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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
Jendo is able to sit at teh comms station since Zero is working from elsewhere nearby, plugged into a S-comp link. He soon realizes the ship has no Jamming Suitte.
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Shunna searches her feelings... "If we fight, do we have a good chance of winning?"  Use the force: [1d20+15]=4+15=19; Succeeded

"So do we fight or run," Shunna asks.  "I'd prefer to avoid combat so until we decide or are forced into a confrontation, Ubi, I think we should move away from the other ship.  Keep as much distance between them and us."
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Zero continues working on his calculations.  "As the party's physician I suggest you avoid being damaged.  However, I would enjoy the challenge of limb reattachment or practicing cyberware installation."
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(11-02-2021, 12:33 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Jendo is able to sit at teh comms station since Zero is working from elsewhere nearby, plugged into a S-comp link.  He soon realizes the ship has no Jamming Suitte.

"So much for jamming the other ship.  We'll have to buy a Jamming Suite whenever we get a chance.  Does the fighter have one?  I guess I should check."

Does Jendu have to physically go to the fighter or can he contact the ship with our primary ship?
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[OoC: I am unable to log into Captain Ubi Sunt]
[Anyhow]Ubi will take Shunna's suggestion, and turn our ship's heading by 180°
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Jendu is able to communicate with the astromech that is currently in the cloakshape fifghter. The cloakshape fighters computere system is 'dumb' nott aware or accessible by comm-link. The droid advises him there is no jamming suite.

Searching her feelings tells Shunna that a fight would be risky, it could easilyt go eitrher way. It is notr a clear vicxtory for either side, as close as a coin toss.
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(11-04-2021, 02:31 AM)Olaf Svenson Wrote: [OoC: I am unable to log into Captain Ubi Sunt]
[Anyhow]Ubi will take Shunna's suggestion, and turn our ship's heading by 180°

[[As I've mentioned before, have you tried clicking on the triangle beside your name at the top of your post?  You can switch who posted the post. 

There is also a drop down menu at the bottom of your post when you're posting that allows you to completely switch accounts.  But be warned, if you switch accounts while the type window is open, you will lose everything you wrote.  So either copy what you've typed first or switch before you start typing.]]

"My Intuition tells me this fight could go either way.  Can someone monitor their communication?"

[I think that's possible.]
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(11-04-2021, 04:34 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(11-04-2021, 02:31 AM)Olaf Svenson Wrote: [OoC: I am unable to log into Captain Ubi Sunt]
[Anyhow]Ubi will take Shunna's suggestion, and turn our ship's heading by 180°

[[As I've mentioned before, have you tried clicking on the triangle beside your name at the top of your post?  You can switch who posted the post. 

There is also a drop down menu at the bottom of your post when you're posting that allows you to completely switch accounts.  But be warned, if you switch accounts while the type window is open, you will lose everything you wrote.  So either copy what you've typed first or switch before you start typing.]]

"My Intuition tells me this fight could go either way.  Can someone monitor their communication?"

[I think that's possible.]

It is possible to Intercept Communication from the system opeeratror position with a Use Computer check.
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[OoC: I have a seperate logins for each of my characters, and have been unsuccessful at linking my different accounts so I can login in in one and easily switch to a different character, and for some reason my password no longer works for Captain Ubi Sunt, and I lost access to the discord channel when my phone got hacked and I was forced to set up a new discord account]
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[OoC: We're moving 2 spaces and they're moving 4 spaces?  Are we doing diagonal movement in space?  If we are, then we should be moving South not South-East because on a diagonal they move 3 spaces while we only move 1 space. ]

[OoC2: I was just looking at intercepting communications and I didn't see anything about needing to be in the sys-op position.  You do if you're trying to hide your communications.  But it says you just need a Use Computer check to intercept.  ]
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