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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Bazz places his hand on the canon and whispers, "Maybe next time, beautiful."

(01-15-2021, 11:10 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: Ashheart rushes up the stern stairwell and seeing Slick still down asks Bazz, "Do you have any healing left?  If not, I can stablize her."

"It's my last," Bazz calls back.  He then speaks a single word and life flows back into Slick's body. Healing Word: [1d4+4] = 4+4 = 8; Maximum!  He then helps him/her to their feet.
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(01-15-2021, 11:55 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 11:45 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC: I have Proficiency in Perception so I think I get my Proficiency bonus or +2 added to my Wisdom +1 bonus for a total of +3 bonus.

Perception: [1d20+3] = 12+3 = 15

Not that it matters at this point, but as Bazz turned the cannon towards the minotaur skeleton he would have noticed that it was not loaded.

Everyone can give themselves 100 xp for the fight.

[[I suspected as much but maybe someone would have helped.  

We were 2nd level so we had 300xp.  This 100 gives up 400xp.  Have I missed anything?]]
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(01-15-2021, 11:34 PM)Melville Wrote: "Captain, I think for the time being you and i need to it together for a bit.  A merger to link our minds. Some faster communication might help. Imagine if you and Asheart had been unable to hear the attack from the hold."

Quote:Merger Link. Over the course of a long rest you can establish a mental connection with one willing creature that has an Intelligence of 6 or higher. While forming the link the target must remain in your presence at all times. You can then communicate telepathically with your linked partner as long as you are on the same plane of existence or until either of you finish your next long rest.

Threadvine looks down at Melville as the dohwar expains the Merger.  Thoughtfully he says, "I'm glad to know that is an option.  I don't know that it is a great idea to have to have you sleep in my quarters from this point forward to maintain.  On the ship there is always someone up and watching, and all of you casters have ways to raise a loud alarm, right?  I do think that it would be useful in the case of away parties to have you set that up with someone that is doing the opposite of you as far as staying aboard.  Having an instant means to communicate with the ship regardless of where a party wanders is an advantage I have not had before.  I keep meaning to get some sending stones, but this is really even better."
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(01-16-2021, 12:00 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 11:55 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 11:45 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC: I have Proficiency in Perception so I think I get my Proficiency bonus or +2 added to my Wisdom +1 bonus for a total of +3 bonus.

Perception: [1d20+3] = 12+3 = 15

Not that it matters at this point, but as Bazz turned the cannon towards the minotaur skeleton he would have noticed that it was not loaded.

Everyone can give themselves 100 xp for the fight.

[[I suspected as much but maybe someone would have helped.  

We were 2nd level so we had 300xp.  This 100 gives up 400xp.  Have I missed anything?]]

{OOC: I thought there was an earlier XP reward, but don't have the time to dig it up at the moment.}
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(01-15-2021, 11:57 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: "It's my last," Bazz calls back.  He then speaks a single word and life flows back into Slick's body. Healing Word: [1d4+4] = 4+4 = 8; Maximum!  He then helps him/her to their feet.

As Bazz heals Slick, her bright blue eyes open and she spares him a brilliant smile as he helps her to her feet.  "Thanks doll!" she says appreciatively.

Ashheart calls back to the captain that everyone seemed alive.  Threadvine calls out loud enough for everyone to hear, "If you have wounds that need tending, come see Chick or Cash or check in with Anders on the helm.  Make sure to keep an eye out!  When you run into one cluster of these boney fucks there are usually more around."  He contempuously punts the skull of one of the humanoid skeletons off the deck.  "Good job everyone!  Great spot Major Corporal, glad you are still with us!"
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(01-16-2021, 12:03 AM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 11:34 PM)Melville Wrote: "Captain, I think for the time being you and i need to it together for a bit.  A merger to link our minds. Some faster communication might help. Imagine if you and Asheart had been unable to hear the attack from the hold."

Quote:Merger Link. Over the course of a long rest you can establish a mental connection with one willing creature that has an Intelligence of 6 or higher. While forming the link the target must remain in your presence at all times. You can then communicate telepathically with your linked partner as long as you are on the same plane of existence or until either of you finish your next long rest.

Threadvine looks down at Melville as the dohwar expains the Merger.  Thoughtfully he says, "I'm glad to know that is an option.  I don't know that it is a great idea to have to have you sleep in my quarters from this point forward to maintain.  On the ship there is always someone up and watching, and all of you casters have ways to raise a loud alarm, right?  I do think that it would be useful in the case of away parties to have you set that up with someone that is doing the opposite of you as far as staying aboard.  Having an instant means to communicate with the ship regardless of where a party wanders is an advantage I have not had before.  I keep meaning to get some sending stones, but this is really even better."

"Valid point, then again, we men share quarters and hot bunk, there is always another of the men sleeping near me. If I were just to make sure it is always one of the deck crew that I merge with, that will give us an advantage, at least among the crew. Just an idea."
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Threadvine nods in agreement and says, "Feel free to see if anyone is interested in taking you up on that.  I'm not going to command someone do a mind-merger like that day-to-day, but I'm sure someone would volunteer.  Slick would for the new experience if no one else, although that would have you moving into the other bunkroom.  You're non-elf and non-gnome enough that probably wouldn't be an issue."
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"Easiest way to put forth the idea is at meal-time. Then let those curious come to me, so it.. doesn't feel intrusive. We dohwar often do this with our mates yes, but just as likely with our business partners."
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[OoC: our XP total = 500, as we recieved 100XP during the holidays. 400XP to reach Lvl 3.]
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[OoC How m,any days had we been travelling when this encounter occurred? And for Rupert.. how many HP do we heal with rest in 5e? Remember spelljamming journeys can take weeks if not months, so unless you are critically wounded the best option is probably to wait for the next day when 'renewable' magic can be used and thus save the potions which are not renewable.]
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