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[IC] Chapter 1-10: Crypt of Hate
(12-30-2016, 02:15 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: The armourer emits a startled cry as the figure twitches in the sarcophagus. Only those standing right next to him can see but all can hear the cracked voice in the sudden silence.
"So shall my fate be fulfilled, dying by the hands of whom I spared to escape oblivion. But rest assured the world as you know it is already doomed."
The figure lets out a malevolent cackle before falling silent.

He, what...?
OOC - I believe Portho recognised that the party faced a vampire and Maul even snapped on his forehead since he already knew the rest just was too busy fighting off skeletons to recognise the nature of the threat. I'm waiting for some of the PCs to devour the main course, also considering the holiday season but latest on 2nd Jan the NPCs will take (even more) initiative... *cough* robbing roleplaying XP from PCs *cough*
(12-30-2016, 07:44 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: OOC - I believe Portho recognised that the party faced a vampire and Maul even snapped on his forehead since he already knew the rest just was too busy fighting off skeletons to recognise the nature of the threat. I'm waiting for some of the PCs to devour the main course, also considering the holiday season but latest on 2nd Jan the NPCs will take (even more) initiative... *cough* robbing roleplaying XP from PCs *cough*

OoC: I'm not sure I know what you mean by, "Snapped on his forehead" and "waiting for some of the PCs to devour the main course."

OoC2: Toot would rather someone else get close enough to the thing to stab it through the heart.  But if he has to, he will stand on Boo to reach the vampire's heart with a steak.
ooc - @DM: If Torin could know anything about vamps please let me know that. At now I assume: only Portho's player could say anything about the vamps, cos Torin rolled a poor skill check about it.
OOC - maybe this is better translation to english: slapped his forehead. In our country if you didn't know a trivial thing but later comes to your mind then sometimes you slap to you forehead and say something: oh I'm stupid ... So easy ...
OOC - main course ~= the biggest whole part of something, at this situation the biggest part of XP
Maul slapped himself on his forehead -- literally, saying "of course" or something. (I believe the word is "slap" not "snap", sorry)
Devour the main course -- figuratively speaking. And Toot doing the thing would be pretty out of character but he may still aid the others with props.
Torin knowing vamps -- I guess every 7th level cleric worth their salt knows about vamps. The roll was to recognise the foe as a vampire but the lexical knowledge is surely there.
Ooc- Lugar took SG's quarter staff and sharpened the end with one of his daggers. "Here ya go mate. Stick him with the pointy end."
"Stabbing it through the heart is a temporary fix. it doesn't actually kill it, if the stake gets removed then it returns to life. The best way is to expose it to sunlight, which with that eclipse is gonna be hard.  there is another way... we need to submerge it in under running water.  I say stake it then we can drag it somewhere where water is flowing and permanently kill it."
(12-31-2016, 04:19 AM)Lugar Wrote: Ooc- Lugar took SG's quarter staff and sharpened the end with one of his daggers. "Here ya go mate. Stick him with the pointy end."

Yeah! It's my pleasure. - SG sticks him
"I know," Maul responds Portho briefly. "Though better call it 'unlife' for the sake of all that's sacred."
The priest's words are solemn and have a significant pious undertone.

As Giant pushes the lengthy stake through his heart, Sermour's accusatory eyes look their final, cold light.

"Now about that eclipse. Guess it takes a few minutes only so all we need to do is bring the corpse there and wait a little time."

Private to all PCs except Lugar (sorry... only he (and the NPCs) failed the check)

You recall what the dwarven cleric had explained about the circle: "this must be a controlled gate to the negative energy plane interwoven with some time control magic".
"I don't recall seeing any flowing water anywhere down here, but I have not explored this dungeon as you fellows did. Is theer flowing water so we can permanently destroy this.. thing.  I'm worried that that stake might get pulled and he'll come back."

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