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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
Sorry for the long post...   Undecided

[OoC: @Johnny Actually Emotion control doesn't require you to make any rolls.  You target a person and then THEY make an Intuition feat to try to resist your power.  So you just say you're targeting Shocker-boy with your Excellent Emotion control and then he must try to resist with his Poor Intuition.  [YUK!!]  Which because your power is +3cs (column shifts) above his intuition he normally would be automatically controlled.  But because all of you teenagers have GM awarded 'Teen Resistance' he is still allowed to resist but it's DM's Choice to allow him to use double Karma or No Karma to try to resist.  Usually it depends upon the Intensity of the attack.  If the attack comes from Professor X or Magneto then likely you won't be able to us Karma to resist because they are so overwhelmingly powerful.  

FYI (Teen Resistance): This is something I have given all the Teenagers to give them a greater chance at survival.  This has a couple of effects.  
  1. Damage is usually limited to no more than Typical or Good.  For more powerful enemies like Magneto I will lower his Damage by -3 or -4cs.  This allows him to still do significant damage so he's no pushover and is still feared.  
  2. People with body resistance or a force field that is high enough to resist such an attack will usually (unless it's a special attack) ignore the first attack but then the bad guy can adjust his damage upward so he can hurt you.  They can't raise their damage above their maximum.  
  3. When fighting adults, teens can usually use their powers with no limitations.  But remember if you kill someone, you loose all your Karma.  So it's usually better to not attack at full power unless it's for dramatic effect.  "You've knocked my boyfriend out, you bastard!  ARGHHHHH!!!!  [KABOOM!!! 30 damage!]" sounds better than "ARGHHHHH!!!! [plink 5 damage]  Tongue
  4. The Damage may be lowered but the intensity of the attack is usually not.  For example, Malcolm tries to crush you in a Remarkable telekinetic grapple attack.  The damage may be limited to Typical or Good but the strength of the grapple is still Remarkable.  
  5. As mentioned above, if an attack at least +3cs (column shift) above the Rank of the ability needed to resist, it won't usually be an automatic fail.  It's the GM's choice to still allow you to roll to resist with no Karma or cost you double Karma.  Really powerful foes are an exception.  If THOR hits you with Mjölnir for being a dick, and your stat to resist is not high enough, it's not likely you're going to be able to use Karma to resist its effects.  
  6. I might be missing something but I think that's all.
@Katrina: Your Geoforce power can move 10 tons of earth per point of your Power's Rank.  So your RM 30 (your sheet says RM 20 but it should be 30) would allow you to move 300 tons of natural earth or stone!!  This will allow you to move earth around, create pits, and make very rough shapes that depend upon the consistency of the material to determine how well it holds the shape. For example, Clay will hold a shape better than sand.  You can eventually create mini-volcanoes, Avalanches, sculpting underground chambers (you can makes some money that way), Digging non-collapsing tunnels, Earthquake attack for rank damage, Create Earth beings, Transportation (a wave of earth), Levitation (Pillar of earth under you), or entrapment (opening earth below an enemy to grab their feat or wrapping stone around the enemy, and more complexed shapes.

So if you want to block the front door, likely you would just create a wave of earth or maybe gravel to pile up against the entrance.  A power stunt would be to create a stone slab.  But dirt would likely be better because if you don't get a chance to put the dirt back, they can at least shovel it off their front porch.]
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[[Okay, thanks so much for the clarification. So Johnny made an Emotion Control attack against him. Did he resist it?]]
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((OOC: Oh, ok. No wonder we didn't keep track. I don't think she ever did anything super-precise before. I'll stick with the big wave of dirt to cover the front door. Then I get to keep my Karma!))
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[OoC: Things are starting to get complicated and I need to know exactly who acts first so I will need everyone to roll initiatives.  So that would be 1d100 plus your intuition number.]
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Rolled 87 for Initiative.

"I hate to burst your bubble Bunkie," Ashley says to Jack.  "I personally haven't had much issue with you but you've been acting erratic.  One moment happy and the next moment sad.  It's like you're bipolar or schizophrenic or something.  Not to mention [If memory serves] Gedeon had to threaten you not to touch her because you were acting like a Handsy Sex Goblin.  Too creepy, dude!"
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Rolled 92 for initiative.
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[ Rolled Initiative [1d100+26] = 5+26 = 31
. Guess he's hesitant about beating yp his roomie]
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Rolled an 88 for Initiative.
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Rolled a 45 for Initiative.
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Rolled a 34 for initiative.
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