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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(01-09-2021, 01:51 AM)Melville Wrote: Navigation - advantage [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12  Advantage = a tie

Melville spends the first thirty minutes of the trip double and triple checking his calculations.  He is certain there was a more efficient route, but he'd be damned if he can find where he is going wrong.  Even so, getting to the shell from the current location of Bral in under two weeks is pretty good.  Better than average anyway.

Chick acknowledges the route and thanks Melville for the information.  She asks that he ask Bazz to bring her some toast with butter when he has a moment.  Melville had been too focused on the navigation plotting to notice, but Bazz never came in to check the rotation.
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Calculations done, Melviulle heads yp to find Baz, before Ashheart or Threadvine realize he has not checked the rotation yet.

HWhen he finds Bazz he informs him of the rotation,  and of the dutries of the person who was just before each person currently manning the helmto attend to the person currently in the helm.  Since Bazz is last in the rotation that means he is to be attending to Chick, who wants some toast and butter whgen he can. 

After telling Bazz this he reports to Threadvine to advise him of the course being plotted in.
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(01-09-2021, 12:39 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: Rupert strikes a match he uses for his pipe and offers it to light Bill's cigarette, before taking two steps back and trying to say in a quiter voice, "SORRY SIR, I WILL SEE IF SLICK NED HELP!", he then spin on his heal and marches away with a slightly dejected cast to his massive shoulders.

As he approaches slick trying not to shout, He ask " CAN I HELP WITH ANYTHING? DO YOU NEED ANY SUPPLIES FROM THE HOLD?"
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(01-09-2021, 10:48 PM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote:
(01-09-2021, 12:39 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: Rupert strikes a match he uses for his pipe and offers it to light Bill's cigarette, before taking two steps back and trying to say in a quiter voice, "SORRY SIR, I WILL SEE IF SLICK NED HELP!", he then spin on his heal and marches away with a slightly dejected cast to his massive shoulders.

As he approaches slick trying not to shout, He ask " CAN I HELP WITH ANYTHING? DO YOU NEED ANY SUPPLIES FROM THE HOLD?"

As Rupert enters the galley, he sees Anders and Annabelle seated at one of the tables and is washed over by the smells of coffee, tea, oranges, bacon and eggs.  Ashheart and Slick work in the galley kitchen.  Slick smiles broadly at Rupert as he approaches, the top of her head barely even with the top of the stove.  Several retractable shelves have been worked between the various drawers to allow her to reach the heights she needs to cook effectively.  Ashheart is working as some form of sous-chef, chopping and prepping things.  "Morning, bubby!" she says, "Thank you for asking.  If you look down in the cold hold, you should find a rasher of bacon in one of the ice chests on the right.  Bring that on up, and one of the small bags of coffee."  She spares you another scintillating smile before turning back to her cooking.

Royce comes in to the galley behind you, grabs a plate and begins dumping food on it.  To no one in particular he says, "Glad we went all out on a first meal.  This is great, and some grease to fight off the headache from last night."
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(01-08-2021, 06:28 PM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Well Bazz was just given the three of them 20gp's for extra supplies so Bazzalan will use that to pay for the books.  Then he'll add, "I'm sure the captain will be looking for buyers for the cool stuff we find so I will certainly tell him you're interested.  And please keep on the look out for any other books or scrolls with useful information on this subject.  Obviously we would pay.  But when searching for this info, please do not draw attention to yourselves.  There are lots of unsavory types in this port who would do terrible things to someone just to get their hands on a few coppers!"

Bazz then thanks them for the help and then scurries off back to the ship.

Once back on board, Bazz returns to the Captain's quarters where they both spend the next hour going over the books behind closed doors.  Threadvine mentions that he should probably make an appearance at the launch, but decided that it wasn't a big deal and everything was going smoothly.  The two of you are still working through the new information and trying to sort out possible references when the smell of cooking food begins drifting under the door.  Threadvine's stomach gurgled loudly and he set down the salvage register.  He says, "Let's get some food Bazz, we can come back to this later.  We've likely got the better of two weeks before we get to the shell, and none of this is likely to change our course before then."  He stands and open the door just as Melville was about to knock.  Rupert and several of the rest of the crew are spread about the galley and a general chorus of "Good morning, captain!" arose from the crew.
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When Melville doesn't immediately find Bazz, he gets Chick the buttered toast and a coffee and an orange as well

"He's cloistered with the Captain."
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[OoC: So just making sure, these books are a lone? ]

When Bazzalan meets up with the captain, he'll show him what he managed.  He also explains that the people he got the items from would like to have an opportunity to buy some of our finds.  Bazz will then join the captain for lunch.  He says good morning to everyone especially his two friend.
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(01-10-2021, 01:53 PM)Melville Wrote: When Melville doesn't immediately find Bazz, he gets Chick the buttered toast and a coffee and an orange as well

"He's cloistered with the Captain."

As Melville is about to exit the galley, the door of the Captain's quarters open and Threadvine and Bazz emerge.

[Ooc: sorry, forgot.melville was reporting course to ashheart, although he would have told you to go knock, so we wind up in basically the same place.]
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Melville  snaps to attention, and addresses Threadvine.

"Course is plotted to the crystal shell, sir. I am sure there might be a shorter way, but I did not find it. It should take us 13 and a half days."

Then he turns to Bazz, ""You are last in the rotation. Traditionally, it seems that each helmsman sees to the needs of the helmsman that replaces them in the rotation. As you were busy, and unaware of the rotation, I was seeing to Chick for you. She requested this toast and butter, so I was just about to bring her this breakfast. If you will excuse me, I will be right back."

He waddles off back to the helm room quickly to see if Chick needs anything else and delivers her breakfast before returning to the galley.
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Rupert will retrieve the crasher of bacon and the bag of coffee from the hold and returns with them and says "WHERE DO YOU WANT THEM?"
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