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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
[OOC: Now, we ride!]
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20.0 Dez - unconscious
19.04 Station Security A (Guard 6.A)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards 6.k-L)
16.02 Station Security C (Guards 7.xx)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
15.03 Well dressed man
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.0965 H1-MK2 
14.096 Njon

[OoC feeling a bit better of course now that I had to scrap all plans for the weekend and went back to work.. so gonna focus enough to post]

The Imperial pilot sits waiting, taking no action.

Shunna can sense those outside who are able clustering together in the control room hanging onto one another or any anchored object/surface they can find to keep from getting blown/sucked up into spade.

It is @shunna's turn
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Shunna yells, "Everyone get inside!  We are leaving!"  Shunna hoped there was someone else who could pilot.  She was a pretty good pilot [+9] but she would rather take a few minutes to meditate and allow the force to return her strength and hopefully grant her insight into their current predicament. 

Shunna continues to hold onto the hydraulic supports with one arm while firmly holding her lightsaber in the hand of her other arm.  In the event that someone might shoot at her companions while getting onboard the ship, Shunna was providing cover for them by either deflecting blaster fire with her lightsaber or absorbing it with Negate Energy.  [Both abilities are Reactions]

"Move it! Move it!  MOVE IT!"

[OoC: If she can, Shunna will spend a Full Round Action to use Force Focus to return one of her powers to her.
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(02-04-2020, 05:18 PM)Shunna Maza Wrote: Shunna yells, "Everyone get inside!  We are leaving!"  Shunna hoped there was someone else who could pilot.  She was a pretty good pilot [+9] but she would rather take a few minutes to meditate and allow the force to return her strength and hopefully grant her insight into their current predicament. 

Shunna continues to hold onto the hydraulic supports with one arm while firmly holding her lightsaber in the hand of her other arm.  In the event that someone might shoot at her companions while getting onboard the ship, Shunna was providing cover for them by either deflecting blaster fire with her lightsaber or absorbing it with Negate Energy.  [Both abilities are Reactions]

"Move it! Move it!  MOVE IT!"

[OoC: If she can, Shunna will spend a Full Round Action to use Force Focus to return one of her powers to her.

Ummm who exactly are you waiting for? Everyone is inside already.  The zabrak is a corpse, he's not coming.
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(02-05-2020, 03:18 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Ummm who exactly are you waiting for? Everyone is inside already.  The zabrak is a corpse, he's not coming.

[OoC: I either forgot or it didn't register when I was reading the post...  Blush  ]

Quote:Callie and Ubi, almost as one, race for the boarding ramp. Using two move actions they both get all the way up the ramp, and can just reach the locker, without enough actions left to open it.

While calling out, "Prep the ship for takeoff but DON'T raise the ramp yet." to whomever is capable of piloting the ship, Shunna will use Force Focus as a full round action to return Move Object to her Force Suite.  If she can, Shunna will move 5' up the ramp so she is still able to see the bottom of the stairs but use the ship for additional cover.

She will still be using a reaction to deflect or Negate Energy anyone attempting to fire at her.  [I will decide which She uses at the time of the attack.]
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(02-05-2020, 05:27 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(02-05-2020, 03:18 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Ummm who exactly are you waiting for? Everyone is inside already.  The zabrak is a corpse, he's not coming.

[OoC: I either forgot or it didn't register when I was reading the post...  Blush  ]

Quote:Callie and Ubi, almost as one, race for the boarding ramp. Using two move actions they both get all the way up the ramp, and can just reach the locker, without enough actions left to open it.

While calling out, "Prep the ship for takeoff but DON'T raise the ramp yet." to whomever is capable of piloting the ship, Shunna will use Force Focus as a full round action to return Move Object to her Force Suite.  If she can, Shunna will move 5' up the ramp so she is still able to see the bottom of the stairs but use the ship for additional cover.

She will still be using a reaction to deflect or Negate Energy anyone attempting to fire at her.  [I will decide which She uses at the time of the attack.]

The zabraks body is not in sight, like the other 'movable' objects light enough to be swept up by the winds it has two rounds of the winds blowing it up towards the exit. He is likely above the ship at this point. It's like being sucked up by a tornado, with only one-third Earth gravity to resist.
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(02-05-2020, 07:00 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: The zabraks body is not in sight, like the other 'movable' objects light enough to be swept up by the winds it has two rounds of the winds blowing it up towards the exit. He is likely above the ship at this point. It's like being sucked up by a tornado, with only one-third Earth gravity to resist.


[OOC: So he's unretrievable? Can Shunna "see" him with her Force Perception? If not, could he be seen if Shunna steps out from under the ship or is he just gone?  How many squares away is the ceiling?  Move object can reach 12 squares.  ]
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(02-05-2020, 07:42 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(02-05-2020, 07:00 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: The zabraks body is not in sight, like the other 'movable' objects light enough to be swept up by the winds it has two rounds of the winds blowing it up towards the exit. He is likely above the ship at this point. It's like being sucked up by a tornado, with only one-third Earth gravity to resist.


[OOC: So he's unretrievable? Can Shunna "see" him with her Force Perception? If not, could he be seen if Shunna steps out from under the ship or is he just gone?  How many squares away is the ceiling?  Move object can reach 12 squares.  ]

[OoC  you do not have direct line of sight unless you move out from under the ship, subjecting yourself to hurricane/tornado force winds. You can sense him 20 meters (13 squares) up alongside the shuttles  'wing' which is 2131 meters (20 squares) high, and accelerating towards the hanger exit which is 45 meters (30 squares) up. At this speed he will be gone by the end of the round.]
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[OoC: Welp, there's nothing Shunna can do to save him unless the force field kicks in.  So... ]

While calling out, "Prep the ship for takeoff but DON'T raise the ramp yet." to whomever is capable of piloting the ship, Shunna will use Force Focus as a full round action to return Move Object to her Force Suite.  Shunna will move 5' up the ramp to use the ship for additional cover.  She is hoping the force field kicks in at the last second so she can use move object to rescue his body before he flies out into space.

She will still be using a reaction to deflect or Negate Energy anyone attempting to fire at her.  [I will decide which She uses at the time of the attack.]
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[OOC: So just to make sure I'm not holding us up, we ARE waiting on the GM for Callie and Ubi right?]
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