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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Threadvine looks to Ashheart for a moment and the warmonger artificer shrugs.  He seems to think for a second and says, "That seems reasonable Melville.  Rupert, do your best to keep an eye on him."
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Melville nods. "Thank you , sirs."  

Then to Rupert,"Tie yourself off, there are no safety lines down there and if some blast or something knocks  overboard we might not get spotted in timer for someone to throw a line."

[OoC you didn't answer, we are at 900 xp. Do we level immediately or wait?]
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{OOC: correct, that xp award should bump all three of you to 3rd level.  Annabelle (Swashbuckler Rogue 3, I would give her leveling a post, but this particular subclass is just being more of a sailor rogue, nothing really flashy), Royce (Rune Knight Fighter 3, this leveling will be reflected in a later post as it takes more time to become obvious), and Slick all leveled as well.  Bill is pretty close.}

Slick speaks to Melville via the mental merger, "Thank you for you suggesting this mental merger.  It has lead to me trying to explore other mental capabilities, and I think the brief exposure I had to fractine has opened a door for me.  I can feel the power available to me, and think that you and I will become key to any away missions.  I'm pretty sure I can setup a variation of our telepathic connection with a couple other, as well as a couple other tricks."  She holds up a hand and a faintly visible field of psychic energy forms around it. {Slick has leveled up to a Soul Knife Rogue 3}

Ashheart is about to head down to get Anders when the dwarf comes up to see what all the commotion was about.  They both follow Melville to the underside of the ship to see the results of his.  Ashheart says, "I have an identify ritual prepared as well, but might as well verify that there is magic left to it before burning the pearl."  Anders grants Melville a Guidance prayer, just in case.  She says, 'I don't think I will be much help with magical analysis and the thing certainly doesn't sound celestial, but I don't mind hanging around in case things go wrong and you need quick healing."

Melville, Ashheart, Anders and Rupert prepare to head to the underside of the ship.  Royce, Bill and Annabelle are already on watch duty, and Cash is servicing the cannon.  Anders casts Cure Wounds on Annabelle before heading over.  Threadvine will be watching the safety lines for the researching party. Chick remains on the helm.  

What is Bazz up too?
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"I too can cast identify as a ritual, but alas do not have the pearl."

From dohwar racial traits.
Quote:When you reach 3rd level you learn to cast detect magic and identify, but only as a ritual, you do need material components.

While climbing to the underside he  tells Ashheart. "I think I have unlocked some new magical formulae, one of which will allow me to permanently secure any door or hatch from being opened, except by thos particular people I key to the spell when it is cast, or who speak a passphrase that I include in the casting. It has a 25 gold coin cost, in gold dust, with each casting. If the captain is willing to pay that gold dust expense I can secure any door on the ship he chooses, or even all of them, from anyone but authorized persons. Perhaps scure the outer hatches from any but the crew, and any lockup that Captain has from anyone but him."

[OoC  second level spell selection = Dragon's Breath and Arcane Lock.]
[OoC 3rd level Hit points +2 Con [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4 = 4+2 Con = 6]

Once one the underside  he makes sure to situat himself nice and firmly on the keel, sitting crosslegged facing  the stern, at least 5 feet from the nearest person, but turned so everyone gets a clear view. 

Quote:For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any.

Arcana+5 [1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12; Investigation++5 [1d20+5] = 5+5 = 10; Insight+3 [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7
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(01-31-2021, 12:06 AM)Melville Wrote: "I too can cast identify as a ritual, but alas do not have the pearl."

From dohwar racial traits.
Quote:When you reach 3rd level you learn to cast detect magic and identify, but only as a ritual, you do need material components.

While climbing to the underside he  tells Ashheart. "I think I have unlocked some new magical formulae, one of which will allow me to permanently secure any door or hatch from being opened, except by thos particular people I key to the spell when it is cast, or who speak a passphrase that I include in the casting. It has a 25 gold coin cost, in gold dust, with each casting. If the captain is willing to pay that gold dust expense I can secure any door on the ship he chooses, or even all of them, from anyone but authorized persons. Perhaps scure the outer hatches from any but the crew, and any lockup that Captain has from anyone but him."

[OoC  second level spell selection = Dragon's Breath and Arcane Lock.]
[OoC 3rd level Hit points +2 Con [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4 = 4+2 Con = 6]

Once one the underside  he makes sure to situat himself nice and firmly on the keel, sitting crosslegged facing  the stern, at least 5 feet from the nearest person, but turned so everyone gets a clear view. 

Quote:For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any.

Arcana+5 [1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12; Investigation++5 [1d20+5] = 5+5 = 10; Insight+3 [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7

Ashheart nods and says, "I'm sure he will be interested in that.  We've got the gold, we'll just have to melt it down and powder it.  We'll talk to the captain.  I know he has something like that on his private hold, but he had to commission that and it was pricey."

Ashheart will be helping you with your deductions, so you can go ahead and roll all those with advantage.  The Detect Magic shows that shard is magical, and has an affinity for divination and transmutation magic.
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Advantage rolls: Arcana+5 [1d20+5] = 3+5 = 8; Investigation++5 [1d20+5] = 20+5 = 25; Insight+3 [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23
The Investigation and Insight are definitely just a TOUCH better, the Arcana not so much.
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[OoC: to roll with advantage means you roll twice and take the highest roll, for each check you had advantage on]
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(01-31-2021, 07:10 AM)Zhargoza Wrote: [OoC: to roll with advantage means you roll twice and take the highest roll, for each check you had advantage on]

The first rolls were already rolled Scroll up
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Bazz has been alternating between blinking and squinting his eyes.  After a few minutes he says, "It seems my patron has chosen to gift me with sight capable of piercing any darkness and..." Bazz looks down at his hand that's crackling with energy.  He fires off an Eldritch Blast that appears to be far more powerful than what he's displayed in the past.  "Interesting.  My Eldritch Blast appears to have gained added punch!"

Bazz will then explain to everyone what he knows about the thing that attacked them.  Afterward Bazz helps with the clean up and returns to regular duty as soon as possible.
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(01-31-2021, 08:35 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Bazz has been alternating between blinking and squinting his eyes.  After a few minutes he says, "It seems my patron has chosen to gift me with sight capable of piercing any darkness and..." Bazz looks down at his hand that's crackling with energy.  He fires off an Eldritch Blast that appears to be far more powerful than what he's displayed in the past.  "Interesting.  My Eldritch Blast appears to have gained added punch!"

Bazz will then explain to everyone what he knows about the thing that attacked them.  Afterward Bazz helps with the clean up and returns to regular duty as soon as possible.

After you explain what you know of the fractine and the search for the fragment, you begin to head back down to the main deck on your way back to the helmroom.

Quote:To restate and save everyone the search

You realize that this thing is something of which you have only heard distance rumors and conjectures: a Fractine.  These bizarre spatial phenomena are exceptionally rare, although you have heard one story of a legendary diviner that used a captured fractine as a scrying mirror, bound by darkness and arcane rituals.  According to your information the fractine can only be hurt by silver or magical weapons, or magical attacks.  It is known to have a powerful resistance to most magics, and there is a chance that it might reflect any attack that actually lands.  The reflection of some part of physical attacks that land onto their sources is also hinted at, and confirmed by your own observations. According to the story, the fractine attacks like a fun house mirror, causing damage and bizarre spatial or physical distortions. There are hints in the story that the fractine "feeds" on life, magic, light and dark and that if it "eats" enough it will leave.  Finally, the story indicates that when damaged there is a chance that the fractine will shatter into multiple smaller versions with all the powers of the full size version, although smaller "stomachs".     

As you cross the deck, Royce calls to you as he comes up from behind.  "Bazz.  Kinda weird question, but do you know anything about Giants?"
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