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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(01-31-2021, 06:51 AM)Melville Wrote: Advantage rolls: Arcana+5 [1d20+5] = 3+5 = 8; Investigation++5 [1d20+5] = 20+5 = 25; Insight+3 [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23
The Investigation and Insight are definitely just a TOUCH better, the Arcana not so much.

Anders also gave you guidance, which adds a d4 to each of those (not that you really need it much on the Investigation or Insight). Just to move things along I'll go ahead and roll these for you: Guidance: [1d4] = 2, [1d4] = 3, [1d4] = 3, which would give you a final arcana roll of 14, Investigation of 28 (!) and Insight of 25.

Melville settles himself down on the belly of the ship and takes just a moment to reflect on the shine of the stars in the shard.  He quickly performs the detect magic ritual, highlighting the magical weave that surrounded and infused the shard.  He could see filaments of raw arcane power that had inclinations towards both divination and transmutation magics.  The power around this shard is wild and unstructured.  While it is fairly obvious [[Arcana DC 10]] that this shard could be used as a component in the creation of a magical item, Melville is unsure how to really begin that process.  More detailed research would be needed for that.  He is pretty sure, however, that in the short term this shard would likely have a amplifying effect on any divination or transmutation that is targeted through it's reflection. [[Investigation DC 25]] There is a chance that any spell targeted in such a way would unravel due to the nature of the infused power of the shard and become a wild surge instead. [[Insight DC 20]] He is also fairly confident that an Identify ritual would allow for a more precise understanding of these effects, although as it is not a real spell effect, just a natural magical residue, some degree of uncertainty is likely unavoidable. [[Investigation DC 20]]
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"Ashheart, I would recommend to the Captain that either you or I should perform the Identify ritual. There is much more we need to uncover regarding this potentially lucrative item. You are the artificier, perhaps a true magic item can be made using this as a central component..."  He Explains what his findings are."
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Ashheart nods in agreement and pulls a fine quality pearl out from a pocket in it's coat.  It holds it out to Melville and says, "You've done great so far, no reason not to let you continue the streak."
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Melville simply nods, accepts the pearl, and sits down to begin the ritual of Identify. 11 minutes later he completes the ritual and announces the results.
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The Identify ritual reveals the following aspects of the shard:

This item is a Fragment of Shattered Fractine.  This fragment of bent and reflective reality can act as an arcane focus for divination or transmutation spells.  A caster can use the mirror to target spells, both ritual and combat.  Any spell attack targeted via the shard suffers disadvantage on that attack but the caster may choose to apply one or more of the following effects to the attack: 1) target an additional target, 2) double the range of the spell, or 3) give the target(s) disadvantage on any related saves from the spell.  Any spell cast via the shard must check for a wild surge (1 in 20).  Each effect added to the spell from above adds 4 to the target number for this check (i.e. adding a target will trigger a wild surge on a roll for 1-5.  Adding a target and giving disadavantage to targets would trigger a wild surge on a roll of 1-9.)  If a wild surge is triggered, the triggering spell is wholly consumed by the surge and produces only the surge effect, unless the effect simply modifies some aspect of the spell.  Any divination spell cast via the shard has a small chance that specifics of the divination may be twisted or obscured, the more detailed the divination the more likely some aspects will be altered.
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Melville will pass on what he has learned,  it is definitely an interesting artifactr, and certainly profitable for the vessel even should they choose to sell itr, perhaps better if they use it.

""My own arcane repertoire is not well suited to take advantage of this shard at this time, perhaps in the future, but I think we should definitely share our findings with the Captain and other crew. There are plenty of other spellcasters in the crew who could benefit from this.."

He stands and hands the carefully wrapped shard back to Ashheart, expecting Ashheart to be the one to hand it to the Captain and report the findings.  He does share that they are safe and coming back topside with Slick via the shared link.
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Ashheart takes the shard and the research group clambers back up on to the decks.  After a brief discussion with Threadvine about the implications, the first mate finds Bazz and Chick in the helmroom.  He presents both with a small card in beautiful calligraphy that details everything that has been learned of the   and says, "Bazz, Melville has identified this and based on my understanding of it, neither he nor I can really use it.  Neither can Anders.  That leaves you and Chick. I don't believe we have discussed all of the spells you have access to, but I know that as a bard you will likely have a larger selection than she does.  Do you think you could make effective use of this?"
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(02-03-2021, 04:56 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Ashheart takes the shard and the research group clambers back up on to the decks.  After a brief discussion with Threadvine about the implications, the first mate finds Bazz and Chick in the helmroom.  He presents both with a small card in beautiful calligraphy that details everything that has been learned of the   and says, "Bazz, Melville has identified this and based on my understanding of it, neither he nor I can really use it.  Neither can Anders.  That leaves you and Chick. I don't believe we have discussed all of the spells you have access to, but I know that as a bard you will likely have a larger selection than she does.  Do you think you could make effective use of this?"

"My spell repertoire is not as grand as you might think.  I'm also a warlock which means that many of my spells are Cantrips.  My only spell that might assist is Detect Magic, but I assume Melville has already cast that spell.  The only other thing I have to offer are my knowledge and research skills.  At the next port I might be able to find someone who does know what else this thing can be used for."
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Ashheart shrugs as Chick says basically the same things as you, only limited because she is a sorcerer not a warlock.  The mate says, "Unfortunately it doesn't seem that anyone can see how to make effective use for it.  Maybe it will be best to hold off until we can find a sage or something in port that is willing to buy it.  It'll go into the secure hold, then."  

The rest of the day passes relatively uneventfully.  The only other stand out event was that Rory has begun trying to talk to all of the casters during down time about runes and "Giant magic".  As he will tell anyone who will listen, his family had always said that they were distantly related to Giants.  He had always discounted them as just family legends but when he was fighting the fractine he saw a flash of history, a line of mighty warriors of less and less human appearance going back through time to shadowy massive figures moving among the clouds and storms.  In an instant he gained an understanding of the ancient magic used by these forgotten ancestors and has had these runes burning behind his eyes ever since the fight.  

While these conversations and other normal ship-board life continues, the dark space ahead of the ship continued to spread as it approached the pitch black material of the shell between the eternal burning and twinkling lights that make up the constellations of the shell.
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After nearly two weeks of continual travel, the Riposte finally heaves to a stop only a few hundred feet from the featureless black wall of the crystal shell.  Melville happens to be on the helm, so Chick is provided a Create Portal scroll by Captain Threadvine. Before she casts it however, the Captain tells Ashheart to "extinguish the ship".  Ashheart blows one low and one high note, a signal everyone aboard knows  to mean to immediately extinguish all flames and flame sources.  Slick is already in the galley, presumably shutting things down there.  Bill and Royce can be seen on the stern, quickly lighting and smoking a final cigarette.  Other members of the crew begin to canvas their immediate area for any lanterns or other fire sources.  Threadvine and Ashheart also assist in the effort and Threadvine makes sure to mention to everyone to be on the lookout once the portal is opened.  That is when we are most likely to run into other ships as anyone running a Locate Portal will be immediately drawn to the area.

[[OOC: Are any of you doing anything of note in preparing to pass into the Flow?  Melville is currently on the helm, but the ship is at a stand still at the moment, so he can get up and move around if needed.]]
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