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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Iniative=[1d20+2] = 3+2 = 5, in spite of not being surprised, Rupert is a little shaken by the appearance of the undead, and is a bit slow to react.
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Initiative: [1d20+4] = 15+4 = 19
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[OoC at least one of us will hopefully go before the skeletons]
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[OOC: Apparently the majority of the crew is slow to react.  Bazz will lead off the order though]

Round 1
Bazz - 19
Slick - 18
Minotaur Skeletons - 16
Skeletons - 15
Threadvine - 13
Annabelle -12
Cash - 9
Bill - 7
Anders - 7
Royce - 6
Rupert - 5
Ashheart - 4
Melville - 3
Chick - 1

Map is in my signature (Great idea Marvel) and I will add it each Round post.  Bazz, you lead off.  There is one skeleton who happened to bounce up against the door to the helmroom as it unfurled, which is right next to where you happened to be standing.
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[OoC1: Sorry for taking so long to reply.  I picked up a day shift, which is something I rarely (like once a year) do.  And of course there was a new staff in this morning train.  And of course the regular day staff decided to take a client on a road trip to see his dad... during COVID... leaving me by myself to train someone shift duties I'm only vaguely knowledgeable of...   Angry  And I buggered my back again...  So I didn't have a lot of time to get online to post.   Sad   But I get to do this again on Sunday!  Just shoot me! ]

[OoC2: Ok, I can see where I am but I'm confused about how there can be 2 main decks. ]
[OoC3: It appears as if Skeletons aren't immune Psychic damage or to fear?  Huh  ]

[OoC4: Am I flanking the skeleton that's beside me?]

[[ I assume that just like in 3.5, since I beat them in initiative, they can't react until their initiative?  So I could run circles around them and they couldn't do anything? ]]

[[Iff OoC3 is true...]

Bonus Action:  Bazz brandishes his blade toward the skeleton who stands beside him and bellows ferociously at the creature... [Wrathful Smite!]

Action: With his blade charged with wrathful energy, Bazzalan hacks at the Skeleton with his longsword!  

Attack: [1d20+6] = 4+6 = 10, Damage: [1d8+4] = 8+4 = 12, Wrathful Smite: [1d6] = 2, Miss...  Dodgy
If I have advantage from a flank: If I have Advantage: [1d20+6] = 20+6 = 26, Critical!! Critical Damage: [1d8+4] = 2+4 = 6, [1d6] = 6; Total 12
Critical hit total: 26!  (Please god let me be flanking him!)
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(01-13-2021, 02:44 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC1: Sorry for taking so long to reply.  I picked up a day shift, which is something I rarely (like once a year) do.  And of course there was a new staff in this morning train.  And of course the regular day staff decided to take a client on a road trip to see his dad... during COVID... leaving me by myself to train someone shift duties I'm only vaguely knowledgeable of...   Angry  And I buggered my back again...  So I didn't have a lot of time to get online to post.   Sad   But I get to do this again on Sunday!  Just shoot me! ]

[OoC2: Ok, I can see where I am but I'm confused about how there can be 2 main decks. ]
[OoC3: It appears as if Skeletons aren't immune Psychic damage or to fear?  Huh  ]

[OoC4: Am I flanking the skeleton that's beside me?]

[[ I assume that just like in 3.5, since I beat them in initiative, they can't react until their initiative?  So I could run circles around them and they couldn't do anything? ]]

[[Iff OoC3 is true...]

Bonus Action:  Bazz brandishes his blade toward the skeleton who stands beside him and bellows ferociously at the creature... [Wrathful Smite!]

Action: With his blade charged with wrathful energy, Bazzalan hacks at the Skeleton with his longsword!  

Attack: [1d20+6] = 4+6 = 10, Damage: [1d8+4] = 8+4 = 12, Wrathful Smite: [1d6] = 2, Miss...  Dodgy
If I have advantage from a flank: If I have Advantage: [1d20+6] = 20+6 = 26, Critical!! Critical Damage: [1d8+4] = 2+4 = 6, [1d6] = 6; Total 12
Critical hit total: 26!  (Please god let me be flanking him!)

[OOC: No worries.  Schedule changes happen to all of us, sorry to hear about your back and the overwork though. That really sucks.  

So, some clarifications on your questions.  The only action the skeleton will be able to take before it's turn in the initiative order is a reaction to attack (attack of opportunity) anyone that leaves it's threatened squares (immediately adjacent because it doesn't have reach).  You are not retreating, so no worries about that.

5e skeleton by default are not immune to Psychic damage or fear.  It should be noted that Psychic damage is simply a damage type indicating that the damage is being delivered via psychic means.  5e skeletons (at least in my campaign) are immune to mind effects such as sleep and charm but the only damage type they are immune to is poison.

On the map there is only one main deck, although that is shown on both the Main Deck section of the map (at the top), and the larger ship view in the center.  the Main deck in parenthesis under that view is to indicate that the deck section between the stern and forecastle is the "main deck" area of the ship and that it isn't on the same level as the stern and forecastle.  In my next map update I will move up the sideview that I cut out that makes this understanding a little more intuitive I think.  I did not replicate the tokens from the main deck to the center map because I thought that would cause confusion also.  Any suggestions on how to better address this are welcome.

Unfortunately for Bazz, Flanking is not a 'thing' in 5e.  If someone has the (usually racial) ability "Pack Tactics" that gives them advantage if an ally is engaged with the enemy they are targeting, but just surrounding the enemy gives no more advantage that being able to use up their reaction and overwhelm them with action economy.

I've looked over Bazz's sheet and there doesn't appear to be anything that would give Bazz advantage out of the gate, so if you still want to do the longsword attack, I'm afraid that is going to be a miss.  As you had some rules clarifications, if you want to change your action based on that new information, feel free.]
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[OoC: You said that the skeleton can react to me retreating.  Does that include making a 5' step?]

[OoC2: I don't see any reason why Bazz should change his action.  ]
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(01-13-2021, 08:35 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC: You said that the skeleton can react to me retreating.  Does that include making a 5' step?]

[OoC2: I don't see any reason why Bazz should change his action.  ]

Each square is 5', so a 5' step is actively leaving the area under your own volition, so would trigger a reaction.
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There's no 5 foot step rule in 5e
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Round 1
Bazz - 19
Slick - 18
Minotaur Skeletons - 16
Skeletons - 15
Threadvine - 13
Annabelle -12
Cash - 9
Bill - 7
Anders - 7
Royce - 6
Rupert - 5
Ashheart - 4
Melville - 3
Chick - 1

Bazz lunges at the skeleton and his blade slides neatly between the ribcage, sticking into the door behind it.  Melville and Anders hear a second lightly thump following the heavy thump of the skeleton slamming against the door.

Slick whips around her shortbow and draws a bead on the skeleton that landed next to Rupert.  The arrow slams through the empty left eye socket and explodes out the back of the skull.  It immediately collapses into a pile of dust and boneshards. {18 to hit, 7+5 damage from sneak attack}

Almost as if in retribution one of the minotaur skeletons clambers over the stern rail, raises it's greataxe high and brings it down on Slick.  The tiny gnome collapses under the weight of of rusty weapon. {Nat 20, bullseyed Slick's HP on the crit damage}. The other minotaur skeleton scales the rails of the forecastle and attempts to catch Annebelle with it's axe.  She deftly ducks under the swing and the blade digs into the railing around the catapult turret. {9 to hit}

One skeleton scrabbles over the forecastle rail on the other side, taking a broad swing with it's rusty short sword but missing terribly.  The other that landed next to the mainmast closes in as well, outnumbering and mostly surrounding Cash and Annabelle.  It is harder to read on the insectoid face, but both show signs of consternation and worry, especially as this approaching skeleton lungs suddenly and catches Annabelle across the legs. {22 to hit, 8 damage}  She swears in pain.  

The skeleton next to Bill is able to slide it's rusty blade inside his guard and across his arms. {dirty 20 to hit, 4 damage}.  The one at the helmroom door attempts to lunge forward at Bazzalan, but Bazz's sword stuck through its ribs hamper the motion and it's blade falls inches short of Bazz's chest. {11 to hit}

With a roar, Threadvine charges up the stairs from the hold, only to be brought up short by the skeleton.  He tries to find his footing, but with the gleaming long sword in his right hand and the curved scimitar in his left he cannot get good positioning to make an attack. {Dash action}

Annabelle steels herself grimly and whips out her rapier at the minotaur skeleton.  The blade chips and snaps on of it's ribs, but the skeleton proceeds unhampered. {12 to hit, 5 damage}

Cash unsheaths the greatsword he carries across his back and brings it down on the skeleton that had hit Annabelle.  One of it's arms shatter under the force of the blow and it staggers heavily to one side, almost brought low in a single stroke. {14 to hit, 11 damage}  He swears, "Damn, bone bags.  Get off my turrent!" He bellows and directs his follow through at the other skeleton {Action surge}. The blade smashes the skeleton to dust. {24 to hit, 13 damage}

In the helmroom Anders projects her sight to the crows nest and cries out, "There are skeletons all over the ship, Melville!  One at the door even!"

Royce moves over to be in position to help defend Bazz if needed {Protector fighting style}, and slams his longsword into the skeleton at the door breaking a few bones {14 to hit, 5 damage}

It is now Rupert's turn.  Ashheart will just be running up and stuck on the stairs behind Threadvine.  Melville can go ahead an go after Rupert.

[Image: Shipbattle2.jpg]
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