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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Quote:Ning floats 5' toward the creature Tomeal is battling.  He peers down at the skeletal critter and breaths a cone of acidic fire over its body.
Reflex save: [1d20+4]=10+4=14; Of course... So that's a possible success.  Waiting on Ning's reply about the DC of the attack. [Damage 19 or 9]  

The DC is 14 (10+Dex]
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Betimi moves to G11 to get a clearer shot at #1. Then fires her crossbow

Croosbow attack (-4 shooting int melee, +4 Vanguard Strike) [1d20+9]=15+9=24; Damage [1d8+1]=3+1=4; + Cold [1d6]=3
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[OoC: I edited my last post based upon Ning's adjusting the DC of his attack, as well as some continuity errors like forgetting to add Tomeal's cleave damage to Creature #2 and spelling.  Rolleyes  I really do know how to spell.  I even have a spell checker.  But the little buggers still sneak past it sometimes. ]

Creature #2, who was seconds ago cleaved by Tomeal [11 damage], is suddenly engulfed with Spitsear from Ning's maw.  The beast just barely dodges his attack but is still seared by his burning breath [9 damage].  A split second later a vial filled with fluid 'tinks-tinks' on the ground at its feet.  The creature glances down at the bottle and then suddenly it detonates into a massive explosion [33 damage] that seems to completely avoid Tomeal.  Bit's of spongy bone and plant matter spray upward on Simon and Ning; and down uponTomeal.  [All three of your attacks put it at -4 hit points ]   

21.2 Tomeal (Damage 3 + 3 = 6)
20.4 Ning/Nang
20.3 Simon
20.1 Creatures (Medium) [#1 Damage 21 Current damage; Selina + 9 +5 sonic + 9 SW = 44 damage; Then Betimi +4 damage = 48 + 3 cold damage = 51 damage Dead] [#2: 53 Damage - Dead ]
14.6 Kubo
12.1 Selina (Damage 4)
12.0 Dog
9.4 Betimi
7.1 Crozar
7.1 Elementarii [HD 6; Hp: 49; AC:18; Attack: +7; Damage: (2d6+1)+1d6 Fire ]
4.2 Creatures (small) [All 4 are dead]

Conditions and Bonuses: Everyone gains +4 bonus to melee and ranged attacks against Creature #1 from Selina's Vanguard strike!

Kubo then moves and reloads his crossbow.  He then aims (shooting into melee -4 to hit) and fires.  But even with trying to fire with his comrades so close, the bolt is harmlessly absorbed into the creature's spongy plant material.  [Miss!]

Selina grunts slightly from the minor claw attacks and (unknowingly) manages to fight off the creature's disease causing wounds. [Tomeal: "Selina GRUNTED SLIGHTLY?"   Angry  "DIE!"]
Selina then slices down into the creature [9 damage] and while the blade is still sunk deep into the beast it releases a rattling BOOM, which blows a circular hole in its spongy ribs, around the blade. [5 damage.  Total: 14 damage!]
The moonblade then drifts over [I have to move it to J-11 because it always has to attack from your direction.] and also slices deep into the creature! [9 damage]   The creature is barely holding itself together from all the vicious attacks!

Dog continues to hold back.  Seeming to instinctively know from the nasty spores floating around it, that this is not something he would want to bite.

Betimi then moves closer and fires at the creature.  The bolt strikes it in the sternum [3 damage] and then instantly freezes the area around the bolt!  The sternum shatters, causing the rest of the creature to simply crumble into a pile on the ground.


[Image: GUoaIWgm.jpg]
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Selina waits until the count of 10, wincing as her resolve releases the pain into her one last time, then slowly exhales and takes an...uncertain breath.  "Is everyone alright?"
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[OoC: In case anyone was interested, I updated the map and posted it. ]

In that 10 count, Tomeal is at Selina's side checking her wounds.  He would yell medic but she was the medic.  "I have a minor scratch on my leg.  Nothing really to worry about.  But let me look at your wounds...  You have a thigh wound [4 damage]; a minor cut inside the left elbow [2 damage]; and a nasty looking wound in your right armpit above your right breast! [7 damage]  [Total = 13 damage]  We need to heal this right away.  I think only you and I were actually injured."

Tomeal calls to everyone else, "Anyone else injured?"
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Selina could have stopped Tomeal as he rattles off her injuries...but it was simply too adorable!  Instead, she sets her face in the kind of strained smile that indicates someone struggling to hold back laughter, mirth filling her eyes before she breaks and chuckles softly, shaking her head.  "Do you mean to tell a healer her job?  You sweet, thoughtful man, you."  She then gently pats his cheek, slips one of the healing wands out, and boops him softly on the nose with it.  Blinking and shaking the wand slightly as she's unhappy with the result, she boops him a second time before he can stop her.

CLW: [1d8+1]=2+1=3
CLW: [1d8+1]=5+1=6

Smiling and nodding in satisfaction, she puts the item away and curls her hand around her holy symbol, pressing her other hand against her midsection and focusing.

[[Channeling Conviction into a CLW.  Since we're probably safe now, she'll spend the full minute to maximize it.  8+4 gets her close to max.]]

"Is anyone else injured at all?"
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[OoC: Remember, Wands also have to make caster level checks.  Most CLW wands are cast at 1st level.  This area gives a bonus of +2 to Caster level checks. ]
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[[Oh shoot. I forgot about those. That's three checks. But she's still into the Protection from Chaos field, yeah?]]
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Betimi shakes her head, "I am uninjured. Ningalu if you would be so kind as to hover near Selina." 
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Ningalu flies over to hover next to Selina.

[OoC pro from chaos granting +5 to the CL check,]
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