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19. Boarding House:
The nine buildings surrounding this small park provide temporary housing for larger parties not wishing to stay at the more expensive inns in town. They see frequent use during the warmer seasons when their owner, Agren Maust, rents out rooms to scavengers, adventurers, and merchants seeking to do business in Torch for weeks at a time.
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After what seems like forever, walking slowly through town, frequently stopping to ask directions of the locals about where it is best to find affordable lodging, Reawyn at lat finds himself swalking up to the front doors of one of the boarding houses.

He walks up the wooden steps and hesitantly knocks on the door.

When the door finally opens he gives a sheepish smile. "I was told to seek out Agren Maust, about letting a room?"
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An older man pokes his head out and speaks quickly. "Aye, that's me. Two gold for the week, and ye feed yerself."
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"Two gold?" Reawyn gulps.

With prices this steep for a rooming house the inns in town must cost a king's ransom. That is several month's wage for a labourer. You had better find another place to stay before this week is out or you will have no funds left to survive.

"Does the room have a stout lock? And the accommodations, they are not shared, I will have the room to myself?"

[OoC coinage updated to reflect the 2gp and 4sp spent here and the Livery]
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(It is still cheaper than staying at an inn for 7 days. Unless my math is completely off.)
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[OoC yup.. cheaper than a common inn. I was just roleplaying his realization thatb his funds will not last him long. he is used to travelling with his clan, so able to use their wagons and camp]
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