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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Wisdom Save = [1d20+5]=1+5=6[OoC: Oh Snap! Rupert totaly missed that save ]
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(05-12-2021, 10:17 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Wisdom Save: [1d20+1]=16+1=17

[[Bazz is currently immune to being frightened.  So is this wisdom save for the stun?]]

I'm totally fine with you applying that to the stun save at the end of your turn.  That will succeed and allow you to drop the stunned condition at the end of your turn.
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Wisdom save [1d20+3]=6+3=9

Melville is struck with fear, and refuses to pursue teh creature, despite the fact that if he could breathe lightning into the water, it would likely fry the deGleash.
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[[[Sorry for the delay, I am.returning home from vacation and will be traveling mist of the next 24 hours]]
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Anders moves up past Rupert to keep a watch out for the plasmoid returning to attack, while waiting for the rest of the group to overcome their fear.

Round 4

Intiative #Character
13DeGleash Plasmoid

The plasmoid remains hidden and it's actions are not apparent.

While Frightened Melville and Rupert cannot advance on the plasmoid, but could do other actions and may make a new save at the end of their turns.  Bazz is finally free of all effects and may take his first unhindered action.
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Melville maintains concentration on the Dragon's Breath, and waits fewarfully.

Wisdom save [1d20+3]=3+3=6
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"At the moment I can only have 1 heroism spell active on 1 person at a time."

Since Rupert and Melville are frightened and can't do anything anyways, Bazz decides he'll try his chances at persuasion.  It might work... maybe...

With no weapons in hand, Bazzalan steps out and stands in front of Rupert.  He then calls out as loudly as he can to the creature with as much honesty and sincerity he can muster...  

"Please, I think we might have gotten off on the wrong foo... er... pseudopod.  We were only investigating this ship when you boomed.  We took that as an attack when it might have been just a defensive reaction to strangers.  Please, don't be afraid.  We have good intentions and mean you no harm.  But if you attack us again, we will see this as a sign your intentions are not like ours and we will regretfully have to defend ourselves."

Persuasion: [1d20+6]=19+6=25; Woo Hoo! Bazz sounded super honest and sincere.  Cool
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There is no immediate response from the wet room. Anders whispers that he is going to go around on the outside and open the door on the weapon deck while Bazz keeps it distracted up here.  The dwarf this slips out the door and begins crawling up to the weapons deck.

Rupert can make his Wisdom save.
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"I have healing magics," Bazz continues.  "And I'm willing to heal you but you must show some sign you mean us no harm too."
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Wisdom Save = [1d20+5]=17+5=22
[OoC: whew made it.]
Rupert shakes off the fear, and move up beside Bazz holding his attacks, for if the creature moves foreward to attack.
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