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[OOC] Return to the Rusty Rat
I'll give that a look in a few. Can't do that on my work computer.

I'm guessing nature or survival skills to know that herbs are a thing that exist?
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Knowledge (Nature); Profession (Herbalist or Apothecary); and Survival all apply. Just in case it would matter in the future I'd allow synergies between these. (they are in core between K(N) and Survival in both directions, just threw the profession inside for anything related herbs)
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I got none of that. I'm not even sure if I should put cilantro on my tacos! :p
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I take it that it's only Giant willing to move on, the others don't intend to rest, memorise, or take part in any conversation, let alone move on?
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I'm sorry but I've been busy with work and company.  Also, your post was the first notification from this site that I've received in a while.  Toot will likely want to rest and change a couple of spells.  We have talked about picking up water breathing and I think maybe Airwalk.  I don't think anyone is injured but if they are, Toot will cure them the best that he can with his limited array of curing magic.
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I must have missed that post. My spell selection is good. Just need to memorize armor again
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So, all's well and rested?
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Yes and I will replace some spells. I hope tomorrow I have some free time to over think it, but our CEO will visit us and as you now only 80-100 people working here and half of them is on holiday. So we must represent us ... Tongue
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(06-27-2017, 05:53 PM)Torin Wrote: Yes and I will replace some spells...

Yes, I'm going to do my best to do the same.
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I reorganised Torin's spells.
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