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[IC] Chapter 1-7: Many Meetings
Location: An underground mansion in a natural cave
Present: All PCs and some NPCs

OOC - Following is a brief summary of last actions of everyone, in no particular order. Well, except that it's alphabetic to ensure it has nothing to do with the true order of actions. To make life simpler we will switch to turn-based mode. You may post your intended actions out of sequence but I will resolve them when it's your turn. Until then, you can modify your predefined action. Also, I don't mind if either the ranger or the druid chooses a slightly different shade... or may I suggest that the bigger character should use bold.

I'm a ranger not a druid you bastard talking undead! Zizz was a druid!- Giant (a masculine voice) answers from beyond the gate - I can see you! Prepare to die! ... Khm, again! .... Khm, forever!

Lugar (an unseen threat Boo's scent picked up) sneaks up on bear and gnome but apparently his presence didn't remain a secret in front of his opponents. He has his concoction in his hands, ready to throw...

Portho (a two-feet-high figure engulfed in flames with thin but melodic voice and a convincing persona) has a great idea and prepares to invoke an incantation.

Toot (a youthful gnome riding a black bear; seen by all except Giant) explains his opinion.
"Me not know you," Toot replies to the Dwarf.  "Told you, me on quest to save world by doodids.  Me gave some information.  Now your turn.  Why you here?"
But Boo alerts Toot to the approaching persons. Toot shivers with fear then decides he needs to get out of here.  So with Boo's help, he swings up into his little saddle then says, "Sorry Boo but no more playing games.  We need to get out of here!"

Torin (a bulkier figure in flames and a deeper voice) watches how the conversation unfolds.

Roll for initiative!

OOC - I will wait for no more than 48 hours for the inits and the first actions to arrive. Assumptions on actions:
- Giant sneaks closer to have a look at what's going on.
- Lugar will follow up with his plan unless Toot+Boo leave
- Portho will follow up with Silent Image unless Toot comes earlier
- Toot will follow up with trying to squeeze past the two others, hoping they did not lie about not wishing to harm him.
- Torin will let the gnome pass and concentrate on finding said duergar and orc to learn their intents.
[OoC: Rolled a 17 for Initiative.  I assume that when riding him, Boo goes on my Initiative?]

And I don't understand this part...

Quote:I'm a ranger not a druid you bastard talking undead! Zizz was a druid!- Giant (a masculine voice) answers from beyond the gate - I can see you! Prepare to die! ... Khm, again! .... Khm, forever!

Who is this person talking to?  Talking undead?  I'm confused?
Ooc true enough this doesn't make sense to Toot... with a sense motive check he can realise what the speaker referred to.

Sent from my HUAWEI SCL-L01 using Tapatalk
[ From roll 20: rolling d20+1 initiative (6)+1= 7]

[OoC Toot this campaign uses roll 20 fpor rolls and battlemaps.. https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details...seven-keys ]
Ooc - unable to access roll20, please roll initiative for me

Darn it! Lugar thinks to himself, his sneaky plan has unraveled right before him and now his quarry is alerted! He does not think he's been spotted but "Not So Silent Giant" has all but spilled the beans, hopefully he won't spill their blood. These beings were at least alive he thought. Why would a bear be in this place? What quest? Who were these stout flaming fellows beyond? Questions best left to patience...

Lugar steps back and carefully stows his secret drink to be drunk another time. (A move action) He draws his crossbow and readies to shoot the first opponent to approach him within 30' with a poison laced bolt. (A free action, Drow poison DC15) he remains silent.
Quote:[OoC Toot this campaign uses roll 20 for rolls and battlemaps.. https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details...seven-keys ]

On mobile now but I explicitly wrote at the beginning that unseen servant can be used as well (campaign 375 if my memory doesn't fail me)
OOC - Init: 12.01
Torin doesn't want to get between two fires, he shouts: STOP!.
If the bear wants to "attack" him then he tries to hit it with an AOO (ooc - attack: 18 damage:2) and block the overrun (ooc - 19).

OOC - I think Torin will cast a Sanctuary spell in his round, but there are so many possible ways in this situation. So, I would like to wait Toot and our DM to resolve this overrun attempt.
Toot was panicking and he knew had to get out of here.  He wasn't going to get caught between two enemies.  If he did, they do what they always did to his kind, kill him.  Toot didn't want to hurt these humanoids if he could help it because that would just antagonize them more.  They have proven to have magic too which was worrisome.  So he had no choice.  Toot spurs Boo to charge forward to try to get past the two glowing people.  "Monster coming," Toot yells.  "Get out of the way!!"

[If Torin doesn't move then Boo will try to Overrun: PM to DM]
Toot was panicking and he knew had to get out of here.  He wasn't going to get caught between two enemies.  If he did, they do what they always did to his kind, kill him.  Toot didn't want to hurt these humanoids if he could help it because that would just antagonize them more.  They have proven to have magic too which was worrisome.  So he had no choice.  Toot spurs Boo to charge forward to try to get past the two glowing people.  "Monster coming," Toot yells.  "Get out of the way!!"

However, Torin doesn't want to get between two fires, he shouts, STOP!.
Toot feels the situation getting tight so makes a desperate attempt at charging over the two fairie-flaming figures but the stubborn dwarf-oid flame blocks the bear's movement, first dealing a light blow on his thick mane. The violence breaks the invisibility of the character who turns out to be a dwarf indeed, and one that is clad in full metal tip to toe! This surprises Toot considering how quietly they approached. Always a person of backup planning, Toot reacts immediately and dismounts the bear with such an elegant backflip even seasoned halfling outriders would envy, ending up in the mammal's safe cover from Torin. He narrows his eyes at the glowing dwarf that damaged Boo and then growls,
"We weren't trying to hurt you but you hurt Boo anyways! You bad people! Now you make us defend ourselves!"
Toot invokes a brief chant while making three knocking motions with his right hand on the palm of his left, the knocks getting louder every time.

Torin recognises the spell as Barkskin.

(OOC - Torin didn't explicitly state whether he tries to knock Boo prone or not; I assume he does but please confirm and roll the bones. Either way, Boo ends up five feet in front of Torin, either prone or on all fours).

Giant sneaks a bit closer, staying in as much cover as possible, and peeks along the tight tunnel. His vision is mostly blocked by Lugar but he can see a bear (mounted by a young gnome) some sixty feet ahead, bouncing off of another dwarf, engulfed in green flames and fully clad in some metal that looks like adamantine from the distance. He can't see if there's someone else beyond these three figures.

Torin's turn! (please also comment on the retributive knock-the-overrunner-prone attempt and roll Str if your answer is "yes")
Ooc Lugar is invisible and his presence was only hinted at by others... Maybe only Boo could smell him but Lugar has not broken his stealth/invisibility. Giant can see through him.

Lugar watches the comical action as his foes attack each other. Invisible grins stretch across his dusky tattooed face.

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