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[OOC] Return to the Rusty Rat
Ever watch the Sci-Fi show Sliders?

Torin took a bunch of gear as well. There certainly are a lot of items we took. I'll have to retrace the threads. I distinctly remember SG and Lugar taking anything made of Adamantine, like the sarcophagi roll pins and weapons mentioned earlier. I think Toot found a vest in the vault as well? I was joking about having the Golem carry off everything earlierSmile. I will start making a shopping list for Lugar to prepare for the next mission... I think an undead bane weapon will be on the top of that list, and maybe a wand if Portho teaches him how to use it.
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Posted my list here:
Note that this is an old thread, created for your use, not for the DM!
There may be more; if my list is incorrect or incomplete please add a new post in that thread and link to the original post mentioning that bit of treasure (and preferably that it has been taken and not left behind).
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I can't post in the Treasure thread. I calculated 35,414 gold pieces worth of items.

I plan on asking Murkatos to craft some items out of the adamantine we collected. I wonder if he'll have the golem do the hammering?
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(03-07-2017, 01:19 AM)Lugar Wrote: I can't post in the Treasure thread.  I calculated 35,414 gold pieces worth of items.

I plan on asking Murkatos to craft some items out of the adamantine we collected.  I wonder if he'll have the golem do the hammering?

How are you calculating value of items that we have not even identified yet?????
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http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....1#pid15841 Posts 104, 105 and 106 Portho searched the 4 skeletons and Lugar put the loot in his haversack in his haversack.
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(03-07-2017, 02:54 AM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote:
(03-07-2017, 01:19 AM)Lugar Wrote: I can't post in the Treasure thread.  I calculated 35,414 gold pieces worth of items.

I plan on asking Murkatos to craft some items out of the adamantine we collected.  I wonder if he'll have the golem do the hammering?

How are you calculating value of items that we have not even identified yet?????

I didn't, just added up the listed numbers.  I don't think Murkatos should get anything since he has the circlet, cloak, and Adamantine golem.  Maybe we can convince Maul that his good deeds are reward enoughWink  That way we know, split 5 ways, we each get 7,082 gp 8sp worth of items.  

The value of the adamantine items weren't calculated, nor the unidentified items.

Nice work on finding that thread. I forgot about that.
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(03-06-2017, 09:18 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: Not sure what you mean by not having crossed the light. Chapter 1-11 is history and 2-1 is current.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről

(03-06-2017, 09:27 PM)Lugar Wrote: Yeah we crossed.  Besides the loot, we need to identify the weapons that were in the vault and visit the whore house.

Sorry, I don't ever remember seeing that new thread.  Toot was still in the last thread making sure he was 100% accepted before running off to an entirely new world. 

I'm at work tonight but I will try to post something tonight.
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Glad we figured it out together Wink

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Torin could identify 3 magic item per day for free (thx 4 magic domain).
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Don't bother, you'll get free identify from court wizards in the morning. Keep them for the adventure!

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