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[OOC] Return to the Rusty Rat
Is it possible to let us click on the avatar so it gives us the character's name that it represents.  Because I'm not sure whose avatar is who.  I just noticed the green avatar (who I know is SG) just took a step back and now there is someone new standing in his place.  Whoever that is would now have a flanking bonus with Thoqqua #3.  Thoqqua #1 would be north of the skeleton while Thoqqua #2 would be south.
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(11-09-2016, 07:02 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: He is not likely to often be in melee to use it. Though currrently he is in melee more than is good for a bard

[wow I forgot how much core only bards are crippled when things cannot be affected by illusions or mind affecting]

Yeah, you cray-cray for running out first.  Even if you were on SG shoulders you probably should have stayed back with Toot.  Dodgy  Though Toot would not take responsibility if Portho suddenly found himself lodged between Boo's ass cheeks.   Tongue

On a side note, Toot is starting to get a little antsy about everyone crowding around him.  We are fighting what is likely a WIZARD.  I don't have to remind people that WIZARDS cast spells that go BOOM!   Confused  We might want to think about spreading out a little more or at least move closer to the suspected wizard so he can't target us with any fireballs without hitting himself.
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Toot just gives me the image of the A&W bear and kid commercials lol.
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(11-09-2016, 07:15 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: Toot just gives me the image of the A&W bear and kid commercials lol.

[Image: 412461d912eb006ffd2b4f55d5f2ca48.jpg]

If we didn't waste half our spells earlier trying to not kill each other, then we wouldn't be in such bad shape.  Oh well, when we all die at least our new characters will be on the winning side.  Lugar pulls collar aside and points to his neck.  (bite here)
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bite? who? noooo nobody around here are vam...
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Re knowing avatars; I don't think you can do that but if you open the turn order and hover your mouse over a name a yellow frame should appear above the appropriate figure. Quite laborous but hey.
Alternatively I will switch on names for everyone to see but it's placed lamely so may cause more confusion than convenience.
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I'm curious... Are you rolling hit points randomly for my critters or are you taking the average in the MM?
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Rolling. And for my critters as well Smile
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Just popped into my mind; can you make an AOO while casting a full round spell?

A) no, you don't threaten any squares
B) yes but you have to choose to about the spell
C) yes and the spell is not interrupted

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
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(11-15-2016, 04:53 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: Just popped into my mind; can you make an AOO while casting a full round spell?

A) no, you don't threaten any squares
B) yes but you have to choose to about the spell
C) yes and the spell is not interrupted

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről

From the SRD:

Quote:Cast a Spell
A spell that takes 1 round to cast is a full-round action. It comes into effect just before the beginning of your turn in the round after you began casting the spell. You then act normally after the spell is completed.
A spell that takes 1 minute to cast comes into effect just before your turn 1 minute later (and for each of those 10 rounds, you are casting a spell as a full-round action). These actions must be consecutive and uninterrupted, or the spell automatically fails.
When you begin a spell that takes 1 round or longer to cast, you must continue the invocations, gestures, and concentration from one round to just before your turn in the next round (at least). If you lose concentration after starting the spell and before it is complete, you lose the spell.
You only provoke attacks of opportunity when you begin casting a spell, even though you might continue casting for at least one full round.  While casting a spell, you don’t threaten any squares around you.

If you don't threaten any squares around you then you can't make any AoO. 

But since this says you don't threaten any squares AROUND you, what happens if someone ends up IN your square?  For example, what if Toot ran through a wizard's square while the wizard was casting a spell with a 1 round casting time.  Personally, I would still say you don't threaten your own square.  But maybe you could abort your spell to make an AoO if they pass through your square.  It would have to be a pretty crappy spell to give it up for an AoO that could miss.
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