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Droskar's Crucible
Larz moved forward and the others advanced as well. moving through the narrow confines of the tunnel forced the group to move into a single file line as they turned the corner and squeezed through a tight opening. Kallista stopped dead in her tracks when two things occurred, first a Dwarf could be seen working at a Forge, pounding away with his hammer. One hand held a chain. Slowly the dwarf turned and Kallista saw his visage. He was clearly some undead creature. His face was sunken and his skin leather. His eyes held no pupils. His red beard and hair danced with flames. Flames also flickered along the chain. The other thing that happened was a dog black as soot stood up. his red eyes burning with an inner fire. flames flickered along its teeth and danced in his mouth. heat and steam and smoke swirled in the room. It was easily 30 degrees hotter in here. 

The dwarven smith opened his mouth and with each breath as he spoke small flickers of flame left his mouth. He said Your souls will make an excellent addition to my forge.

25 Kallista Shield Raised -1 Damage
25 Forge Spurned
20 Hell Hound
19 Larz Raised Shield -2 damage Drained
18 Breezy
17 Toryn  Drained 
17 Oriana Shield Raised
7 Dunndero Stage 1 Ghoul Fever DC 15 Onset 1 day Drained
7 Lucian Mystic Armor +1

Brilliant Breeze AC:19 HP: 28/28 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leaf Leshy  Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: ?? Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero AC:19 HP: 29/(32)30 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+4 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC: n/a
2nd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 1 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Kallista AC:20 HP: 32/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC: 15
2nd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Soul Forger Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block, Reactionary Strike

Larz AC: AC:17 HP: 28/(30)28 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
2nd Cleric Male Dwarf  Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 2  Reactions: Shield Block

Lucien AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:17 HP:32/32 Saves: FO:+10 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 2 Acid/Fire 4 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Toryn AC:18 HP: 26/(28)26 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+10 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:16
2nd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Psychic (Tangible Dream) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield (Amped)


Hellhound  AC:19 HP: 40/40, 40/40 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+10 WL:+7 CDC:19
3 Beast (Fiendish) Resistance: n/a Immunities: Fire Weakness: Cold: 5

Forge-Spurned AC:22 75/75 Saves: FO:+15 RE:+9 WL:+11 CDC:21 
5 Undead Resistance: None Immunities: Death Effects, Disease, Fire, Paralyzed, Poison, Unconscious Weakness Cold: 5
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Attack: 1d20+8 13 (hero point) Attack: 1d20+8 16
Attack: 1d20+3 19

In Iomedae's Name!, the paladin roared and strode forth. The other's needed her to move anyway so they could enter, closing with the undead dwarf, her katana flashed forward to the attack and missed, the steam and heat of the room obviously causing the sweat on her hands to make the hilt unwieldy.

1 - Stride
2 & 3 - missed attacks.
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Dunndero hearing Kallista's battle cry, tries to move up with her, inorder to protect her flank from the hell hound, " Ware da hound Kallista, I'll put thus pup down as quick as I can so I can help ye with that ugly bastard!". Dunndero's first attack is a sweeping chop the connects with solidly with the hell hound, but the second nearly misses the mark with all the steam making it difficult for Dunndero to see were he is swinging and he almost loses his hold on the axe shaft, but manages to bring an even more solid hit to its side after tightening his grip.

1. Move Action: Stride up beside Kallista's flank.
2. Attack Action: Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack = [1d20+11]=9+11=20 (Hit!), Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Damage =[1d8+5]=4+5=9 Damage.
3. 2nd Attack Action: 2nd Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack =[1d20+6]=1+6=7 (Crit Miss!, Spend 1 Hero Point to Reroll Attack), 2nd Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack =[1d20+6]=17+6=23 (Hit!), Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Damage =[1d8+5]=8+5=13 Damage.
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Lucian follows the frontliners and as soon as the hellhound comes into view of blasts it with magical cold. 

(Action 1 - Stride forward with the group to keep from bottlenecking in the tunnel.)
(Action 2 & 3 - Casts Frostbite on the Hellhound. Auto-hit w/ Basic Fort Save.)

Frostbite Damage: 2d4 = 4
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Breezy moves forward till he can see the hound. The small druid takes out his lump of silver, and casts his spell. As he hurls the needles at the creature he frowns, unhappy to be close to such an unnatural thing.

1: Stride forward to see the hound
2 &3 Cast Needle Dart: Attack: 1d20+8=21
Damage: 3d4=7
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Larz leaves the hell hound to the rest of the party, choosing instead to follow Kalista to the undead forge cleric. Looks like it's just us Leftenant, lets send him back to hell. Larz sends a prayer up then sends a lance of positive energy into the long dead forge master. hitting him squarely in the chest. This was no normal undead he stood there flames flickering around him and shook off the damage.

1 stride
2 & 3 Disrupt Undead

Damage disrupt 2d6=11
Sv DC 17 Fort 1d20 +15=21
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Oriana steps into the tunnel, stooping and turning her body to fit through the tight space.

Seeing the hound take a number of blows, she summons her elemental gate once more and flings a blast of icy cold water at the beast but it dodged the attack with ease. This did not put Oriana in a good mood.

Keeping her shield up in case of counter attacks, Oriana's eyes flick around the shadowy space to make sure there are not other hidden threats looming in the dark.

1st: Stride
2nd: Channel Elements/Elemental Blast. 1d20+8=16 Miss.
3rd: Raise Shield
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Toryn squeezed through the tight cavern corridor and maneuvered his way to the hellhound, flanking the smoldering beast while it was preoccupied with Dunndero. The shimmering force of protection appeared around Toryn and with a little more effort from the gnome, two additional brightly colored layers materialized around him.

Action 1: Stride to try and flank a hellhound
Action 2: Shortsword Strike: 1d20+8 21
Shortsword Damage: 1d6+4 10 + sneak attack: 1d6 6 (if flanking)
Action 3: Amped Shield (+1 AC, 3 layers of 5 hardness.) (-1 focus point)

(OOC: Amped shield can block with 1 layer for 5 hardness, 2 layers for 7 hardness, or all 3 layers for 10 hardness against an attack. If it shield blocks, it loses the AC bonus but can still be sustained until all layers break.)
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Kallista quickly assessed the situation and Katana and Shield in hand, advanced purposely on the Hammer and Chain bearing Dwarf. Her sword flashed twice, and the dwarf avoided both attacks. 

The undead dwarf slashed out once with his fiery chain aiming at the Katana The chain wrapped around the blade, but Kallista seeing what it was trying to do, jerked really hard and the dwarf became off balance. as she lowered the blade, the chain slid off it.

The Hellhound rushed forward at the others and a gout of firey breath shot out to envelop Larz, Dunndero and Lucian. It caught Larz square in the face signing all of his hair, and blistering his bod; the ring on his finger flashed deep brown and he felt a slight lessening of the effect of the flames. Dunndero felt the flames all over his left side, while Lucian ducked behind Larz's body avoiding most of it. Larz was whoozy from the flames. Then the hound lunged at Larz who pushed his shield into the dogs face forcing him back.

Pushing past The Hound of Hell, Larz wanting to free up room to fight, moved where he could see the Undead threatening Kallista and aimed a blast of pure positive energy at the evil creature. The blast struck him, but he growled and shook off the worst of it. 

Breezy scampred between everybodies legs, the lithe and small plant creature getting into position quickly, holding his silver coin he launced a barrage of silver needles into the Hellhounds shoulder and head.

Toryn was next to spring into action.  and slid to the right of the hell hound as it flinched from the silvered needles. Getting into a flanking position he stabbed the infernal beast in its haunch. Then focusing his mind he called up a shimmering shield of mental energy. 

Oriana squeezed into the narrow area Toryn had just left and a jet of icy cold water fired at the Hound but merely froze the rock above him as she missed her target. She raided her shield in front of herself.

Seeing The Hound right to his left, Dunndero hacked into its side quickly, then on a backswing he felt his grip slipping on the Glintaxe and shifted to maintain it and hacked the creatures head off its body. Then he moved forward, to be beside Kallista facing the Undead Dwarf.

Seeing the Hellhound drop to the cave floor, Lucian moved forward to behind Kallista by 10 feet and eyeing the undead dwarf he fired a blast of ice at it. and even though the creature raised his hammer to block the blast of ice, it coated the end of it and part of its arm, temporarily quenching flames on that part of his body. 

25 Kallista Shield -1 Damage
25 Forge Spurned Off Guard til next turn AC 20
19 Larz  Shield -2 damage Drained
18 Breezy
17 Toryn  Drained +1 AC, 3 layers of 5 hardness Mental Shield
17 Oriana Shield Raised
7 Dunndero Stage 1 Ghoul Fever DC 15 Onset 1 day Drained
7 Lucian Mystic Armor +1

Brilliant Breeze AC:19 HP: 28/28 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leaf Leshy  Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: ?? Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero AC:19 HP: 16/(32)30 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+4 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC: n/a
2nd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 0 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Kallista AC:20 HP: 32/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC: 15
2nd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Soul Forger Hero Points: 0 Reactions: Shield Block, Reactionary Strike

Larz AC: AC:17 HP:7/(30)28 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
2nd Cleric Male Dwarf  Resistances: 1xday Fire Resistance 5 and +1 to AC/Save Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 2  Reactions: Shield Block

Lucien AC:16 HP: 14/20 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:17 HP:32/32 Saves: FO:+10 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 2 Acid/Fire 4 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Toryn AC:18 HP: 26/(28)26 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+10 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:16
2nd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Psychic (Tangible Dream) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield (Amped)


Hellhound Dead

Forge-Spurned AC:22 63/75 Saves: FO:+15 RE:+9 WL:+11 CDC:21 
5 Undead Resistance: None Immunities: Death Effects, Disease, Fire, Paralyzed, Poison, Unconscious Weakness Cold: 5
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Attack: 1d20+8 27 Damage: 1d10+4 7
Attack 2: 1d20+3 10

Her blade slashing left then right, she scored a hit upon the undead dwarf, though her returning strike missed it's mark, before shifting from her current position and hopefully opening a flanking position for one of her companions. 

1: Strike (hit)
2: Strike (Miss)
3: Stride to the Undead Dwarf's right.
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