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Missing Caravan
The voices are not mine...

The encrusted and rusted construct grows still at the sound of the calm voice.  It lets out a low gravely reply. "...hhhh...llll...P..."

because we're all thinking it I think...
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Betimi looks up and gets some more dust on her face.  With her darkvision she sees the rocky ceiling etched with cracks.  The quakes must be causing serious damage to the cavern.

Meanwhile, while Jonath works to free the grit and Selena questions what's going on, Nacesh realizes that it's much like a golem but this was nothing like he's ever seen.  Hearing it weakly ask for help, makes Jonath's heart skip a beat and Nacesh reassess his first guess.  Obviously this was no mindless golem.  He was special and perhaps even sentient.  He has heard of elemental creatures being bound to objects to give them a personality but usually the creature would be raging, wanting to be set free.  This 'golem' was pitifully asking for help.

"We found it after the reccent quake," one of the Kobolds whispers. "It was embedded in the wall."
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"Neat," the young spearman whispers, apparently fascinated. "Should be the next in the queue of our concerns. But let's talk about how to help you first, smallest of dragonkin."
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Selina turns to Nacesh with an odd look.  "We have to address the metal person as well,  you know.  It could be a trap by Unreth, or it could be another victim."
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"Whatever we decide, do it quickly. that ceiling is going to give with the slightest tremore. That is  not kobolds causing gravel to fall."
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"I don't think we have the capacity to attend each and every injured person, kobolds included, " Nacesh responds to Selina's suggestion, still in a hushed tone but as fast as he can, mildly irritated by the precious time wasted on explaining the obvious. "and Betimi is right. Either we catch this oversized vermin soon or get ourselves and the caravan members out of here."
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Betimi glances at the metal being encased in rock and thinks about how starved and alone Beast was when she found him wandering the Underdark.

"Dig it out, but be quick" she says. "Don't leave it to languish alone."
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With Tomeal's help, Jonath and the Kobold manage to dig out the iron man enough to pull him free.  Faint light in its eye sockets flicker on and begin to glow more steadily.  

"Tha... a... nk y... you," it says in a hollow metallic voice.  Almost as if you were speaking into a tin can.

[OoC: Ok, Forge you're on.  You're still a little 'rusty' so for the moment you will receive a -2 on anything that requires movement.  Such as climbing, balancing, combat, etc.]
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OOC - how can we improve his (er... its?) condition? Say, a "grease" spell would reduce the friction in the joints but temporarily only. Oil? Do we have oil? Or would fire cure a warforged similar to its effect on an iron golem? And finally... does tin rust? (also an inconsistency in Wizard of Oz)
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OOC: tin oxidizes but does not actually rust. Rust is usually iron oxide. Also, tin is VERY expensive and, structurally weak, so a golem made out of tin seems unlikely. If the warforged is rusted, he is most likely galvanized steel or iron.
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