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Droskar's Crucible
Lucian finished searching the room for anything magical and didn't find anything dangerous or useful.  He nodded to Oriana, "The room is clear of anything magical, dangerous or otherwise. If you've cleared it of everything else, we should move back to the center hall to keep an eye on that corridor while the others collect themselves." 

With that, the wizard moved down to Dunndero and give the man a soft pat on the shoulder, "Hey, Don't feel bad about those skeleton's affecting you.  The heads gave off a magical fear, it's very hard to resist." Then he gave the orc fighter a reassuring nod and walked back toward the last corridor to make sure nothing came running down it to surprise them.

(Action - Maintains Shield. Already moved on the map.)
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A sagacious suggestion. Toryn headed back to the kitchen with Kallista to continue sorting the fallen kobold equipment; he was also curious to learn more about the bard's and hunter's story. This expedition is proving to be quite the haul. I don't know if we have the space to bring it all back with us, but a surplus of salvage is a good problem to have!
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Once Dunndero has recovered from his fear and his wounds are sufficiently healed, he gets back to his feet and heads to the alcove to retrieve his battleaxe from where he dropped it in the fight. He will then check on the well being of his friends.
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Chuckling at the gnomes antics, she said, We are going to need to get us a pack mule to carry all your junk my friend, not to mention a portable smithy once I have some free time to ply the trade. Following Toryn back to where the kobold slain were scattered, she began going through their belongings, looking for anything of value or interest.
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Breezy finishes patching up people and decides to go help look for stuff. The small leshy enjoyed the finding of things if not fully understanding all the uses of things that were found.
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As the group disperses to search the areas they passed through, Satoru walks up to the two escapees and begins to talk with them. 

Edgrin nods Yes. You dont know the half of it. Ive been stuck down here for weeks. The only survivor of the adventuring band I was with...though we didnt have the numbers you have. If I couldnt entertain those Kobolds Idve been sacrificed as well.

Barlus sits tiredly and says I have only been here a handful of days. Ive lost track of how many...the days melding together in the dark down here. They still have one prisoner down there. He couldnt move. He was too injured.


Kallista and Toryn go back to looking over gear with Lucians Help looking for magic. Both The Axe of the fallen hero Glintaxe and the Chain weapon the white kobold leader was using emit the glow of magic. Both have runes of potency etched into them. Additionally when hefted, The Glitnaxe glows with a continual flame that has been enchanted with it. A flame that emits light but no heat. The full suit of plate armor lies on the floor. knowing armor as they do, they realize only someone with great strength can move about in this armor and it can be adjusted to fit anyone of up to the normal heights and weights, precluding someone of too small a stature or someone large. The white Kobold had a set of keys on him. The rest only had normal spears and leather armors. Though one Kobold had 12 crossbow bolts on his person.

Dunndero and Larz move into the kitchen to search. Dunndero looking through the cooking ware and the furnace finding nothing but Larz searched the shelves and discovered a stone behind some refuse that could be shifted and behind it 3 vials that he pulled out to take to Lucian.


Oriana and Breezy went down to the bunkhouse to search it quickly . Probably because of his smaller stature, Breezy found a sealed bone scroll tube under one of the bunks against the outer wall. Oriana found nothing of value.
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Unless Larz has an objection, I think we adjust this armor to fit our half-orcan friend if he wants it, and this axe, well it's definitely up his alley, Kallista said, then quipped my own personal armor is coming soon enough so I've no need and Dunndero throws himself onto the front lines as much as I do.
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Breezy practically, well literally skips back to find Lucian and present him with the sealed bone scroll tube.  He presented the scroll the the mage happily to the wizard. "Here you go." Breezy says "Hopefully this will be helpful."
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(03-12-2024, 05:54 PM)DM Dread Wrote: As the group disperses to search the areas they passed through, Satoru walks up to the two escapees and begins to talk with them. 

Edgrin nods Yes. You dont know the half of it. Ive been stuck down here for weeks. The only survivor of the adventuring band I was with...though we didnt have the numbers you have. If I couldnt entertain those Kobolds Idve been sacrificed as well.

Barlus sits tiredly and says I have only been here a handful of days. Ive lost track of how many...the days melding together in the dark down here. They still have one prisoner down there. He couldnt move. He was too injured.

Satoru nods compassionately.  “There certainly were a lot of the…filthy, little buggers.”  Then his eyes snap a bit in Barlus’ direction.  "Wait, you said ‘down there’?  Down where?"
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Larz comes walking up to the group and hears Kalista talking about his Uncles Armor. I agree with you Kalista, and more then that I know my Uncle, that's where he would want his armor on the front line. If it is alright with all of you I would carry my Uncles  axe. What ever you Decide Lady Kalista, It will not affect me following your commands. Now if you'll excuse me I must report to the captain. With that said the dwarf walks over to where Lucian and Satoru are talking with the freed Prisoners. Larz holds out the three vials he recovered from the Kitchen are. These potions were found in the mess hall Sir.
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