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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
(08-12-2020, 02:33 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Ubi pipes up from the gunner seat. "You convinced him to surrender, see if he'll tell you the protocols for this. I doubt they even know we stole their ship."

"I was wondering about that too," Shunna replies.   

Shunna crosses her arms and with a subtle flourish with one of her fingers she says, "You will give us all the protocols to bypass the security measure of that Star Destroyer and those Tie Fighters."

UTF: [1d20+15] = 10+15 = 25; Mind Trick[/i]
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"I do not have the transponder codes, kKratos and the droid, the astromech, had those. If we don't tell them something, they are going to shoot us down."
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[[What did we do with the droid, again?]]
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(08-12-2020, 04:54 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote: [[What did we do with the droid, again?]]

[It self destruted and almost killed Dez in the blast.]
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[OoC: is it possible to retrieve information from it's memory?]
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(08-12-2020, 06:52 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [OoC: is it possible to retrieve information from it's memory?]

No, it is shrapnel at this point. Completely destroyed
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"Well then I guess we play a game of cat and mouse," Shunna says.  "We don't even know if anyone knows we have this ship.  So try to hide behind the larger asteroids and maneuver the ship to the edge of the field so we can make a run for it."

[OoC: Can we check if the ship might be storing the codes or even old codes we can use to try to bluff our way by them if they find us?]
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Zero will attempt to intercept communications to see if there is any chatter about the ship being stolen.

Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 1+10 = 11Dodgy
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You are already on the correct frequency so hear the normal chatter of the TIE fighter winds communicating with the Star destroyer. They have not spoted you yet, as you are still shielded by a lot of asteroids moving in different directions.  It will not last, eventually they will spot you, but they do not seem to be on high aler. They actually sound bored.
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"This might sound strange," Shunna says.  "Could we land on the far side of one of the larger asteroids that are flying away from the ships and toward the edge of the field?  Then when we get close to the edge we hyperspace out of here?  We can shut everything down so it's harder for them to detect us?"
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