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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[OoC: Bazz has Thief Tools and Detect Magic but Melville is already doing a ritual to detect magic.  What exactly does rituals do?]

"We should wrap something around our nose and mouth to help protect against spores and stale air," Bazz says while doing just that with his cloak.  "Does anyone know of a way to refresh the air in wasp's bubble?"

Bazz will attempt to search for traps.
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[OoC  a ritual takes 10 MINUTES to cast but does not use a spell slot, I can cast unlimited times per day.  Bards cannot do rituals normally.Only prepared casters like wizards and clerics]

Melville finishes his ritual before allowing Rupert to open the hatch.  Immediately upon finishing the ritual he says "There is extremely powerful magic below that hatch. I cannot determine the school without being able to actually see it, but that does coincide with the likelihood of there being a helm there, although it could be something else.  There is also a faint aura somewhere further back in the ship."

"I am also trained in using thieves tools, but alas do not own a set."
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"I have Fog Cloud memorized. It will obscure sight for a time, but has the benefit of completely refreshing the air"
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(03-22-2021, 03:23 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC: Bazz has Thief Tools and Detect Magic but Melville is already doing a ritual to detect magic.  What exactly does rituals do?]

"We should wrap something around our nose and mouth to help protect against spores and stale air," Bazz says while doing just that with his cloak.  "Does anyone know of a way to refresh the air in wasp's bubble?"

Bazz will attempt to search for traps.

[[OOC:  Rituals let you cast the spell with an extended casting time (standard is 10 minutes, but many feats and subclasses can shorten this) without it needing to be prepared.

All three of you also know that your ship, the Wasp, and the tree all share one large air bubble.  The two ships also share a gravity plane as they are directly connected.  Air freshening techniques, such as Fog Cloud, might be useful if they could be implemented behind the doors before you open them.  Basically a combination of intended design and structural decay has created two mostly air-tight parts of the ship, the helmroom and the enclosed main deck.  Your concern from earlier checks is not so much foul air, the Night Tree or something else is generating plenty of air for current situations, but rather the airborne diseases and whatever else that might have developed within those same spaces.  It stands to reason that if you opened up the doors and just let them air for awhile it would remove or at least significantly lessen that risk, if you want to take the time.]]
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Bazz asks Melville, "Please ask if the Captain wants us to take the time to air out the ship.  If he doesn't then covering out face and holding are breath is the best option.  Did the Captain get back to us about the Remove Disease spells?"
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[[OOC: I didn't see anyone ask about remove disease previously.]]

When Bazz mentions Remove Disease, Anders says, "The powers of the void will allow me to cleanse us of disease, although only twice before an extended rest and meditation."
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(03-22-2021, 03:35 PM)Melville Wrote: "I am also trained in using thieves tools, but alas do not own a set."

[[OOC:  Given your close ties to Slick, I am fine with retconning that she would have loaned you her's for this mission if you would like.]]
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(03-22-2021, 03:23 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Bazz will attempt to search for traps.

Bazz looks closely at the floor hatch and can see the wood of the hatch is swollen and tightly sealed against the decking.  The hinges are warped and oddly pitted, but should still be functional.  There is no lock and Bazz is pretty sure that the swelling of the hatch would have effectively destroy or disabled any trap triggers attached to it.  He can tell that it will take a feat of strength to pull it open.

[[OOC:  Anyone trying to open the hatch, please give me a DC 7 STR check.  Anders offers to help anyone trying to open it, so you can make the check with advantage.]]
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"Slick says the only source of disease curing would be Anders, nothing in the ship's stores.  The Captain leaves the decision to air it out up to us, but doesn't want to spend too much time unless there is a tremendous payout. He'll be okay with a few hours, but not a full day or more."
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Rupert ties his gun's oil cloth over his mouth and nose as a precaution and grabs the hatch and tries to open it. Strength Check = [1d20+3]=8+3=11
With Advantage:Strength Check = [1d20+3]=19+3=22
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