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[OOC] Return to the Rusty Rat
POO = Point Of Origin (should be PoO but sounds like a kindergarten joke anyway)
Agreed about facing. Back in university years we tried to invent VSRPG (Very Simple RPG) with the basic requirements being:
- players rules should fit into 12 A4 pages
- use only six-sided dice
- use single digits whenever possible
To achieve this, most things were described as formulae instead of tedious lists, following the basic idea of mosaic spells (similar to dungeon master and grimrock though the latter didn't exist yet)
One of my favourites was the learning rules: a silly teacher with a bright student had the same chance as a neat teacher with a dumb pupil (i.e. add up the intelligence of both and that's the progress you make in one day; needing X progress to train your skill by 1 rank)
The whole thing got nasty as everyone tried to bring in their favourite tidbits from various games (wh40k, werewolf, dnd, star wars, vampire etc) and the whole thing messed up and became utterly complicated.
Recently I played with the thought of writing a sans-class d20 game which would otherwise as close to dnd / pf as possible to feel "at home" (well... there are attempts at this already and True20 is probably the closest match if looking for fantasy)
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POO = What the lead member of the party calls out while hiking through the woods. Example; While leading his friends through the woods, Toot calls out, POO, in a loud voice to warn his friends of the steamy pile of poo ahead.

I like the formula idea for running a game. Sounds interesting and educational.

I've always like the d10 system of VtM, or the Marvel system. It's initiative system is a little different and requires both parties to state their action before making any rolls, so if you lose initiative you're caught halfway through your action and have to recover some way.
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@DM: Torin is out from the MCaE at now, thanks for the modelling system. Sad
Could he follows Toot without being outside of MCaE or not?
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Thanks to the modelling system Toot takes up a quarter square only Smile moved him to the NE corner of his square and now Giant, Lugar, Portho, Boo and Torin are all within the aura.
There is a question though; what will the bison do; cornered where it is; with no adjacent foes but one foe still standing?
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Quote:Ooc @Lugar - with the skeleton dead? Well it was, for quite some time [Image: smile.png]
Ooc @Portho Nihilbuck - RL is hard. I'm also ok with wand instead of spell though I thought wand was more precious [Image: smile.png]
Ooc @Toot - I took it as if you two waited four each other and moved in unison. Don't think Toot being the pr1ck he is would give a sh*t Portho feeling offended or even abused. Behind the scenes I rolled a cha check and came up with 2-2=0 so that's why the bard didn't feel like doing what Toot "asked" even if he had the exact same plans before [Image: wink.png]
What you call, Toot being a Prick, is what I call frustration, trying to keep the Suicidal Gnome alive and roleplaying a 7 Charisma.  Cool Normally Toot wouldn't care if Portho was turned into the Vampire's, Bug eating, Bitch, but since Portho is the only one with knowledge of the Vampire to hopefully complete his quest, he's has some minor use... for now.  He also has Incite Courage which is kind of shitty until next level but when used on a horde of summoned creatures it becomes much more useful.  So for now it's in Toot's best interest to keep him alive but he can't do that if Portho is being a dick and won't listen.
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Yes I completely understand and totally agree. Rping 7 cha is frankly kinda being prick and you do it well all the time so take it as a compliment Smile

Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
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my reply to that is ;P
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In that case. "I fart in your general direction!" (5 cha)

Was it 2nd addition and prior that comeliness was its own stat? I think we need to update Charisma with a chart...

1-2: you shatter mirrors with a look and have no personality
3-4: down right hideous, uncouth, and pass gas all the time
5-6: your mother tied a biscuit around your neck so the dog would play with you. You eat other people's boogers.
7-8: you have sweaty palms and are a prick
9-10: you are homely and pick your nose when no one is looking. You greet people when they greet you.
11-12: someone may ask you out on a date and you say hi to strangers.
13-14: you have good bone structure and babies smile at you. You could ask others out on a date and they say yes 70% of the time.
15-16: you are the best looking person in the room and can convince others you are right even when you are wrong.
17-18: strangers gawk at you and you never get pimples. When you sing birds flock to your arms.
19-20: you can blind others with your beauty. Animals do chores for you when you sing. Everyone loves you. If you look in a mirror you fall in love with yourself.
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Comeliness was 1st edition AD&D, 2nd edition did away with it, Until the Skills and Powers rules supplement came out which split all the stats into two Strength (Muscle & Stamina), Dexterity (Aim & Balance), Constitution (Health & Fitness), Intelligence (Reason & Knowledge), Wisdom (Intuition & Willpower), Charisma (Leadership & Appearance). It was an interesting conceopt, it allowed for much more customization of chaeracters even if they had seeminlgly the same stats, but along with more customization it came with a whole new level of complexity. Example all the skills have to be broken down into which sub-ability has more influence on them.

AD&D 2e with the Player's Option rules supplements (Skills &Powers, Combat & Tactics, and Spells & Magic) was the most complex version of D&D to date. It was fun though, just character building took TIME.
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Sooo, I was wondering if everyone was thinking what I was thinking. The "Sea of Hate" is the Negative Energy Plane, which we are looking at through a gaping hole in the ceiling. I know SG thinks the key is one of the daggers, but in game it could be any damned thing! In my opinion the key is the vampire that just poofed and disappeared into a crack in the wall, after all it was he that opened the portal. Any other thoughts?
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.