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[IC] Settling In ~ Open to All~
Once everyone finds or is given a seat and is buckled in, Cyclops activates the Jet's VTOL (vertical take-off and landing).  There's a sudden elevator like feeling as the Blackbird lifts directly off the ground and then a strange sensation as its wings tilt to provide the thrust upward and forward.   Soon you're flying and within ten minutes you feel the Blackbird landing with a bit of a jolt.

Cyclops and Jean tell everyone it's okay to unbuckle themselves as the back of the Jet lowers to the floor allowing everyone to exit the aircraft.  "The Professor is busy at the moment.  Can someone please show Johnny or John around the main floor while we set up a dorm room for him upstairs?"
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"M..mind if I t.tag along? I n.never really had.d a tour. J..jack was ..sorta my g.guide."
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Gedeon sets Saleem down and stands, grabbing the kid's hand. "I'm going to take Saleem to the Medbay to make sure there is no degeneration with the transformation."
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"I will go find Dr McCoy and bring him down to the medbay. Think he may be the only one around that might be able to figure out what is up with Saleem, and if it can be undone, si?  I will be down to see you as soon as I find him Saleem."
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((Okay.  Really annoyed right now.   Coworker did something that screwed me over and my mobile just reloaded and erased everything I'd been working on.  I'll take care of this post later.))
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Once the jet lands, the telepath unbuckles and exits the plane with everyone else, holding Interface's hand. When Jean and Cyclops ask someone to show the new arrival, she just lowers her head, muttering "I've got something I need to do..." She gently tugs on Interface's hand toward the stairs to the dorms. As they head off, she waves to the new Johnny. "Nice to meet you." He feels a wash of love, and excited nervousness, along with a conflicted sense of duty.

((For the new Johnny's information, in person, Aurum doesn't look quite like her mental image of herself. The mental image seemed to be metallic gold. In person, while she's still tallish, and thin (unhealthily so), her skin is a normal, if pale, color. The thing that would be the biggest tip-off is her golden eyeshadow and lipstick, as well as the warm gold tones in her clothing. All impeccable and very thought out.))
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People begin to head off in different directions, leaving Kat, Sebastian, Trevor, the angel guy, Malcolm, and whoever else was left behind. Kat watches the others leave, then glances at Sebastian, sighing inwardly. She had her own stuff that needed to get figured out, most notably Sebastian's presence, but it didn't look like that was going to happen anytime soon.

Shoving all that out of her mind, she reorients to the angel guy. "So... Welcome to Xavier's. Officially, it's labeled as a 'School for Gifted Youngsters,' so that the general public doesn't find out about all the powers and jets and things..." She heads down the hall from the hangar into the main part of the building, stopping by the elevators. As she hits the up button, she mentions, "This is a sub-basement. Down here, there's the medical bay and recovery rooms, down that hall. The gym and swimming pool are down that way, along with sauna, hot tub, lockers and showers. Across the hall from the elevators is the electronics lab, and... some other labs that I've never gone in."

That doesn't account for all the doors along this hallway, but she hasn't been through some of the doors.

Floor Map of First Sub-Basement
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Malcolm follows Katrina with interest, having never had a tour, and only finding out about the existance of the pool earlier in the day.
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(09-19-2016, 05:58 AM)Aurum Wrote: Once the jet lands, the telepath unbuckles and exits the plane with everyone else, holding Interface's hand. When Jean and Cyclops ask someone to show the new arrival, she just lowers her head, muttering "I've got something I need to do..." She gently tugs on Interface's hand toward the stairs to the dorms. As they head off, she waves to the new Johnny. "Nice to meet you." He feels a wash of love, and excited nervousness, along with a conflicted sense of duty.

((For the new Johnny's information, in person, Aurum doesn't look quite like her mental image of herself. The mental image seemed to be metallic gold. In person, while she's still tallish, and thin (unhealthily so), her skin is a normal, if pale, color. The thing that would be the biggest tip-off is her golden eyeshadow and lipstick, as well as the warm gold tones in her clothing. All impeccable and very thought out.))

Johnny smiles and nods, noting the change in appearance and shivering in a nice way at all the conflicting emotions radiating from her.  "Cool.  You too, uh..."  Johnny then realizes that he never got her name, and intentionally leaves the end of his sentence hanging.  To anyone without the ability to detect emotions, Johnny is a bit of an emotionless cypher.  He outwardly looks and acts like one of the cool kids to just about everyone, but inside, he controls himself and keeps all his emotions tightly in check.

(09-19-2016, 06:31 AM)Katrina Wrote: People begin to head off in different directions, leaving Kat, Sebastian, Trevor, the angel guy, Malcolm, and whoever else was left behind. Kat watches the others leave, then glances at Sebastian, sighing inwardly. She had her own stuff that needed to get figured out, most notably Sebastian's presence, but it didn't look like that was going to happen anytime soon.

Shoving all that out of her mind, she reorients to the angel guy. "So... Welcome to Xavier's. Officially, it's labeled as a 'School for Gifted Youngsters,' so that the general public doesn't find out about all the powers and jets and things..." She heads down the hall from the hangar into the main part of the building, stopping by the elevators. As she hits the up button, she mentions, "This is a sub-basement. Down here, there's the medical bay and recovery rooms, down that hall. The gym and swimming pool are down that way, along with sauna, hot tub, lockers and showers. Across the hall from the elevators is the electronics lab, and... some other labs that I've never gone in."

That doesn't account for all the doors along this hallway, but she hasn't been through some of the doors.

Floor Map of First Sub-Basement

Johnny can feel the palpable hesitation radiating from Kat's figure.  It sets him a bit on edge and anyone looking at him would see his wings flare and retract every so often as he fights the persistent discomfort.  He grins a little as he sees some things that interest him.  Before he had become the varsity QB, he had been a bit of a jack of all trades in terms of skills, never really being great at anything.  Now, given his new "talents", he was looking in a very particular direction.  "Ok, so gym and chill time around these parts, along with some classes.  Got it.  Why haven't you gone in there?  Just haven't had the chance?"  He doesn't expect her to answer anything that would open up to him about any skeletons in her closet.  No one ever willingly did that.

(09-19-2016, 07:14 AM)Malcontent Wrote: Malcolm follows Katrina with interest, having never had a tour, and only finding out about the existance of the pool earlier in the day.

Johnny grins and nods to the little kid.  He hadn't seen him do much, but what difference did that make?  If Malcolm was here, that meant he was...different.  Just like Johnny was.  Johnny also detected the interest and decided to lay off, not knowing what it was based on...yet.  But everyone here was a teen, so they would practically throw it up in the air before long.
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(09-17-2016, 04:54 PM)Porsche Villar Wrote: "I will go find Dr McCoy and bring him down to the medbay. Think he may be the only one around that might be able to figure out what is up with Saleem, and if it can be undone, si?  I will be down to see you as soon as I find him Saleem."

Porsche does some snooping around and eventually finds Doctor McCoy in his office.  When she knocks on his door she hears a pleasant, "Entrer," come from inside.  When Porsche steps inside, she sees Dr. McCoy hanging from the ceiling by his toes, while wearing round spectacles and reading from a book of Poetry.  "Good evening Porsche.  How may I help you?"
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