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~Character Construction/ Creation~
Maybe they should have knocked on my door first before going all the way to New York.   Angel
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I will give up the 1 point. and shes a registered mutant so public ID if that's okay.
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(03-25-2017, 05:48 PM)Brittany Wrote: Maybe they should have knocked on my door first before going all the way to New York.   Angel

Luckily we have cell phones and a teleporter. This man hole cover is wooping our teenage butts!
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Hehe. Better use your awesome tech soon or they'll be rendered unusable by the contratechnological might of...being underground Big Grin
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Is there still an open slot for this game?

I have a thought for a certain Niall Glacian that might be interesting.
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You won't see us turning you away
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Don't look at me, I'm just here for the scenery.
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(07-23-2015, 07:20 AM)Niall Glacian: Wrote: [Spoiler]
Real Name: Niall Glacian

Alias(es):  Stitch, Nod

[Image: cred-st.jpg]

Primary Abilities (CP cost: 69)
AbilityRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
EnduranceExcellent16+1 for Breed41-7071-9495-00
IntuitionExcellent16+1 for Breed41-7071-9495-00

Secondary Abilities
Health: 40
Karma: 48
Resources: Ty
Popularity: 0
Origin: Breed Mutant

Karma Pool: --
Advancement Fund Karma:  --

Powers ( 3 / 4 ) (CP 134 - 30 point restriction)
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Grafting*Remarkable26Limitation - requires two free hands touching target (Rm)36-6566-9495-00
2) Sleep - InducedRemarkable26--36-6566-9495-00
3) Plague CarrierExcellent16--51-8081-9798-00
4) -Typical5--51-8081-9798-00

Talents ( 1 / 4 ) (CP 15)
TalentNotes/ModifiersGreen F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Sharp Weapons--51-8081-9798-00
2) Animal Training--51-8081-9798-00
3) ------
4) ------

Contacts ( 0 / 4 )
1) ---
2) ---
3) ---
4) ---

Group Affiliation: --
Base of Operations: --

Occupation: Student
Identity: --

Physical Description
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 130 lbs
Appearance:  Tall for his age, although not exceptionally so, Niall is thin, but has a small pudge at his stomach.  His hair is is close-cropped and dark red.  His blue eyes are wide set and heavily lidded. He often smells of sanitizer alcohol and vinegar, and regularly is seen rubbing hand sanitizer on.  The back of his left hand has a noticeable square of light brown skin.  A larger lizard shaped area on his right thigh is a faint greenish color and covered in fine scales.

Costume: --

Gear: An old leather doctor's bag, filled with movie quality doctor tool props. Several small notebooks filled with random notes about various well known superheroes, particularly mutants, with publicly available information about powers and team ups.  Intermingled among these notes are records of numerous graftings done on small animals, the results and viability of the results and if the subject was freed, terminated, or retained.

Transportation: --

Mother: Mary Katherine Glacian (Former graduate of Xavier's, known for her energy manipulations powers)
Father: Donnal Glacian (Known Bio-vampire mutant from Ireland known as Dullahan)
Siblings: None
Demeanor: Quiet and inquisitive
Motivation: To find a way to not only move parts from one subject to another, but to congregate powers and natural abilities into a true perfect amalgamation form.
History: Niall had a very disruptive early life as both of his parents had issues integrating with normal society for very long.  Thus for his first ten years, the Glacians never spent more than a month in a given place.  After a decade of relatively solitary travel, the Glacians finally found some support by joining the Culpepper & Merriweather circus.  It was during this period that Niall's power began to present.  His mother and father were nearly fired due to Niall accidentally knocking them out on several occasions. It was during these long periods of unsupervised self-entertainment that Niall discovered his other ability.  For a brief period the C&W freak show started to gain notoriety for how startlingly alive the "animatronic" jackalopes, fiji mermaids, and squirrel-birds were.  As soon as his parents realized what was going on with the animals, they panicked and abandoned the circus, disappearing with Niall in the middle of the night.  Over the next few years, they returned to their nomadic patterns but despite trying to get Niall to understand the dangers of his grafting abilities, he seemed determined to continue what he began to call his "experiments". At the end of this time they were settled for a few weeks in Litchfield, CT. 

For the first time in quite awhile Niall had actually developed a friendship with another kid, another early teenager named Miles Dearbourne.  Miles attracted Niall's attention because not only was he a funny and entertaining kid, but he also had severe arthritis and organ damage caused by a major tuberculosis infection when he was a baby.  Niall was open with Miles about his abilities and in a kind of 'blood brother' ceremony Niall swapped a small patch of skin from the back of their hands with each other. He had done something similar as a memorial to his first dead pet, a bearded dragon named Cleo, grafting Cleo's skin on his thigh shortly after she died. 

Eventually they spent the night at Miles house, and despite his parent's stern warnings Niall decided to try to fix his friend.  It was after he had lulled everyone in the house to sleep, he set to work on 'fixing' his friend.  While it appeared that Niall may have successfully repaired Miles joints, during the operation a new power manifested.  Niall drew in the the latent TB from Miles' blood, and the next day accidentally spread the disease to both of Miles' parents, a gas station attendant, several people at the grocery store and his own father.  A week later, all of these victims began showing symptoms.  While Niall was able to cure his father, the CDC had been called in to address this terrifying outbreak of TB in such a small town and the Glacian's packed up and disappeared before any more dots could be connected. 

At a loss as to how to deal with these ongoing issues, Mary Katherine reached out to her old Professor and asked for Niall to be taken in at the school to learn the control necessary to prevent him from becoming a public hazard and driven to even further isolation and resentment at the world.

Notes: Niall often will have small creatures that he will catch and train with simple commands and perform "experiments" on to try to find a new, better form for it.  Niall is a good person and doesn't want to cause pain and suffering for anyone, but often does not think past the immediate aftermath of what he wants to do.  He knows from his superhero studies that his powers have the ability to be a great boon to everyone, but making a frog fly is pretty cool too, you know?

If I'm doing the math right that should be 69 CP for FASERIP, 134 CP for powers, 15 CP for talents for a total of 218 CP.  With a 30 CP limitation on the Grafting, that would drop me to 188 CP total.  Those last 2 points I guess would go to Karma pool.
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(03-14-2021, 11:00 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(07-23-2015, 07:20 AM)Niall Glacian: Wrote: ..

( 3 / 4 )
 (CP 146 - 40 for limit)
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Grafting*Excellent28Limitation - requires two free hands touching target (Inc)36-6566-9495-00
2) Sleep - InducedRemarkable30--36-6566-9495-00
3) Plague CarrierExcellent20--51-8081-9798-00
4) -Typical5--51-8081-9798-00


If I'm doing the math right that should be 63 CP for FASTRIP, 146 CP for powers, 15 CP for talents for a total of 224 CP.  With a 40 CP limitation on the Grafting, that would drop me to 184 CP total.  Those last 6 points I guess would go to Karma pool.

Usually w started our characters with the bas rank for their rank, so unless purchased  more points wouldn't you have Ex 16 for Grafting, Ex 16 for  Sleep, and Rm 26 for  Plague Carrier?

Or is that Rm 26 for Grafting?  Remember Excellent tops out at 25. you have to purchase Rm rank to be able to have Graft 28?

I have not added up your point buy math at all, I will leave that to Marvel. and
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Oh, maybe.  I know I did the minimums for the FASTRIP, but didn't notice that I just took the number on the rank from the table at the back of the PHB for the powers and I probably paid too much for everything.  I'll recalc that.
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.