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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
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"That is a great idea, if we have the materials to do repairs that is. I will join that rotation as well. I alo want to study that infinity vine setup, to see how we can best duplicate it with the riposte.  Maybe in a crate or barrel rather than an entire room."
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The majority of the crew agrees that towing the ship with a couple people aboard is worth the risk.  Bill and Royce were generally dismissive of the perceived value and utility of the ship and would prefer to just take the helm and ballista from the ship, and scuttle the ship itself.  

Bazzalan, do you have an opinion to voice?
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[Sorry for the delay.  Real life is kind of distracting me right now.  I'll try to be more focused. ]

"I have no problem with rotating.  Though I'm a little wary of Helming the Wasp by myself.  I'm still learning the ropes and think I should still follow the direction of a more experienced commander.  Whomever is on the Wasp, except for Melville and whomever he's connected to, won't be able to receive commands so they'll need to make their own decisions out there.  I can attempt to do some research to find a spell that will allow ship to ship communication.  That is, if there is one."
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"The idea is to actually not be piloting most of the time. Whoever is on the wasp as helmsman is merely there to be ready to jump on the helm if we have to sever the tow rope for any reason. Otherwise they are just along for the ride. The wasp will not be very maneuverable, with only a weapon crew and a helmsman, so the idea will be to avoid combat, not charge in. But even a second weapon platform is a huge tactical advantage."
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(07-19-2021, 02:55 AM)Melville Wrote: "The idea is to actually not be piloting most of the time. Whoever is on the wasp as helmsman is merely there to be ready to jump on the helm if we have to sever the tow rope for any reason. Otherwise they are just along for the ride. The wasp will not be very maneuverable, with only a weapon crew and a helmsman, so the idea will be to avoid combat, not charge in. But even a second weapon platform is a huge tactical advantage."

"I understand," Bazz replies.  "I'm just saying, If there is a battle, I'd rather not have to make independent decisions without a more experienced sailor telling me where he wants the ship to go.  I will if I need to.  Especially if it's just a matter of staying away from combat or staying behind the reposte and shooting over them at the attacker."
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Ashheart says, "We do have a couple people that know Semaphore or Flash so even if we don't have the mindlink for communication, depending on who the non-helmsman is on the Wasp we might still have a means of communication between vessels.  At least while we are relatively close."
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"I can try to identify tthe items we have found with rituals."
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[OoC: Can Bazz take a short rest to replenish his spells?  I think he can only get 1 spell slot back because he cast, Armor of Agathys.  Heroism and (I think I cast) Detect magic are both Bard so I think I need a long rest to get those slots back.]
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Threadvine says, "Well, it sounds like it's decided.  We'll work up the best way to rig the tow line and start shuffling over some supplies.  How long do you all want to take before exploring the tree?  We've kept an eye on it and noticed some signs of movement in some of what we think are basically widows, but still haven't seen any sign of an active defense or anything."
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