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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(11-20-2021, 06:21 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: So probably enough to fully repair the mosquito ship?

As Vytking pointed out it is a Wasp, but if you all emptied out this room there probably would be enough to repair the Wasp with a little bit left over.
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Rupert will then move to start examining the next stone door.
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"Melville should inform the captain via his connection to the crew member of what we found.  We should keep in constant contact with them so if we get into trouble and the communication suddenly stops they will know to attempt a rescue"
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(11-24-2021, 10:21 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: Rupert will then move to start examining the next stone door.

[[Give me a perception with advantage.]]
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Perception Check = [1d20+5]=14+5=19, and Perception Check = [1d20+5]=9+5=14
[OoC: So 19 it is!]
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This door is of a similar design but significantly lower quality than the outside door.  It is so loosely fitted in it frame you can partially make out some kind of large bunk or sleeping room through the large gap around it.  At least a couple of nails are missing from the hinges and you could tell it would take little more effort to fully pull the door free of the doorframe than it would take to just open the door.
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Rupert will check to see if the door opens.
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The only challenge in opening the door is not accidentally pulling it the rest of the way off the hinges.  The next room is just big enough for two large and slightly raised sleeping pallets, one on either side of the room, and a walkway between them.  On top of each pallet is thin folded blanket, a couple of off-white, almost tan, sheets and a white burlap pillow stuffed with some obviously lumpy material.   A thin layer of dust is visible across all of the bedding and the pallets themselves.  At the far end of each pallet is a small, low table bearing a thick white candle on a metal candle plate. Between the tables, directly across from you is another obviously poorly mounted pull-string door.

[Image: landing_building3.png]
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Melville hangs back, waiting while the more observant check the room for any sort of trap.
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Rupert will move slowly a d cautiously into the room looking around at the contents as he moves, for anything of possible interest.
Perception Check = [1d20+5]=9+5=14[should it be needed]
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