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The Rock
"Thanks for that Long." Dez says trying to produce a grin through her anxiety. "Master Flik has..had always been kind to me."
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(06-09-2016, 04:04 AM)Dez Synn Wrote: At the Captain's urging Dez slips the cred stick back into its place and holsters her blaster finally. Her eyes narrow at the thinly veiled threat that the Duros directs their way.

"No. You got your compatriots killed and enslaved by sending them after Captain Sunt in the first place." She replies. "Don't forget that either. Their misfortunes are on you. I'll have to share the blame with you for that, but then there are no innocents here."

"I'm no fool Dez Synn, but I can't say the same for you.  Why don't you ask your Captain what happened to his old crew?  I bet that's a good story.  Unfortunately, I have to go to a funeral now.  Make that two thanks to you."  With that exchange the Zann turns to leave.
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Long rolls toward the boarding ramp of the Wild Card and waits for the Captain and Dez to join him.
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"There are some coolant conduits in section 9A of the docking port.  I will have the body placed there Long."  

Soon a lumbering CLL8 lifter droid arrives to take the Gand "away."  The remaining guards then saunter off but Dez notices they still remain within the docking area.  Finally the Captain leads you both into the Wild Card as you board a lift underneath the cockpit.  The old ship spews steamy gases sporadically inside, lights flicker go out then come back on with intense brightness only to repeat the pattern, a smell of burnt ozone and melted wires wafts through the still starship air.  "Welcome aboard!" The Captain says enthusiastically.  "It doesn't look like much now but she packs a wallop in a fight and she's never failed me.  The cockpit is up that ramp, the crew quarters are down this hall, but lets talk first in galley.  This way."  He leads you past the crew quarters down a wide walkway, his heavy steps clanking on the durasteel grate floors.  Long finds the see-through floors ideal for conducting repairs, making it easier to spot failed components.  "Stay out of this cabin, it's the Captain's quarters."  He points to one cabin on his left as you go to the rear of the ship.  He points out cargo bays on either side of the ship.  "I have more battle droid parts sitting back there for you Long, like I promised.  But please sit, let me answer your questions."

Continue in next thread "Wild Card"
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After staying awhile on board the Wild Card they exit the ship through a large cargo bay lift with an empty medium sized crate.

Long calls a lifter droid to carry the crate and leads the group over to a set of coolant conduits, in section 9A of the docking port, where another large lifter droid is engaged in a repeated activity. Using it's heavy lifter plate, the CLL8 droid tries to pick up a small chunk of some frozen material and place in a pile which it does successfully. However, when it picks up one of its feet to leave, a blast of super-cooled gases erupt from a conduit and blows this chunk away and the droid repeats the process. It isn't hard to figure out that the CLL8 lifter droid accidently crushed a conduit pipe but how it managed to sever the Gand's now frozen foot is puzzling? Half of the Gand appears to suffer from "freezer burn" and the other half is nicely refrigerated.

Perception roll please.
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Long gives a Binary moan at the potential lost profits from the destroyed foot and freezer burn.

[Perception [1d20+9] = 5+9 = 14]

~To be fair, she's pretty but not that smart. The internal organs should be harvestable still~
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Out of the corner of his photoreceptor, Long notice two of Holon's security officers shadowing him and the Captain.  They are not approaching at the moment but maintain a good 30-40 meter distance and spread apart about 15-20 meters.

"How did I always get myself in these situations."  Captain Sunt laments.  "Maybe if I grab his jacket and.... we are being followed."  The Captain notices as well.
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~How would you like to handle them, I can arrange a distraction with the docking bay computers. Or you could distract them while we get the gand into the crate?~
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"Hmm... see if you can arrange a distraction.  I'll get the body into the crate when they aren't looking."
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[OoC from where we are in the docking bay what iis around. How close is our 'tail' to stacks of crates. Is there any vessel being fueled? Anything being loaded unloaded et cetera?]
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.