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Reform School Mutants
I'll see if I can get Alchemy fleshed out and given a background later tonight
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It's been a while but I'm wondering if there is still interest in this game?
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Interested, but since we didn't get far, and we've had some character changes, I vote we start over so that those of us who feel the need to play a different character can easily do so.
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I never didflesh out Alchemy's back story but yes I can get that done and ready to go.
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Croc is good to go, just need to reconstruct his background. It got lost with Plothook.

Side note I just realized how capable he is even when he is in Scott form not Croc (alter ego) with Water freedonm power off his FASE is a solid F: GD(8); A: GD(8); S: GD(8); E: EX(16);

For a normal teenager he's a bit of a beast even. Then again when you read his background he's had it kinda rough.
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(03-15-2017, 06:29 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: It's been a while but I'm wondering if there is still interest in this game?

Interested I guess but I don't think I really like Sam's powers.  If I were able to reboot him I'd rather have blaster powers like Cyclops.  It seemed like almost everyone rolled Water Freedom before.
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Working on A character for this game now Smile
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Real Name: Jenna Illvich Volkov
Alias(es):  Rapunzel

[Image: __real_life___rapunzel_by_jirkavinse-d4hkoc9.jpg]

Primary Abilities
AbilityRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
EnduranceExcellent8+1 CS Origin41-7071-9495-00
ReasonUnearthly88Includes +42 Rn From Powers16-4546-8586-00

Secondary Abilities
Health: 34
Karma: 59
Resources: Feeble 2
Popularity: Good 10
Origin: Random Mutant

Karma Pool: 32
Advancement Fund Karma:  00
Powers ( - / - )
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) Prehensile HairIncredible42Add rank number to Reason Permanently---
1) Hyper-IntelligenceIncredible36--31-6061-9091-00

Limitations: controlled use of Prehensile Hair requires a verbal component, Needs to be told what to do, has a mind of its own like a loyal pet! (In 40 Limitation)
Talents ( - / - )
TalentNotes/ModifiersGreen F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) ------
2) ------
3) ------
4) ------
Contacts ( - / - )
1) ---
2) ---
3) ---
4) ---
Group Affiliation: Reform School Mutants
Base of Operations: Family Home / The Reform School

Occupation: Student / Teenager
Identity: Public (Registered Mutant: See Mutant Registry Act)

Physical Description
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Ethnicity: French-Russian
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 138 lbs
Appearance:  A pretty girl with very long golden blonde hair and bright green eyes. She is slim and in excellent shape.

Costume: Umm yeah right. (Aka Street Clothes / Possibly armor)

Lots of Avengers stuff seems to be a major fan.
Complete Wardrobe (Mostly featuring various Avengers including Black Widow her favorite)
Sunglasses (Avengers Official with likenesses)


Mother: Phobe Durand Volkov
Father: Vladimir Illyich Volkov Jr.
Siblings: Peter Durand Volkov, Anastaia Illvich Volkov
Demeanor: A bit hyper and tries too hard to be outgoing. Talks to herself durring science projects
Motivation: Wants to join the Avengers someday.
History: Jena was born to her parents in 2002 she had ten fingers ten toes and seemed to be perfectly normal in all regards. Her parents whom were both mutant haters were over joyed. They work in the fields of, Vetinaryian (Mom) and IT specialist (Dad). Jenna grew up a normal girl in every way that is. They both the twin were terrors before they could walk. Jenna was often a frazzled big sister. Thankfully her wits kept her ahead of them most of the time. Jenna learned to keep on her toes and frankly her sister loves to use her for "Target Practice" which helped train her ability to avoid being hit. Thankfully her sisters slingshot was so weak it was mostly stings and not enough to do more than leave a red mark.

It was during the formation of the Avengers during the great Invasion over new York that Jenna finally got her powers. The Hulk  knocked a huge serpent craft out of the sky and it landed on Jenna who through sheer luck was in a hole in the hull that threw her bodily through the cyber-beasts power core. The exposure to the alien radiation and energy caused her latent mutations to manifest dramatically inside the thing allowing her to rip her way out. Her parents hopes at having a normal child were dashed. Her hair seemingly had a mind of its own. It was trying to be friendly and helpful to her but sometimes it attacks perceived foes on its own like a small guard dog but with more manipulative abilities. He parents heard about this school that had a supposed cure and figured it would either cure her or get her hair under control more. Jenna has no hopes at finding a cure and really likes being one of the smartest people on the planet now Still as a minor she has no choice so she has been shipped off with a trunk of her stuff.

Notes: --
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(03-16-2017, 03:21 AM)Sam Smith Wrote:
(03-15-2017, 06:29 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: It's been a while but I'm wondering if there is still interest in this game?

Interested I guess but I don't think I really like Sam's powers.  If I were able to reboot him I'd rather have blaster powers like Cyclops.  It seemed like almost everyone rolled Water Freedom before.

We did. The problem with having to randomly select powers.
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Everyone has to remember that you are teenagers and we are using the point buy system.  Players get 180 points and any Power Control Powers, Magical Powers, and Powers with a star (double cost) beside it is off limits without special permission.  Just looking at Rapunzel and I'm thinking she didn't use the point system, and True invulnerability has a star and I think Self Revival and Immortality are star powers too.  Damn, girl?  Self Revival and Immortality and True invulnerability?  Is Rapunzel expecting to fight the Hulk or Galactus?
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.