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Since everyone is kinda buissy how about leting spacesick guy do pre flight?
But what's his skill? Space herpes is a bitch! :p
not sure what you mean by link if you check the rolls for the campaing you can se them?? At least i can, the thrown weapons roll strange enought is not there thou, but the others
Its a blank skill OvO
(06-07-2017, 11:22 AM)Man in Black Wrote: But what's his skill?  Space herpes is a bitch!  :p

Haha! MiB, has Gamer75 has replied to you? He'd asked me to ask you to PM about characters, as it seemed he was having technical issues w/ blank messages.
Jendu in case you havent noticed Rahullu is kinda bussy smashing impsSmile

Skickat från min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
Oh question MIB, is the officer in stormtrooper armor or normal uniform? i figured uniform, but i rememberd it was not written.
Grab the armor and unis + equipment will be nice when we go to the prison to have options
(06-07-2017, 06:51 PM)Tiktuk Wrote: Grab the armor and unis + equipment will be nice when we go to the prison to have options

I am kinda thinking we wont get the knight now, our cower is obiously blown, but i hear you rahullu will take a trooper as amonution, but before he will grab the utilitybelt. Armour will,take to long i think.
(06-07-2017, 06:54 PM)Rahullu Wrote:
(06-07-2017, 06:51 PM)Tiktuk Wrote: Grab the armor and unis + equipment will be nice when we go to the prison to have options

I am kinda thinking we wont get the knight now, our cower is obiously blown, but i hear you rahullu will take a trooper as amonution, but before he will grab the utilitybelt. Armour will,take to long i think.

You know, I also was curious about this prologue's setting.

MiB! Farron Prime is still just an initial supply port that we're hitting up pre-prison mission, yes?
That was the impression I got -- that we were still only gearing up and were on the way to land on /
infiltrate the prison itself elsewhere. We just happened to "luck" into Imps who were suspicious of us, yes?
Or is Farron Prime, say, the planet that Farron Delta the Prison Moon orbits around?

(Haha, I guess we all were sitting WAY too far in the back of the war room of Dantooine to hear Mon Mothma and Admiral Raddus' full briefing!)

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