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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
[OOC:  Remember Ashley turned Aurum, Interface, Malcolm and herself perfectly transparent for 98 hours.  She also did the same for Gedeon for 60 hours and Saleem for 81 hours.]

Ashley was staying back with Gedeon, Saleem and Malcolm.  She's a little surprised when Gedeon suddenly charges out of the bushes and winces hard when Jack crashes into her.  "That, son of a...  What does he think he's doing?"  Ashley concentrates upon Jack.

[OOC: Coloration doesn't seem to need an attack roll to hit.  Just a Reason feat roll depending upon how fine of control I need.  Turning someone the same color is a green feat using Karma (rolled an 18)  Ashley has a Good reason but if she has a -2cs for range and light conditions she needs a 56.  Ashley used 38 Karma. Sad  ]

It appears Jack gets hit by a strange yellow paint ball.  The color quickly spreads across his clothes, skin and hair until he's covered head to toe in bright yellow florescent paint! [Duration 33 hours] 

"Perfect color for you, Jack," Ashley snickers from the bushes.  "Now there shouldn't be any trouble finding you in the dark."
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((OOC: Malcolm's first force field was around Kat's hologram generator so she could go swimming.))
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[OoC: @Katrina  Ah ok.  That's a lot of Karma just to make a watch water proof.   Tongue

Malcolm, I noticed on your character sheet you have your power stunt listed as RM.  But actually, according to the Players Book you develop Force Fields (really you're just stiffening the air) at -2cs.  So your RM TK creates Good 10 Force fields.   Changing the power rank of your TK will change your Force fields too.  So increase your TK to Incredible and your FF increases to Excellent.]
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((OOC: Yeah. This is how I envision learning new uses of powers happening more often, though. Why risk trying something new in combat unless absolutely necessary, when you can experiment in calm situations where it's not a problem if you fail? Isn't that what Xavier's school is for? Learning how to use powers (and also general education and teenage hormonal angst)? ))
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(07-01-2016, 05:42 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: @Johnny Blair you need at least 100 karma and a red power feat to create a power stunt.  A player will usually use Karma to get the Red result needed for a first time stunt.  Because who wants to spend 100 karma to just fail?  Unfortunately you only have 36 karma so you don't have enough to even make the attempt.  Sorry. 

[[Ah, no problem.  Guess I misunderstood that part when I read it.  We can always just say he used  "love" but I think he still missed anyway.]]
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[OoC: That was the point of using teh forcefield on Katrina that way. to learn to use it, and to make a friend at the same time.]
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Saleem was having a tough time holding his anger in check.  Jack annoyed him at the best of times but the effects of Canker's disease were really causing Jack to dance on Saleem's last nerve.  Without even realizing it, he slowly flexes his razor sharp, iron clawed, fingers in anticipation of ripping into Jack's flesh. [Saleem wasn't included in the Mindlink so no one other than maybe the new Johnny would feel the internal struggle he was having with wild urges.  But Saleem has a Good Intuition so Johnny would need a Red Power feat to detect his emotional state.]

[Rolling a Green Psyche feat to remain in control of himself... Rolled 58! Success]

Saleem grits his teeth and slips out of the bushes.  He wanted to aid Gedeon.  They were both infantry so he felt a sort of kinship for her.  Also it was no fair that she was having all the fun.  Unfortunately he would first have to find her. [Failed Yellow Intuition check to see Gedeon] They were both transparent this might be like them both being the blindfolded person in a game of Blindman's Bluff.  

"Gedeon," he calls out to her with a whisper.  "Where the fuck are you?"
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The world seems to go still for a moment, as it seems everyone is waiting to see what Jack does next....
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Aurum turns back to watch those in the street, and continues the telepathic conversation with the winged boy on the roof, more privately. In this conversation, the extra voices seem farther away, but don't disappear completely. Instead, an image stands in his mind of a stunningly beautiful young woman with skin made of supple gold. It's not an illusion, or anything he sees with his eyes, so he knows that she is not actually standing on the roof with him. Her mouth moves, as the voice sounds in his head again.

~Vibes? You are another Receiver then? I'm sorry. I cannot keep them from you. There is a man who offered to block my own out, though I chose differently, and I hope you would choose the same. We can do a lot of good with our gifts, painful though they are. But once this necessary ugliness is over, I could take you to him, to see if he can help you, so you may choose.
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Blink is part of the mindlink so she wasn't surprised by the invisible Aurum, and later Interface, arriving beside her and Porsche.  She had never really used her Teleport power to attack someone and she felt some trepidation at the thought of using it for the first time on Jack. Miranda thinks into the mindlink, ~"Maybe I should confront Jack.  Try to talk some sense into him.   You know, before... before anything bad happens."~
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