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[IC] A Stolen Land
"Well brother" Valdi says at last. "We may not find our father, but it seems we might make our own fortunes on this venture."

He looks around the table at the others.

"A green place, The runes say a green belt. Adventure, some danger, and glory await us."
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Scarf huffs at Andre, when she messes with him and will ever so often snap his neck around and stare at her with an, 'I'm watching you,' look.  

When Eran offers Scarf some of his stew, Nexendia smiles while Scarf pounces on the meat.  "That's one thing Scarf gets annoyed with me about," she says. "I eat too many fruit and vegetables.  He would rather me feed him meat, especially fish and cephalopods." 

Scarf nods and releases a happy, "MEH!" in agreement.  He then uses his needle like teeth to tear tiny bits of meat way from the larger chunks to consume more easily.

Finally, Nexendia says, "Once everyone has had their fill, we should consider leaving.  If we tarry too much we could find ourselves without light."
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Once runes and cloth are tucked away, Valdi quickly consumes his bowl of hameen. 

He looks about teady to order another when Nexendia speaks, so stops and  nods.

"of course, you are correct. Can you yet stand brother?"
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"My axe hungers yet for the blood of our foes.  I can stand."  Vidar rises from the table, wobbles only slightly, then downs the rest of his drink and slams the mug on the table in satisfaction.  "A leg of meat will do me well. Keep your soup brother, my teeth are not yet as old as yours! Hahah."  He says and ventures over to the barmaid for his order, not wishing to wait for her to make her rounds or keep his companions waiting much longer.  His mood has changed like the wind.
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Valdi shakes his head as he gathers up his runestones carefully then folds the cloth and tucks them away in a belt pouch that is fashoined from the pelt of a lynx, it's head fur and face the flap of the pouch.

"My apologies for his.. behaviour, but he is a steadfast companion when danger looms, he will not shy from it. The problem is keeping him from inciting that danger in the first place."

Having finished his hameen he gratefully reacges into the same puch to find a few coins, enough for the meal and to tip the pretty barmaid.

He picks up his roll of parchment from the table, and looks at teh writing on it one more time as he stands.

"We are ready as soon as my brother finds the hunk of meat he seeks, probably undercooked and unsavory, but it's his gut not mine, so be it."
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When Vidar pulls the young girl aside and makes his order, she tilts her head in thought. "Are you eatin' it all here? Want another pint to wash it down?"
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Vidar eyes the pretty barmaid up and down with ungentlemanly thoughts coursing through his ale soaked mind.  "I will take the leg with me on the road pretty one... I pray that you will save a few pints for me on my return."  He says to her with a small smile.  When she returns he will pay for meat and drinks he ordered for everyone, if he hasn't done so already, and rejoin his brother and companions.
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Andra quickly tucks in some bread and ale, dabbing the corners of her mouth in a mannerly way with a cloth napkin before folding the napkin neatly back up and putting it on the table. The boys flirting with the barmaid, she pointedly ignores. One sees such things all the time at court, and the polite thing to do is pretend you didn't see it.

"Wonderful. Shall we?"
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When Andra announces her intention to leave, Scarf lifts his head to look up at Andra with a muzzle full of well chewed meat.  The tiny familiar leans it's head back and gobbles the flesh up, then almost defiantly squawks at her for suggesting he should leave his meal before he's thoroughly sated.  Nex just smiles and flashes Andra an amused glance then stands and wraps her cloak around her shoulders.  Nexendia then reaches into one of her pouches to produce a silver coin which levitates itself from her fingertips to the table.

"Come on, Trouble," she states jokingly to Scarf while opening her cloak wide enough to expose a slightly larger fur lined pouch hidden within the garment.  "Get in.  And leave the food behind.  I don't want you storing anything that could rot inside my cloak ever again."

Scarf protests slightly but then hops across the table and leaps into the folds of her cloak.  He rolls around inside the pouch until he finds a comfortable position and then settles in with his beak tucked under one of his wings.

"Don't get too comfy.  We will need you to scout ahead to warn us of any danger."   

Nexendia states, "I will meet you all outside. I just wish to make sure my mule is readied for the journey." She then leaves to attend to her mule.
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Eran stands up and nods to the barmaid:
- That was delicious and filled me full. Thanks. - meantime he gives her a silver coin.

- I will go out and take care to the girls!
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