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~Character Construction/ Creation~
Ok, Fixed all those, dropped Psyche down to 'Good' and raised Intuition up a point to RM26, paid for the +1cs in Force field and it's now IN40. Added a few points to True Flight. Still have 6 CP left over by my calculations.
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@Johnny Blair:  You have 190cp's to start plus 10cp's for being a random mutant for a total of 200 cp's to start.  

I added up your costs and I came up with 223  Confused  which puts you over by 23 points.  Also, the +1cs for Flying should put you up to Ex 16 not Ex 18.


37 (for FASE scores: F=5, A=8, S=8, E=16 not including +1cs)
39 (for RIP scores: R=5, I=26, P=8.)
+5 (for Overpowered cost for a Remarkable 26 intuition)
10 (for typical 5 resources)
60 (Emotion control*: 20 base + 40 for Excellent power rank.Cost x2 due to being a * power)
24 (FF vs Emotion: 10 base +14 difference between RM 26 intuition and 40 power rank)
15 (cost for Incredible overpower cost of FF vs Emotions.)
15 (Empathy: 10 base + 5 for Typical power rank)
18 (Flight: 10 base + 8 for Good power Rank not including +1cs for having wings)  
223  Total

That's the total I got but I'm really tired from working all night so I could have miscalculated.  Let me know if that looks right.  If it is then you will need to adjust some of your power ranks.   

FYI: To help you decide what ranks to lower, a Typical is the average score for a normal human.  So looking at your stats, you've given yourself a Good Strength.  That means you can lift up 400 pounds!  That's very strong for a Teenager.  If that's how you envision him then that's fine.  Keep it.  But normally Teenagers usually have a Typical (200 pounds) or even Poor (100 pounds) strength.  The example in the Judges Book for your Good Psyche says, 'you can resist ordinary mesmerism.'  Which is the equivalent of Captain America or Daredevil.  Since you have Emotion control you could easily say your score comes from your experience with Empathy and Emotion Control.  But the Judges Book says the example for a Poor  is, "young and untrained," which sounds a lot more like a teenager.  Again, if you envision him having a little extra resistance to Psychic attacks then Keep the rank at Good.  If you're curious, the Judges Book also says that a Remarkable Intuition is, "The equivalent of having Detective skills or Background."
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Character Sheet
Real Name: Jonathan Blair
Alias(es):  Adonis

Primary Abilities
AbilityRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
FightingGood8-8 point buy-46-7576-9798-00
AgilityTypical5-5 point buy-51-8081-9798-00
StrengthTypical5-5 point buy-51-8081-9798-00
EnduranceRemarkable26-16 point buy +1CS from Random Mutant-36-6566-9495-00
IntuitionRemarkable26-26 point buy-41-7071-9495-00
PsycheTypical5-5 point buy-51-8081-9798-00

Secondary Abilities
Health: 44/44
Karma: 536 - 164 - 45
Resources: 3 (Poor)
Popularity: --
Origin: Late-spurred Maturity, Random Mutation.

Karma Pool: --
Advancement Fund Karma:  --

Powers ( 5 / 5 )
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Emotion Control Excellent16-20 point buy + 36 power rank-41-7071-9495-00
2) (Emotion Control) ---Controlled Emotions: Trust, Fear----
3) (Emotion Control Power Stunts) ---Loyalty----
4) Force Field against Emotion Incredible36-10 power buy + 10 point rank excess + 5 point overcharge-41-7071-9495-00
5) Empathy Typical5-10 point buy + 5 power rank-51-8081-9798-00
6) True Flight (Winged) Poor4-10 point buy + 2 power rank +1cs (Wings limitation)-46-7576-9798-00
Talents ( - / - )
TalentNotes/ModifiersGreen F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) ------
2) ------
3) ------
4) ------
Contacts ( - / - )
1) ---
2) ---
3) ---
4) ---
Group Affiliation: --
Base of Operations: --

Occupation: Student
Identity: --

Physical Description
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Irish-American (3rd-generation)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190
Appearance:  Johnny has large, powerful, feathered wings sprouting from his shoulder blades.  These wings are capable of granting him the ability to fly and also give him the appearance of an angel to go along with a kind of trustworthy, wholesome charisma that exudes from his body and fills the air around him.  He was physically attractive before his change, but he would now be considered beautiful, his physically active form turned into a muscular specimen of pure muscle and sinew.  He rarely lets this get to his head even though he had become the most popular kid in school ever since his powers started acting out.  This is mainly because, as his primary mutations, he feels distinctly uncomfortable about them.  (Note: he is not *actually* an angel.  His powers began to manifest through Emotion Control and then through Wings and others).

Costume: --

Gear: Cell Phone

Transportation: True Flight (Winged)

Mother: Rebecca Blair
Father: Shannon Blair
Siblings: Liana Blair (sister)
Demeanor: Everyone's BFF
Motivation: --
History: Johnny's powers began developing slowly and steadily around the time he was 16.  He started becoming very popular around the kids in his school, unusually so in fact.  None of the upperclassmen could really explain why they liked hanging out with the Sophomore.  The boys got him his chance to try out for the varsity football team, and all the senior and junior girls fell head-over-heels for him the from the moment he walked by.  This is something neither Johnny, nor anyone he encountered could truly explain.  Tall, accurate, and strong, he not only made the Varsity football team, but became the lead quarterback and started showing signs of scoutable talent.  As a Sophomore.  It was utterly unheard of, but things started to get much stranger for Johnny.

During one game, a lineman tackled him and replays showed how immensely painful the hit had been.  He had torn his hamstring on the play, an injury which ended his season, but the strangest thing happened: many of the other players stopped what they were doing and started limping around and grimacing in pain, almost sympathetically...or maybe it was something else.

A few months later, after making a surprisingly full recovery from his injury after such a short time, Johnny's life took an even stranger turn.  He coughed out a large feather, one that would have been overly large on an eagle.  When he stood up, he fell backwards, off-balance from a strange weight.  When he got up again, he saw a pair of large wings had sprouted from his back.  He just stood there, frozen in place, looking at the massive wings now attached to his muscular frame.  His sister, barging into his room like she usually did, took one look at his new form, and then Johnny felt the swirling mix of emotions spreading from her mind and began clutching at his head.  Soon, the entire house was filled with different levels of fear, horror, and scarcely-concealed lust.  Filled with these conflicting and entirely confounding emotions, it wasn't long before Johnny decided the only logical solution was to run away.

Notes: --

Simplified Sheet!

Blank Sheet
Real Name:

Primary Abilities
Ability | Rank | Score | Notes/Modifiers | Green Feat | Yellow Feat | Red Feat
Fighting | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Agility | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Strength | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Endurance | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Reason | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Intuition | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98
Psyche | Typical | 5 | - | 51 | 81 | 98


Group Affiliation:
Base of Operations:




Mother: --
Father: --
Siblings: --
Demeanor: --
Motivation: --
History: --

Notes: --
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It looks like you also lowered your Psyche by 3 so I'm guessing you are around 210 cp's now?  

  • Dropping your Emotion Control from Excellent 20 to Excellent 16.  You are a starting character so you should start with the minimum of each rank.  Also since you're not doing hit point damage with the power, an Ex20 is not much different than an Ex16.  You would gain 2cp's back per point with this option.  So around 8cp's
  • Dropping your Incredible 40 force field down to Incredible 36 for the same reasons as above.  You would gain 1cp per point.  So around 4pts
  • You could lower resources.  A Feeble is considered Unemployed and a Poor is the equivalant to a Student.  Each Resource point counts as 2cp's.  So lowering it to Poor 3 gives you 4pts and a Feeble 1 gives you 8pts.  
Another suggestion, unless you are planning on picking up a range weapon, switching your Fighting5 with your Agility8 would be the better option.  If you do plan to get a range weapon then keep the Agility as a Good 8.
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ok, that's all done. waiting to see if he fits now.
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Real Name: Lalasa Vohra
Alias(es):  Abyss

[Image: Abyss_zpsqjdazaah.jpg]]
Model Cia Lee
Graphics Editing by Lilycat

Primary Abilities
AbilityRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
EnduranceIncredible36Includes +1 CS from Origin31-6061-9091-00

Secondary Abilities
Health: 62
Karma: 14
Resources: Ty 5
Popularity: Good 10
Origin: Random Mutant

Karma Pool: 4
Advancement Fund Karma:  10

Powers ( - / - )
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Darkforce ManipulationAmazing46--51-8081-9798-00
2) Shadow CastingAmazing0Power Stunt51-8081-9798-00
3) Danger SenseExcellent16--51-8081-9798-00
4) SonarExcellent16--51-8081-9798-00
5) PhasingRemarkable26--51-8081-9798-00

Talents ( - / - )
TalentNotes/ModifiersGreen F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Student----
2) ------
3) ------
4) ------

Contacts ( - / - )
1) One--
2) ---
3) ---
4) ---

Group Affiliation: Unkown
Base of Operations: Unkown

Occupation: Student
Identity: Public

Physical Description
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Ethnicity: Desi
Height: 5' 9 1/2”
Weight: 109
Appearance:  Black hair and pure black eyes that radiate Darkforce at Sh0 her skin is nut brown and her body slender. She often wears sunglasses either dark or mirrored among normals. Often carries a white cane. Her power emanates from her eyes and has struck her permanently blind. Normally dresses in Gothic fashions made of leather or vinyl.

Costume: Black leather/vinyl clothes; Pants and trench coat with goth platform boots.

Gothic Vinyl Wardrobe Ty
White Cane Pr
Reflective Sunglasses Pr
Tonfa (2) Price Fe, Damage 10, Type Ba,Bt, Strength Gd
Mace Cost Ty, Rm intensity

Bicycle Cost Pr, Control Gd, Speed Ty, Body Fe, Protection 0

Mother: Sakina
Father: Sachi
Siblings: Ketan(m), Kirsi(f)
Demeanor: Friendly and polite
Motivation: Do Gooder
Lalasa Vohra was born in New York she is the first generation immigrant her parents were from Indore India. Her parents own a small restaurant in Hell's Kitchen often delivering takeout to Murdock & Nelson Law Offices. When she was a preteen she used to make the restaurants deliveries. Since she hit puberty her mutant powers manifested and struck her permanently blind. She developed passive sonar to help her see her world. Her senses also tuned to the point that she has developed a kind of danger sense. Further she has noticed that she sometimes walks through things when her adrenaline is pumping. Her mutation also changed her skin tone and hair tones as well as her voice. Her parents were horrified by her and cast her out of their house claiming she was an Ashura.

Since then she has been a runaway living by what ever means she can. Looking for a place to call home and a new family.

Notes: --
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We have a player playing a shadow caster already --- Aurum/Gloom.... GM Marvel is likely to advise you to maybe pick other pwers because of that. (I randomly rolled a shadowcaster way back beforev creating Samba and kniow he tries to avouid overlap with other PCs.
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(03-19-2017, 08:08 AM)Porsche Villar Wrote: We have a player playing a shadow caster already  ---  Aurum/Gloom.... GM Marvel is likely to advise you to maybe pick other pwers because of that. (I randomly rolled a shadowcaster way back beforev creating Samba and kniow he tries to avouid overlap with other PCs.

Yes Porsche is correct.  New characters should pick powers that doesn't overlap other character's abilities.  There are some instances where it might be ok to pick up a similar power if play focuses more on their Primary ability.  For example, if Malcolm (who is a telekinetic) wanted to pick up low powered Telepathy.  Aurum has Incredible Telepathy but Malcolm would be more focused on Telekinesis.  Kind of like Psylocke who in the beginning was a more powerful telepath (Inc) than Marvel Girl (Rem) because Marvel Girl focused more on her Telekinesis.

Also, Darkforce* should be a star power that costs double because by its nature it overlaps so many other powers, including powers like Gateway* which is itself a double costing (star) power.
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I noticed that there's a Brittany Norris who is also an emotion controller. Do I have to reconceive john?
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(03-19-2017, 06:38 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: I noticed that there's a Brittany Norris who is also an emotion controller.  Do I have to reconceive john?

I'd bet not, because Brittany Norris' player hasn't resumed play in a LONG time. GM Marvel would have told you otherwise.
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.