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12. Foundry Tavern:
The combat over, Kayla slumps to the ground and tries to hold her wound closed. She hisses and her face tightens in pain, but she manages to stay conscious...

Once the bleeding stops, she will gingerly examine the robot to see what she can learn from it...
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Reawyn moves past the wreckage to go check on Val, concerned for the well being of his old friend. on teh way by he cannot help but notice the big gash in Kayls's side. 

He frowns, knowing that magical healing that she needs is just beyond his magical ability for the time being, only he can drink hisreagents until he unlocks the secret to allow others to drink from them.

"Weyna? Are you able to assist Kayla?"
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Cin waves at Val and says, "I'm glad you're safe.  Do you know what happened?  Why did the machine suddenly malfunction?"  Cin had learn what she knew of Machine Engineering from the wizard while she was staying with them so she grew to know Val very well. 

Later when everything and everyone has settled down, Cin will ask if she may speak with Val in private.  If/When she agrees, Cin asks, "While I remain in town may my friend Reawyn and I, stable our Mules at the house?  We will make sure they have plenty of feed so they should be no bother to anyone."
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Chrome can tell that the robot must be some kind of repair drone and not much else. It looks particularly old as most of the damage was done by something other than the party. Kayla knows it's a robot.

Val looks over at the machine. "That thing never worked, at least until now. Master Baine brought it back from his last trip. At least the last trip he returned from. I was doing some cleaning in the storeroom when it suddenly woke up and went crazy."

"Sure, you can leave your mules here. I also have a bunch of bedrolls to lay out in the tavern if you want to stay here since you're going to brave the caverns. At least I'm assuming that's what brought you here."
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(03-26-2017, 04:01 PM)Man in Black Wrote: Val looks over at the machine.  "That thing never worked, at least until now.  Master Baine brought it back from his last trip.  At least the last trip he returned from.  I was doing some cleaning in the storeroom when it suddenly woke up and went crazy."

"Sure, you can leave your mules here.  I also have a bunch of bedrolls to lay out in the tavern if you want to stay here since you're going to brave the caverns.  At least I'm assuming that's what brought you here."

Cin listens to Val's recounting of what happened with the machine and says, "I wonder if it can be salvaged?  I doubt I'm as handy as some of these more learned types but I could at least assist."  [Knowledge: Engineering/Tech +6 (Trait bonus)] 

When Val offers a place for both their mules and to lay their head, Cin thanks her profusely then adds, "Yes we do plan to brave the caverns.  Do you know anything about the cavern that might help us?  Like, what is it like inside?  Do you have any suggestion about how to get past the water?  Do you know what creatures might lurk inside?"  She pauses for a moment, then says, "I apologize if any of these questions are difficult for you.  I just want us to have as great of a chance of success as possible."
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Following the report of the gunshot and the sudden silence, Ursk pieces together that the robot is likely destroyed. He stands up, rubs a hand over his bloody scalp, looks at the hand as it comes away with a crimson slick, then shakes his head at Weyna, declining her offer of help. "No. Ursk fine." 

He slings his axe across his back, then begins picking glass out of his scalp as he walks inside the house. Weyna hears him crumble to himself in Dwarven, "Fight's over and I'm as useless as a gnome's beard."

When he sees Kayla's wound, his eyes widen a bit, surprised the scrawny human could withstand such an injury. Is that bone? He calls out, adding the Raewyn's request, "Weyna... woman need help."

He then walks over to the robot and, with his booted toe, nudges it in whatever passes for a head, making sure it's 'dead'. "Never trust robot."
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Reawyn nods his thanks to Val.

"Thank you. Oh in all the excitement and confusion in town, I had almost forgotten. I was unable to procure the ingredients and reagents you had requested when last I was in town, but mu clan was advised to keep their eyes out for such rare ingredients."

His wry smile indicates that if he and Val are not close, they at least have had friendly business dealings in the past.
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Following Ursk, she runs to Kayla as soon as she sees her friend's wound. Kneeling next to her, she puts her hands over the wound, not touching it, closes her eyes, and takes a couple moments of deep meditation. The wound quickly heals, but not quite completely. Weyna comes out of her meditation and gives Kayla a hug.

Weyna could not heal like this, the last time she was here.

Spell: Cure Light Wounds [1d8+1] = 5+1 = 6
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Val's face brightens when it is confirmed they are going into the caves. "I'm sorry but I don't know anything about them. A lot of people have gone in through the water so I assume it can't be too difficult."

"Oh, thank you Reawyn. I can't use any of them until Master Bhaine returns, anyway. I can't even light up so much as a candle yet."
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Kayla returns Weyna's hug and smiles in amazement. "That's amazing, Wey! Thank you for healing me - now this is just a scratch... Guess I should have zagged left instead of ducking."

Looking over to Val and seeing all of the attention she is getting, Kayla settles for a small wave and a tight smile when she catches the girl's eye.
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