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The Rock
Ooc - this is where a map would be great. I'll try my hand at descriptive text.

The greater picture of the docking port is circular in shape with the control tower located at he center. The outer edge of the docking port are where the blue energy fields and doors are that let the starships pass through. The different sections of docking port are divided up like the numbers of a clock, and further broken up by concentric sections, (A) being the outer area (B) the middle and © the innermost circle. This information helps the dumb load lifters that lumber about. There are four main tunnels leading from the port to the outer ring of the station, they make a cross from a top view but are beneath the surface of the asteroid. They are meet below the control tower and entrances are located there as well.

From Long's view in section 9A he is against the outer wall where various mechanical and energy devices are located, and about 15 meters in either direction are large energy fields that keep the empty cold space out. Not that he minds that sort of stuff. There is the usual hustle and bustle of a space dock, mechanics at work on ships and the facility, lifter droids lumbering by, even small maintenance droids similar to Long roam around running errands. Assuming Long is facing the Gand's body up against the wall, to his left is an empty landing bay with a few crates and barrels littered around the edges of a marked off square. To his right is another landing bay with a small tug ship being modified by mechanics and droids. There is a a large rolling tool box there and stacks of durasteel beams and parts littered about. Directly behind him are the "tails" that followed him and the Captain. Section 9, being in between space doors, is filled with crates and fuel barrels and parts etc.
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[OoC how much command of the lifter droids does the docking cbay computer system exert, does Long think that she could conceivable get one to accidentally knock over a pile of crates or a fuel barrel?]
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(06-25-2016, 01:23 AM)MK-L1G "Long Wrote: [OoC how much command of the lifter droids does the docking cbay computer system exert, does Long think that she could conceivable get one to accidentally knock over a pile of crates or a fuel barrel?]

Ooc - not directly, Long would have to override their safety features to make them deliberately break or spill things.  However, these are big "dumb" droids and Long saw first hand how they handle situations out of the ordinary.  Perhaps if someone, i.e. your computer-gal, gave them sufficiently complex orders they "may" cause trouble... there's only one way to find out.
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Long activates his communicator and links to the Docking bay computer.

~Hey darlin', it's me again I was wondering if you could get some of the lifter droids to do me a favour, I need some supplies moved quickly, and I need to get a repair done.~

He quickly relays to her in Binary the instructions for one of the repair droids to come and start welding a patch onto one of the metal cargo crates, regardless of whether such a repair is needed.  At the same time he requests  the lifter droids in the area, with the exception of the lifter droid currently being commanded by Captain Sunt to start shifting crates and fuel barrels around, the paths he request are only slightly complex but the end result is two of the lfter droids carrying fuel barrels to deposit their fuel barrels in the same spot at as close to teh same time as he can calculate.  That spot is right next to the droid doing the welding.

[OoC since it is a complex series of commands and calulations I will roll several times, even though Issue a Routine Command is normally automatic with a computer that is Friendly or better...
Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+13] = 15+13 = 28  oops forgot I get +3 with her not +2.. that should be a 29
Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+14] = 18+14 = 32
Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+14] = 1+14 = 15
Use Computer - Issue a Routine Command [1d20+14] = 14+14 = 28 ]
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If his ploy is successful, and results in the nice blazing fuel fire that he hops, he will trigger the fire suppression systems in the entire segment himself, while rolling forward vocabulating as loud as he can 

~"Fire! Fire! Fire! Clear the area!"~

As he rolls toward the fire and between Sunt and their tails he begions to discharge his fire extinguisher in a sustained burst, hoping to create a cloud of fire retardant.
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"Sure thing honey." The docking terminal responds and sends out instructions to both the lifter and repair droids. As she does this you are fed the transmissions and acknowledgements in real time so you can track their movements.

Meanwhile, Ubi-Sunt is ordering the lifter droid to a spot that partially blocks the view of the body and tries to pick it up. You notice the tails move in closer to get a better look at what's going on. Long realizes that the timing of the repair droids welding and the arrival of the lifter droid may be too late. "Hey, you, what's going on there!" One of the security guards yells at the Captain. Almost immediately Long begins spraying a cloud of fire retardant in the area and vocabulating, "Fire, fire, clear the area." Just then a fuel can topples over and a small repair droid says "Oh shit" in binary.


One of the guards, standing not far from the explosion is knocked flat on the ground, his uniform smoldering. Ubi looks up at Long and shakes his head but takes the opportunity to dump the body in the crate. "Take this back to my ship." He orders the lifter droid.
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[Lol.. maybe not the anticipated distraction but I'll take it.]

[If the docking bay fire suppression systems  go off and spray the whole area with fire retardant as I expected..]
When the docking bay fire suppression system goes off Long takes advantage of the concealing cloud to slip away towards the entrance to the Control Tower.

[Stealth [1d20+15] = 19+15 = 34]

As he does that Ubi Sunts communicator earpiece suddenly crackles ~Headed for the Control Room~
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"I hope you know what your doing cause it's our asses if you don't!" Captain Sunt responds over the comms.

"Dez, I have the body. In route to the Wild Card, get the loading lift ready."

Long dashes through clouds of fire retardant as he wheels towards the control tower. He arrives at the entrance and enters the code to enter. It works and Long enters unnoticed. There is a desk where a guard should be but no one is there inside the lower level of the control tower. This is the first time Long has ever been here. Across the room is a small two man lift shaft but no lift. There is a control panel next to the lift and another one on the guard desk.
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[OoC do you mean a control panel for the lift, or an access to the docking control tower computers]

Avoiding the lift itself, Long rolls over to beneath the lift and silently kicks on his anti-grav thrusters, silently gliding up the lft shaft, while extending his neck to it's fullest to peek into the room above the shaft.

[Stealth [1d20+15] = 20+15 = 35]
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Ooc - just the lift control panel, or we may know it as the elevator button Smile

Long flies up the shaft and, being small enough he thinks he can squeeze past the lift floor to fly all the way up to the next level. His neck extends far enough so that his photo receptors are at eye level with the floor and he gets a good view of the actual control room. Two human technicians sit at controls and frantically work the panels. One Quaren struts around the room giving orders to call additional fire control units and override lifter droids and reroute them to clear away combustibles from the area. The Quarren then barks at a Rodian in a security uniform to get back to his station. The Rodian nods and heads toward the lift Long is floating next to.
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