spells and I can't remember if we were given or had something that helped us breath underwater.  Does anyone remember?  If not then perhaps I should pick up Water Breathing.

I planned it but missed, so I fixed my error. You could check Torin's memorization under his sheet (see sign).
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Water walk sounds handy as well.
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