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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Investigation (+5) [1d20+5]=11+5=16; Arcana (+5) [1d20+5]=16+5=21
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Melville and Bazz take a close look at the chest and realize that a substance, likely Sovereign Glue or something similar, has been applied to the bottom of the chest, bonding it to the deck of the ship.  

Bazz realizes that the to remove the chest from the ship is going to require cutting out the deck around it.  His bardic lore doesn't have alot of information about magical bonding agents, although the scant things he can recall indicates that such legendarily bonds require exquisitely rare things to be able to undo.  

Melville can confirm that there is definitely some kind of magical residue involved in the bonding.  He knows that only something like an Oil of Etherealness or Universal Solvent would dissolve the adhesion, although cutting out a hole in the deck around the chest should work to remove it.
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"Melville, can you ask the if the crew can send over an axe and a couple of large sacks.  Rather than destroying the floor of the ship, maybe we can just hack through the chest.  We can figure out how to remove the glue later or sell it as is, if the Captain decides it's worth salvaging the ship."  

Do we know what is below this room?
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Rupert has carpentry skills, so can work to minimize the damage to the ship cutting the chest free
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(04-18-2021, 06:12 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Do we know what is below this room?

Just the superstructure of the ship and landing spars.
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(04-18-2021, 06:12 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: "Melville, can you ask the if the crew can send over an axe and a couple of large sacks.  Rather than destroying the floor of the ship, maybe we can just hack through the chest.  We can figure out how to remove the glue later or sell it as is, if the Captain decides it's worth salvaging the ship."  

Do we know what is below this room?

Anders says, "I've got a couple hand axes, and some bags, although we could probably use the bags here on the walls."

If you are going to try to hack out the chest with minimal damage to the ship I will need a DC 15 Carpentry tools check.  If you are going to try to hack the chest open without damaging the contents, someone will need to make an attack on the chest.  The chest has 25 HP, and the more that count is exceeded in the final breaking blow the higher the risk of potential damage to contents.  As an attack is not needed to hit the chest, if someone wants to help, I will let you take advantage on the rolled damage.  Giving the Help action to a carpentry check will be resolved as normal (advanatage)
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Carpentry Tools Check =[1d20+2]=15+2=17
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Looking it over, Rupert is confident that he can cut this chest away from the ship without doing any significant damage to the ship or the chest.  That won't get past the arcane lock, but will let you get the chest over to the Riposte for dealing with later.

Are you wanting to cut it out, or just smash the chest and take your chances?
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"Cut it free Rupert, we spend less time on this vessel that way, and even the chest itself has value." 

He communicates their intent to Slick, telling the Riposte to prepare to haul over the heavy chest.

"Once we cut it free, we can tie a line to it from the Riposte, dump it into the gravity plane and they can haul it in."
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Rupert sets about cutting the chest free of the ship, being careful to not damage the chest or it's contents.
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