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12. Foundry Tavern:
Hearing Kayla introduce himself to the other group they ran into, he offered a formal bow. "A pleasure to meet those of you I've yet to have the pleasure of knowing. I hope my knowledge of the magic and the concepts of mechanisms provides a useful starting point for our study into the purposes of what we may find within the caves." With that out of the way, he took a chance to glimpse at those who'd so far offered introductions. The friend of Kayla's he'd never met before, and honestly hadn't a clue what to make of her. No immediate tells, like there was with Reawyn. This man, Chrome could have deduced his usefulness to a group of delvers with a glance, even despite his lacking in the knowledge of adventuring groups. While not repungent in the current situation, Chrome could tell a vile odor emanated from his possessions. Then... there was the other one.

She hadn't been introduced yet, but something was absolutely captivating to him. Had he knows more at that point, he could easily look back and explain his clear fascination with logic of his interests aligning with her entire being. Well aren't you fascinating. He almost mouthed the words directly as he seemed to lose himself in his thoughts.

(OOC: Chrome isn't actually much of an alchemist by any stretch. Just spells really, though with the caveat that he finds robots a might bit interesting. Might have mixed me up with Reawyn?)
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"I'm Eva, I can use some magic and I'm fair with Archery, I have an academic interest in the caves and what ruins may lay beneath the town." Eva says keeping her introduction quick and to the point.  She makes a note of everyone's demeanor and reactions to both herself and the growing band, as well as the information regarding the recent developments.
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Weyna nods to the members of the other groups as Kayla introduces them, offering her own in return. "I am Weyna. I'm a psychic healer."
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Kaska nods at Kayla's friend and her friend's friends. Her eyes linger a little longer on the... strange... woman. The magical archer as she describes herself.

Something is off with that one... Not as promising a group as I'd hoped. If anything difficult is down in those caves, I'm going to have my hands full keeping them all from not dying. Experience I suppose though. If the torch is truly out and not coming back, maybe Uncle Jannok and I should go into business as guides somewhere..."
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So Eva is its name then? He pondered, hearing her introduce herself. He was enthralled, but snapped to reality when he heard something else that didn't quite make sense now. "A psy-whatnow?" He looked over to the friend of Kayla to see if he misheard. "How does that work?" He asked, not to be rude or dismiss her power but genuinely interested in what forces of reality play that make her a ... psychic healer?
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Kayla rolls her eyes at Chrome - first for his lack of tact and almost jaw-dropping looks at Eva, and then at his questions to Weyna. "Oh, Chrome...always jumping down that rabbit hole and trying to figure out the how and why of everything...Can you take nothing on a little faith?" she ribs him with a grin.

"By the way, for the rest of the group, I'm Kayla, and I was training with Khonnir Baine to be an explorer and archaeologist. I seem to be good at finding things and taking them apart, and have learned to get around the various barriers and traps sometimes found in these ancient ruins."

"Weyna and I pretty much grew up together - I've lived in and around Torch my whole life, and Weyna visited every year. I met Chrome about a year or so ago - we share an interest in the tech gadgets Khonnir has in his place, and we talk about what they do, although he likes to figure out how they work. I also know Kaska from around town, although we haven't had too many chances to work together. It's great to meet the rest of you - so we're all heading to the town council to get our rescue mission started?"

Kayla will try to get the group moving, talking while they walk.
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Weyna looks uncomfortable at Chrome's question, and is glad that Kayla stepped in to brush it off. Still, it is a valid question, so as the group begins moving, she tries to explain as best she can. "It is... magic, but is neither arcane nor divine. It come from within me, and, in my case, is controlled by the discipline my faith brings me... I understand there are psychics that have other ways of directing their abilities... Here. Let me show you."

As they walk, pass houses. Weyna swerves closer to one house and merely glances at the door. No incantations, or movement. The only visible indication is her glance, as she focuses on imagining the door opening then shutting. As imagined, so it becomes reality. The door opens, seemingly of its own accord, then slams shut again.
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Reawyn is content for the moment to just listen as they walk.

When Kayla describes her skills he looks interested. "We will have to talk more, I specialize in similar fields."
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[OoC: Sorry for taking so long to post.  I was waiting for DM MiB to say my sheet looked fine but then another player told me that I was just suppose to jump in.  So here I am. Smile ]

Cin had been leaning back in a chair in The Copper Coin, with her tan duster wrapped around her body and her Stetson placed over her face.  She enjoyed listening to others stories as it help her practice her common.  It also gave her insights on the residence character. [Sense Motive: +3] When she hears the offer of 4000gp's for a rescue mission she thinks of her pouch which seems to permanently leaking gold ever since coming to Numeria.  

When some of the Tavern goers decide to leave for the foundry, Cin waits for about a half minute after the last of them leave, then stands and follows at a distance.  While pretending to sight-see, she watches them closely [Perception: +6] looking for any hints of possible hidden weapons or equipment while listening to their conversations. [Perception: +6]
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(03-05-2017, 12:42 AM)Kayla Striegold Wrote: Kayla returns the hug and smiles broadly at her old friend. As Weyna talks, Kayla's smile actually grows wider. By the time she is done, Kayla actually is laughing! "Oh, Weyna, you and I should be sisters! I was just coming with this group to find YOU!"

"This is Chrome - he tries to understand things and how they work. He can also make some pretty nasty mixtures, potions, and oils. Kaska here is another friend of mine - a great hunter who is the best archer I know! And this is Taijun - he's new to Torch but agreed to come with us to find Khonnir Baine. He was going to try and discover why the torch went out but hasn't come back yet and I am worried about him." Kayla then looks at the group with Weyna...

Taijun bows at his introduction but offers no words about his skills.  He wears traveler's clothes but no armor and carries a short bow as his only armament, leaving everyone to guess at what he can or cannot do.

Upon meeting Eva, Taijun raises an eyebrow of fascination and even notices Chrome's immediate interest in this being as well.  Taijun takes the time to note that she carries a bow, like himself, that she wears a hooded cloak to hide her features, and that she is obviously not attacking anyone despite her 'mechanical' features.  Taking the moment while Kayla and Weyna talk, Taijun searches for the greater meaning of this being and decides in that moment that Eva is not at all like the 'mechanical men' he has seen attack innocent people before. She is simply another being like himself.  Torch did offer many strange things for Taijun and Eva was just another one of her many wonders.

Introductions were given. Kaska seemed the strong silent type, untrusting of strangers and confident in her abilities.

When Eva offers her introduction, he meets her eyes openly and gives a subtle nod of recognition and approval.

Reawyn appeared learned and resourceful.  

Just as much as Eva, Weyna had an almost palpable aura of mystery despite her explanation of abilities, to Taijun.  His master Zheng would be most intrigued by her.  He wondered if her self described "psychic" skills were just another word for one's inner Ki.
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