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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Betimiu has a lot morte HP than 18,, just sayin' Wink
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(05-03-2021, 03:27 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Betimiu has a lot morte HP than 18,, just sayin'    Wink

[Betimi has 40+11 and 51.  Is the +11 your last roll?  Or is it a bonus from somewhere? ]
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The +11 is my temporary HP pool which refreshes every day from my Symnbionts and Symbiont Mastery feat. I keep it seperate because while it does refresh every day, it cannot be healed.
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[[Lovin' that init chart.]]
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(05-03-2021, 03:24 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: I updated the Initiative table. This should be easier to see. ]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
24.7Spider Creature---+22hps+11hps33/????------
24.4Ning/Nang------27/ 27---Mirror Image 2; Spitfire returns: [1d4]=4; (start of 2nd round)
19.1Selina------24/ 30 (max 50)10pts Con damage---
18.5Simon------49/ 49------
11.6Kubo------31/ 31 ------
10.5Betimi------51/ 40 (+11 bonus refreshed every day)------
5.1Crozar------7/ 7------
5.1Elemental------45/ 45------
5.0Tomeal------57/ 57------

[Luceat: HD: 6; HP: 45; Speed: 50; AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13);  Slam +7 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 fire); SA: Burn; Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse]

Quote:Crozar will direct the Luceat to charge the spider thing and will move itself to H13 and fire off another chakri at the spider-beast.

Rivebow shot: [1d20+3]=18+3=21+1=22

Critical on the rivebow is 19-20/x3

Rivebow damage: [2d6]=11 so if I understand it right and that is a Critical, then that would be 33 damage, right?

[Crozar, I know you said, you'd attack the leg and the elemental will attack the body.  Selina suggested you attack the leg with both.  Which action do you wish to do?

Also, I'm wondering how you calculated your attack rolls.  Did you include the Bless and Dark knowledge?  As a 1st level character you have a BAB +0; Dex +1; plus the bless +1 and DK +1: +3.  Am I missing something?  You added +3 and then a +1??]

[Sure we can both gang up on the leg.  I didn't think with the simple smash attack that the elemental had much change of hitting the theoretically harder target to hit, but I didn't take into account the +2 (although I don't think the Luceat had been summoned when the bless was thrown out there).

On the Attack I have Dex +1, Masterwork Rivebow +1.  I thought I had another inherent +1 but I cannot find the source. The extra +1 was from the bless and I missed the bonus from the DK.  So for this attack specifically, nothing changes thanks to the extra bonuses, but I will update my sheet to drop the bonus on the Rivebow to +2 base instead of +3.]
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[OoC: Thanks.  I only asked because you rolled so close to what you needed to hit that I wanted to make sure. ]

[OoC2: Remember, touch attacks are your friend!]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
24.7Spider Creature---+22hps+11hps33/????------
24.4Ning/Nang---7pts +19pts + 10pts-9/ 27DYING!!! Grappled!Mirror Image 2; Spitfire returns: [1d4]=4; (start of 3nd round)
19.1Selina------24/ 30 (max 50)10pts Con damage---
18.5Simon------49/ 49------
11.6Kubo------31/ 31 ------
10.5Betimi------51/ 40 (+11 bonus refreshed every day)------
5.1Crozar------7/ 7------
5.1Elemental---+11pts +11pts +8pts15/ 45Grappled---
5.0Tomeal------57/ 57------

[Luceat: HD: 6; HP: 45; Speed: 50; AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13);  Slam +7 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 fire); Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse]

Crozar moves around the shack and attempts to take a shot at the leg holding Ning.  He must aim carefully or hit someone in melee.  Crozar fires the bolt and it just misses the leg and almost hits Simon. [That damn firing into melee penalty!!   Sad  You would have hit it if you attacked with your cleaver!]

The elemental now moves like it's walking on tendrils of sunlight.  Knowing the Spider creature can't take opportunistic attacks, the Elemental moves south then moves under the legs that are holding Ning aloft to a position SW of Simon.  It then lashes out with a whip of pure light and heat... 

Attack: [1d20+10]=10+10=20, Slam: [1d6+1]=6+1=7, Fire: [1d6]=5; HIT! 

The tendril of energy both bashes and burns the spider's leg, causing the chitin to crack then melt away the muscle underneath.  The smoking leg drops to the ground, finally releasing Ning!

While fishing the potion out of his backpack [move action], Tomeal takes a 5' step closer to the creature.  He then pops the cork and swallows the contents. [Standard action] Tomeal's body begins to swell then suddenly he and all his equipment doubles in size!


Now really pissed off, the Spider-thing stomps around on the dozens of spear-like legs, causing everyone near it to have to dodge and weave to avoid being impaled to the ground.  It first attacks the creature it most recently remembers hurting it.  The elemental...

Leg rake 1: [1d20+15]=15+15=30, Damage: [1d6+6]=5+6=11; HIT!
Leg rake 2: [1d20+15]=2+15=17, Damage: [1d6+6]=5+6=11; HIT!

[Grapple Checks: When the creature hits with two legs it grapples as a free action!!]
Spider-Thing's Grapple: [1d20+19]=14+19=33; Succeeded
Elemental's Grapple: [1d20+4]=4+4=8; Failed

Constrict [3d6]=8; Auto Hit! [8 damage]

The first two legs rip through the Luceat and then instantly coil around the elemental and begins crushing it!  [30 damage!!]

With the elemental grappled, the creature starts stabbing at Ning again!

Leg rake 3: [1d20+15]=4+15=19, Damage: [1d6+6]=4+6=10; Mirror image 1 to 50 targeted Ning: [1d50]=9; Miss Ning!
Leg rake 4: [1d20+15]=8+15=23, Damage: [1d6+6]=1+6=7; Mirror image 1 to 50 targeted Ning: [1d50]=27; HIT Ning! [7 damage]
Leg rake 5: [1d20+15]=20+15=35, Damage: [1d6+6]=3+6=9; POSSIBLE CRITICAL!!  Mirror image 1 to 50 targeted Ning: [1d50]=42; HIT NING!
Leg rake 5 Confirming Critical: [1d20+15]=15+15=30, Damage: [1d6+6]=4+6=10; CRIT CONFIRMED; (19 damage!)

[Grapple Checks: When the creature hits with two legs it grapples as a free action!!] Constrict [3d6]=10; Auto Hit; [10 damage]

Ning dodges one of the legs but as he turns to fly away, a second leg nabs him, allowing a third leg to impale him through the chest!  With both legs attached, the Spider-thing easily grapples the small Kobold and starts crushing him!  [35 damage TOTAL!  Confused  Ning is out and nearly dead.  Remember the house rule where you die when you reach your con in negative hit points.] 

The Creature then begins attack Simon!  

Leg rake 6: [1d20+15]=3+15=18, Damage: [1d6+6]=5+6=11; Miss!
Leg rake 7: [1d20+15]=4+15=19, Damage: [1d6+6]=2+6=8; Miss!
Leg rake 8: [1d20+15]=8+15=23, Damage: [1d6+6]=2+6=8Displacement (1-50 misses): [1d100]=14; Miss!

The legs begin stabbing all around Simon.  He dodges two attacks and his displacement foils the third.  "This thing never stops!" Simon yells.  


[Image: UTEpn9V.png]
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Betimi calls down lightning again. While she does so she looks for trhe old woman and the plow-golem, to see what they are doing, as trheyt have nott involved in the figfht, she wants to be sure they are nort facing another foe.

Lightning Strike [3d6]=13 DC 16 Refl for 1/2
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No!  Ningalu...  Selune...what more can I do?

Selina looks as though she is in near-mourning.  If she stays here and channels, she may keep Ningalu from dying outright, but what happens after that?  If she prepares herself to enter the melee, Ninaglu may die anyway.

She bites her lip and closes her eyes, a single tear of fear running down her cheek.  Not fear for her own self.  She does not want to watch her friend die.

Breathing heavily, she calls on her goddess one more time, beseeching her for aid in saving her kobold friend.

[[I don't see how she can help at this point by drinking her potion.  So she's going to Channel again for...]]

Turn Healz: [2d6]=5

[[Ugh. That's not great.  But it keeps Ning from dying.  Maybe... Sadly, the channel doesn't affect the elemental. Kill it with fire, Tomeal. Or whatever you have available.]]
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(05-03-2021, 08:16 PM)Betimi Wrote: Betimi calls down lightning again.  While she does so she looks for the old woman and the plow-golem, to see what they are doing, as they have not involved in the fight, she wants to be sure they are not facing another foe.

[[The old woman has been hobbling around her shack, gathering components for something.  She doesn't move fast so it's taking some time to do whatever it is she's doing.  As for the plow, well it's hiding behind the shack, scared shitless!  Perhaps yelling at it to get in there an fight might coax it into doing something.  Or at least let the old woman know the Plow is hiding because she can't see it.]]
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Betimi will yell, "Plow get in there and fight! You are literally a walking weapon, tsart chopping!"
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