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[IC] A Stolen Land
[ ooc - Diplomacy 28 = Prescience 1/8 [1d20] = 19 + 9 ]
Eran comes from the background into the front and introduces himself, meanwhile he closes his eyes for a few seconds after that he tries to resolve this tense situation.
- You must be tired. Refresh yourself and we discuss this next to the table (with some meal and drinks).
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Vidar waits by the gate, and waits for his brother's signal to open it again.  He peers through a crack in the old wood to see who and how many are coming.

[url=[1d20+5] = 18+5 = 23]Perception[/url]
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Valdi looks curiously down at his brother. 

In Skaldic :
"They are all inside half-wit."
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(03-03-2017, 03:52 PM)Valdi Wrote: "As I said, the need for 'subtlety' is well understood. I am reassured that you trust us enough to let go of that advantage. ButI only speak for myseklf."

Despite his calm words the bow is still kept at the ready, he obviously takes the role of overwatch quite seriously, and has not judged yet that it will not be needed.

Kesten only nods in response.  Clearly, to him, Valdi is not the leader of this band of defenders.

(03-03-2017, 05:48 PM)Andra Petrescu Wrote: Andra nods, seeming to have her caution placated about the subject. "Of course. Forgive our wariness. We are expecting some bandits to come looking for their comrades soon." Looking up at Happs, she says "Thank you for the warning, Happs."

Directing her attention back to Kesten, she motions to the taskboard that Oleg set up. "Our host Oleg has set up a place to post bounties and other tasks for us. For now, this is serving as our home base, as it were, though I fear we will soon outgrow it." She takes time to point out where everything is, so that Kesten and his men can get around on their own.

Kesten nods in understanding.  "Yes, what little information we were given led us to believe that this place had been crawling with brigands.  Hence our need for security."  He then looks at the Bounty Board with keen interest as his men fan out and study the courtyard and battlements, looking at weak points to shore up, strategic emplacements, etc.  "I actually have something I would like to add to this...Bounty Board, was it?"  He unfurls a scroll and walks up to the board, posting it.  (Will have that up ASAP)

(03-03-2017, 11:35 PM)Eran Wrote: [ ooc - Diplomacy 28 = Prescience 1/8 [1d20] = 19 + 9 ]
Eran comes from the background into the front and introduces himself, meanwhile he closes his eyes for a few seconds after that he tries to resolve this tense situation.
- You must be tired. Refresh yourself and we discuss this next to the table (with some meal and drinks).

Kesten smiles wearily at this.  "That would be a splendid idea."
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Eran nods to Svetlana: Could you bring our guest and us some meal and drink?
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(03-06-2017, 10:49 PM)Valdi Wrote: Valdi looks curiously down at his brother. 

In Skaldic :
"They are all inside half-wit."

Vidar scratches his cheek to clear out the confusion and dry skin itching his face.  He decides that the guards may be the best thing for them today.  If they are here to protect this brave couple then they can leave freely to pursue other adventures, and oh how his axe craved adventure.  In Skaldic he replies to his brother.
"You are right.  Let's finish these pleasantries and go... The bowman has good eyes ehh?"
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"Sounds lovely, dear!  I'll get right to work on it."

Svetlana heads off to the kitchen to begin cooking up a storm like she does.  Kesten nods to his men to get to work and they make their way around the trading post while they await the food, examining every nook and cranny, every weak point (there are a LOT of them) and defensive location in need of shoring up (same).  They speak to Oleg frequently about these, about what is needed, about what he is looking for, and conclude that this will likely take some time.  For the moment, they will remain here and use their skills in defense of the Trading Post in case some beast or bandit tries to finish poor Oleg and Svetlana off
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Valdi climbs down from the wall-walk and moves over to Andra, watching Kesten's men as they begin planning how to best fortify and secure Oleg's Trading Post.

"If you trust this man and his men-at-arms to do as they seem to be planning then it certainly frees us up in our ability to take a more 'active' role in securing the safety of the region."
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Vidar stalks around the fort, following Kesten's men to watch and listen. He wasn't an expert on fortifications so he could learn a few things from these men. If they try to talk to him he just stares back at them and pretends to not understand the common tongue. When his group was ready to leave they'd know where to find him.
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[OoC: Sorry I haven't posted but I didn't see anything I could post to. Confused  ]

Nexendia always wanted to learn so without getting in their way, she watches them as they shore up the defenses.  She has always wanted to learn about Engineering but has not yet had time to fit those lessons into her studies.
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