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(06-09-2017, 02:54 AM)Tiktuk Wrote: Sorry I am posting late, I had to reinstall windows and loos ALL my apps. Lost part of my sound card too. So I am just getting my system back to some form of completion.

that really sucks, best of luck fixing it. Tip use the taptalk on your phone for shoort messages.
My Land line does not have taptalk.

Yeah I got it back up and working save for the rear audio jack which some how is damaged. Guess my Vacation fund this year is getting a new computer.
All of rahullus and novas opponents ate down now?

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
Yes. I forgot to add in that a wookie jumping on a stormtrooper is usually enough to make them want to stay down for awhile. Big Grin
How many troopers are pinning down our friends?
Off-topic: but as a present to Tiktuk for her computer woes:

Fan-commission from the SWD6 g+ group of a Jawa starship!
("Starcrawler" by Adam Kopala, who does great starship artwork)

[Image: image.jpg]

Also, what do you think about making a run for the ship, Lu?

I figure that even at -1D multi-action penalty, our dodges + medium smoke/debris cover might be good enough to make it through unscathed.
(Nova takes risks tho, so she might try it.)
Lets just aim one round and shoot the in the back

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
There's still like half a battalion of troopers though, right? And that Star Destroyer's closing tho! I don't want to get tractor-beamed.

Haha, I am mentioning this exchange IC as:
"Gwaaarrnng urrr wurnnn." - Nova attempts to speak Shryiiwook to debate tactics with Rahullu, as they run Wink
Okay lets run and shoot and then didge

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk

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