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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
Hearing first Toryn and then Dunndero calling out warnings and requests, She darted across the room to the doorway and stopped shot behind Larz, Where the hell are they? 

Action 1: Running to doorway
Action 2: Trying to find them (Sorry, the visuals of D20's eyesight thing is kinda sucking) 
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Like Harley, Larz hears his two comrades call to arms then Harley asking about their location. as he breaks into a sprint he shouts over his shoulder. They are in the armory finishing up barricading the stair case down, follow me. then he's gone running at full speed out the door and down the hallway. Larz turns the corner and sprints up to the open doorway of the armory, seeing nothing he asks. What's going on.

1,2 & 3 Running to the armory  
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Oriana breaks into a sprint following Larz, heading to the armory to back up Toryn and Dunn.

1st, 2nd & 3rd: Stride.
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Breezy hearing the commotion head over to see what is going on and if they can help as well.

1,2,and3 - Moving
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Doing as requested, Harley takes off after the dwarf, her maul at the ready as she follows him to the armory. 

Actions 1 & 2 Following Larz.
Action 3 : Readying weapon.

(please move Harley on the map, it's still too confusing for me.)
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Lucian, who was also exploring the area looking for the stones for the anvil, hears the comotion and takes off running right next to Harley and Larz.  He rushes toward Toryn and Dunn, skidding to a halt next to Larz. Looking at the gnome starring with a pale face at a closed door, Lucian cast his shield. "What did we find now?"

(Action 1 & 2 - Following Larz and Harley toward Dun and Toryn's voices.)
(Action 3 - Casts Shield: +1 AC and Gains Shield Block 5 Reaction.)
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Oriana heard a yell from where Toryn and Dunndero had gone and knowing Toryn had answered Dunndero's call for help with a door she turned immediately and ran towards the armory. She ran in to see Toryn deathly white looking into the room were she heard rusty metallic doors opening.

Lucian followed her out and stopped at the entrance to the armory, now almost empty. A secret door, looking like part of the wall was open into the hall he could barely see. Toryn looked frightened.

Larz followed Oriana and Lucian to the Armory and pushed past Lucian to enter the room at the doorway. 

Toryn shouted something about skeletons and tried to shut the door, but was unable to for some unknown reason. Hed have to puzzle that out later as he moved back behind Dunndero. near the last weapons rack.

Suddenly appearing in the doorway was a skeletal body the size of a dwarf. Its eyes were blazing orbs of red Its bony fingers reaching out for the living. Behind it more could be seen as it moved next to Dunndero. It was almost pushed forward by the others and moved next to Oriana as Dunndero swung his axe because it left an opening and he took the opportunity. His axe should have smashed it to pieces, but the axe blade slid in between ribs. He had overlooked their natural resistance to slashing or piercing weapons because they lacked organs and skin.  They kept crowding out filling the room with still more behind them. 

Then they reached out with bony hands. Dunndero pushed the hands away with an armored arm and axe haft. 

A set of skeletal fingers grabbed Oriana's arm and pinched through armor piercing her flesh as blood trickled down her arm and hand. To its left another reached out to her but was unable to attack due to the confined quarters and there being no opening to do so.

The one that was missing ribs that Dunndero had assaulted originally as it squeezed through tried to grab at Larz  and managed to scratch the side of his face.

Satoru and Arielle were slower to react and moved calmly up to the corner of the hall and could see Lucian at the entrance to the Armory.

Harley, confused about where the fight was. shouted where are you and heard the answer and came running. and squeezed past both Larz and Lucian to get next to Toryn but behind Oriana ready to fight if she could get adjacent to the skeletons.

Dunndero then took a backswing at the one reaching for him and connected doing about as much damage to it because of its lack of real body, as the former. He then swung down and smashed the skeleton to bits with a second swing.

Breezy forego's watching the stairs and comes running out to stand next to Lucian . 


25 Oriana 
22 Lucian (+1 AC Mystic Armor)
22 Larz 3 dam to shield 
20 Toryn
19 Skeleton Guards (x5) 
18 Satoru 
18 Arielle

17 Harley
17 Dunndero 
8 Breezy

Brilliant Breeze AC:18 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Druid (Storm) Male Leaf Leshy Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero  AC:18 HP:18/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+3 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a
1st Fighter Male Half-Orc Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero points: 1 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Harley AC:17 HP:22/22  Saves: FO:+7 RE:+5 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:17 SDC:n/a
1st Barbarian Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none. 

Larz AC: AC:16 HP:17/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+4 WL:+8 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16
1st Cleric Male Dwarf Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1  Reactions: Shield Block
Lucian AC:15 HP:14/14 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Wizard (Battle Mage) Male Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Oriana AC:16 HP:15/20 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Kineticist {Water} Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: B/S weapon damage 1 Acid/fire 2 Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satoru AC:14 HP:21/21 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+4 WL:+5 Perception:+3 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities n/a
Hero Points: 3 Reactions: none
Arielle AC:18 HP:21/21 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+3- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a
Fey Trickster Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: none

Toryn AC:17 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:14
1st Rogue (magical misfit) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none


Skeleton Guard (x6) AC:16  HP: 1/4,Dead,4/4,4/4,4/4,4/4 Saves: FO:+2 RE:+8 WL:+2 Perception:+2 CDC:- SDC:-
1 Undead  Resistances: Cold/Fire/Electricity/Piercing/Slashing:5 Immunities: death effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
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Lucian sees the skeletons pouring into the room from where he stands in the door.  "Oh... Well that answers that." 
It seems like the team pushed themselves into a tight area with no room to maneuver.  The Wizard calls out, "They are resistant to damn near everything but bludgeoning, Hammers, Blunt objects, that sort of thing!" 
He tries to help give them some breathing room, Focusing his will, he reaches out telekinetically and grabs a loose brick or bit of rubble large enough to make an impact on the bones. "Ject!" Then hurls it at one the undead in the far corner, but the brick just bounces off the wall behind the skeleton as Lucian can't quite get a decent look at the things from outside the room.

Recall Knowledge just in case it's needed: 1d20+7 = 13

(Action 1 & 2 - Casts Telekinetic Projectile; Bludgeoning from Large brick or rubble, at a skeleton.)
(Action 3 - Refocusing Cantrip: Shield.)

Telekinetic Projectile Spell Attack: 1d20+7 = 10 - Miss
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"Oh! You pile o-dirty bones, I gonna club ya to bits!, shouts Dunndero as he changes the grip on the haft of his battleaxe and swings the weapon in such a fashion that he can hit the skeletons with the flat broad side of the axes head.

1. Manipulate Object: - changes grip on battleaxe to swing it broad sided.
2. Attack Action: - Battleaxe Attack = [1d20+9]=6+9=15 (Miss, Spend Hero Point to reroll), Battleaxe Attack = [1d20+9]=18+9=27 (Critical Hit), Battleaxe Damage =[1d8+4]=2+4=6 x2= 12 damage.
3. 2nd Attack Action: 2nd Battleaxe Attack =[1d20+4]=2+4=6 (Miss, Spend Hero Point to reroll), 2nd Battleaxe Attack =[1d20+4]=14+4=18 (Hit), Battleaxe Damage =[1d8+4]=8+4=12 Damage. " Hold still ye Bony Bastard, so I can Barry ye like a ten penny nail!, exclaims Dunndero as he slams the weapon flatside down atop the skull of a 2nd skeleton.
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What the? Was all she said before leaping forward and smashing her war maul down on the head of one of the skeletons reducing it to a pile of bones before twirling in a circle and sweeping the hefty weapon around, but her aim was off and she missed the second skeleton entirely. 

Action 1: Leaping forward
Action 2: Maul Strike: 1d20+6 21
Maul Strike Damage: 1d12+3 9
Action 3: Maul Strike: 1d20+1 9
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