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Escape from the Mines (Shunna Maza , Ubi Sunt & Callie)
Round 10 (cont.)

20.0 Dez
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards I-L)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.096 Njon
14.090 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Imperial astromech
8.03 aqualish tech

Guard A opens fire at the zabrak. wounding him but mot slowing him down.

Guard A attack Heavy Pistol [1d20+6] = 13+6 = 19; Damage [3d8] = 8

Guard D makes a break for it and hustles *double move) across the loading area and almost to the base of the landing pad, reaching a spot where He is too close to the raised platform for those on it to see him (or he see them) without someone leaning out.
[He reached F49]

[Image: HKqwYPXm.jpg]

@Zero's turn
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[OoC: Did the Imperial Astromech go yet? ]
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(01-01-2020, 06:38 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: [OoC: Did the Imperial Astromech go yet? ]
 [OoC oops missed him.]

Imp. Astromech - Use Computer [1d20+13] = 9+13 = 22
He again attempts to lock you out, make an opposed Use Computer vs DC 22 or yhe will lower the computers attitude to Indifferent.
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Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 5+10 = 15  Oh look, I Failed again!   Rolleyes

Attempting to Increase access again

Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 10+10 = 20 ;  Since I succeeded with a 19 before I'm pretty sure a 20 should too.  But if it doesn't, I will use a force point.
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Round 10 (cont.)

20.0 Dez
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards I-L)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.096 Njon
14.090 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Imperial astromech
8.03 aqualish tech

Guard J retreats behind the corner so he has total cover and pulld s dmsll case of the back of his utility belt. The zabrak can see him opening it.

Guards K+L aim and return fire at Dez.  Both miss.

Guard K attack Heavy Pistol [1d20+6] = 10+6 = 16; Damage [3d8] = 12
Guard L attack Heavy Pistol [1d20+6] = 10+6 = 16; Damage [3d8] = 12

The Imperial pilot  continues to grimly wait fr the door to open, with nowhere to hide, and nothing left he can doo but fight.

@Shunna, @Callie, @Ubi, Njon, & 'the Zabrak' get to go.

[Image: zjez3lmm.jpg]
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[OoC: I just realized something.  Chances are there are no windows in the door to the cockpit.  Shunna needs line of sight to do a mind trick.  Has the door to outside fully closed?  Can shunna get outside.  I'm thinking maybe looking at the pilot through the windshield then doing the mind trick.  Another possibility is, since she can see the hydraulics, can she use move object to move the hydraulics to open the door?]
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There actually IS a window slit  that is why I have been escribing the pilots actions.

The door is fully closed
The move object could work but it would damage the hydraulics. damage them enough and the oor opens.
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[OoC: Cool, that uncomplicates things!]

Mind Trick:
Mind Trick Wrote:Standard action:  Make a Use the Force check. If you equal or exceed the target's Will Defense, you make an otherwise unpalatable suggestion seem completely reasonable to the target. You must be able to communicate with the target, and the suggestion can't obviously threaten the target's life. The target won't realize later that what he did is unacceptable.

UTF: [1d20+15] = 9+15 = 24

Shunna looks through the thin window slit at the pilot and says loudly, "You will surrender by opening the door , giving up your weapon and go relax in the back of this imperial shuttle."

Shunna says to the people in the shuttle, "If he comes out, don't attack him!  He will mean us no harm."  

Sense Surroundings Wrote:Swift Action:  You can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to ignore the effects of Cover and Concealment when making Perception checks to detect or observe targets until the start of your next turn. Increase the DC by 5 if this ability is used against targets with Total Cover.  

Distance: For every 10 squares of distance between you and the target, you take a -5 penalty on your Perception check.  So if a Medium Creature is a DC5 to spot, I think Shunna should be able to see all Medium creatures out to about 70 SQUARES!!;Small=60 Squares; Large=80 squares;  Huge=90 squares.

UTF: [1d20+15] = 20+15 = 35; And I roll a 20!!!  So I made the DC20 check to see through total cover.   Big Grin
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ack I lost my whole post and it had a table in it that I had made
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[OoC:  I hate it when that happens.  

Did the Mind Trick work?  ]
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