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Entry Cavern
Kayla will go if possible, Her concern for the missing townsfolk, and her general curiosity, is greater than her fear of getting taken captive in an ambush...
Chorme is little if not conversational, he will surely go along. He is basically assuming he'll be going along. Plus, he doesn't have the general idea of common risks of a general adventuring party and practices they should avoid at all costs.
"I'll go, if there's room."

Knowledge: Local [1d20+7] = 7+7 = 14 to identify
Weyna overheard some of Khonnir's crew after their first expedition talking about some 'skulks' they had dealt with in the caves. They are known to be generally evil and will kill whole households before looting them.
Cin is most effective within 20' of her target so if there is any problems she would rather be with close to her possible targets.  But if everyone volunteers to go, Cin will stay quiet and stay behind to guard those that don't follow the skulks.

The Pistolero tries to move to a location where she can put her back up against a wall but can also keep the others within sight.  Cin makes sure her pistol is loaded and readies herself to blow away anything that tries to harm or attack the group.
Weyna's eyes light up for a second, almost like she has an idea. She turns and searches through a pocket of her backpack, then curses quietly.

"Damn. I must have dropped it. I have to backtrack and see if I can find my... crystal. You guys go on ahead. It's probably right around the corner."

Turning back in the direction they came from, she gets maybe 15 feet away, with her back turned, before Kayla hears her voice whispering in her ear.

Message spell to Kayla: "They're skulks. They kill whole families and loot them."

((OOC: I'm hoping to get this Message sent to more of the group, but I can only target one at a time right now. So I'm allowing for reaction time.))

Bluff [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2
((OOC: Weyna is a terrible liar. That's fitting.))
Let's try this...

For those that stay...
While waiting for the other half of the group to return, the two skulks left behind watch their hal of the party with wary eyes. They appear nervous but don't seem like they are wanting a fight.

For those that go...
The female leads half the group along the ledge to the East. It curves to the North and enters a different cavern. This one is much smaller and has a lone hut. She easily scrambles down the ledge and motions for the group to follow her. (Climb DC 10) Inside the hut, the group finds another female skulk. The other female doesn't wait for introductions. "You help us, we help you. Gremlins steal from us. You kill gremlins, we leave you alone and give treasure?" She doesn't give off any sense of dishonesty.
Chrome follows the female without too much worry for his own part. Not having quite got the message, nor inclined to assume the worst in other humanoids by default, and in addition a trading of favors doesn't really require good intentions as it's more of a deal. In any case, he looks down the ledge with a sigh and tries to find some easy footing by going down slowly.
Climb: 1d20-1 15
Thankfully, he doesn't make a fool of himself and gets down to the bottom where he listens to their proposal. "Seems fairly straightforward. I would love to hear the gremlins' side of things if they have one. Have you done anything to instigate them, such as taking things of theirs as well?" His question genuine, with no desire to spread malcontent or accuse these creatures of anything. Simply his own granting of benefit of the doubt to those now able to make a defense for themselves.

(Sorry, this is Chrome Veneer. For some reason my default settings were all undone when i moved my Computer, didn't catch this and don't see how to adjust it)
She scowls back at Chrome. "Gremlins steal from us. Make life hard. You kill for us, we give treasure."

Cin continues to watch the Skulks for any movement or indication from body language.

Sense Motive: 6  Dodgy

'They seem like such nice people,' Cin thinks to herself.   Tongue

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